Lecture Notes:

  1. A. Pelster, An Introduction to Synergetics by the Example of the Laser
    Seminar at the Joint Research Center in Ispra, 1994

  2. A. Pelster, Theoretische Mechanik
    Skript zur Vorlesung in den Wintersemestern 2000/2001 und 2001/2002
    ps-file und pdf-file

  3. A. Pelster, Bose-Einstein-Kondensation
    Skript zur Vorlesung im Sommersemester 2004
    pdf-file und ps-file

  4. A. Pelster, Bosons in Optical Lattices
    Summer School and Workshop Quo Vadis BEC?;
    Max-Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, August 2 -- 20, 2010
  5. pdf-file

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