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Members of the Giersig Group @ FU Berlin

Prof. Dr. Michael Giersig

Group coordinator
Email: giersig@physik.fu-berlin.de
Telephone: 0049-030-838-51404
Office: 0.2.06

Eser M. Akinoglu

PhD Student
PECVD of carbon nanotubes; Sophisticated nanostructures 
Email: esera@zedat.fu-berlin.de
Telephone: 0049-030-838-54576
Office: 0.1.15

Gökalp Engin Akinoglu

Master student
Advanced plasmonic systems for application for life sciences 
Email: engina@zedat.fu-berlin.de
Telephone: 0049-030-838-54576
Office: 0.1.15

Ömer Akay

PhD students
Email: oldboy@zedat.fu-berlin.de
Telephone: 0049-030-838-54576
Office: 0.1.15


Dr. Anthony J. Morfa

Humboldt Post-Doc Fellow
Photon management for opto electronics; Novel sensor design
Email: amorfa@zedat.fu-berlin.de

Dr. rer. nat. Michael Hilgendorff

Dye conjugated biocompatible magnetite colloids
Email: m.hilgendorff@fu-berlin.de

Niclas S. Mueller

Master Student
Chemical vapor deposition growth of graphene
Email: niclasm@physik.fu-berlin.de

Valerio Oddone

Master Student
Nanostructured metallic thin films
Email: valerio.oddone@daad-alumni.de

Ivar Kumberg

Bachelor Student
Seeded growth of graphene by chemical vapor deposition
Email: ikumberg@zedat.fu-berlin.de