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Prof. Dr. Louisa Reissig

Louisa Reissig

Institute of Experimental Physics


Biomimetic (opto)electronic devices

Institute of Experimental Physics
Arnimallee 14
Room Office: Arnimallee 22, A.128
14195 Berlin

Office hours

Wednesday, 10-12 am

Research Career/Education

2014-2016 Designated Assistant Professor

Nagoya University, School of Science & Research Center for Material Sciences, Nagoya, Japan - group of Prof. Awaga

Research focus: Differential Photodetection, Protein Photodetectors, Organic Thin Film Characterization.

2012-2014 Postdoctoral Researcher

Nagoya University, Research Center for Material Sciences, Nagoya, Japan - group of Prof. Awaga

Research focus: Protein Photodetectors, Differential Photodetection.

2010-2013 Postdoctoral Researcher

Nagoya University, Division of Biological Science, Nagoya, Japan - group of Prof. Sudo (now Okayama University)

Research focus: Structure-Function Relationship of Photoactive Membrane Proteins.

2010 PhD

University of Edinburgh, UK

Thesis: The Equilibrium and Non-equilibrium Behaviour of Surfactant Systems.

2006 MSc

University of Warsaw, Poland (Centre of Inter-Faculty Individual Studies in Mathematical and Natural Sciences - MISMaP)

Specialization in Biophysics.

Selected Funding/Fellowships/Prizes

  • DFG Einzelantrag, project number: 422038271 (grant number, RE-3109\2-1) (2019)
  • Kakenhi (Grant in Aid for young scientist B) (2016): Biomimetic Photodetectors
  • JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship (2012-2015)
  • Marie-Curie Fellowship, EST in Biomimetic systems (2006-2008)
  • Price of the German Physical Society (2002)