Curriculum Vitae

Helmut Gabriel
Professor of Theoretical Physics
Department of Physics
Freie Universität Berlin
Arnimallee 14, 14195 Berlin

born: Reichenbach, Germany, September 27, 1933
Education: Diploma in Physics (Diplom-Physiker), Technische Universität Braunschweig, 1958 Ph.D. (Dr. rer. nat.), Theoretical Physics, 1960
Habilitation, 1966, Theoretical Physics both at, Technische Universität; Braunschweig

Academic Positions:

1961-1969: Research Associate, Technische Universität Braunschweig
1969-1976: Associate Professor of Theoretical Physics, Freie Universität (FU) Berlin
1976-: Full Professor of Theoretical Physics, FU Berlin
1968-1969 : Visiting Scientist at Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, Berkeley/Calif. (Fellowship, Max-Kade-Foundation)
1975- 1986 : Chairman of the Special Collaborative Research Centre "Hyperfine interactions"promoted by DFG
1975 : Sabatical Semester at Centre d'Etudes Nucléaire, Grennoble (France)
1984 : Sabatical Semester, Institute of Physics, University of Aarhus
1987 : Vize - Chairman of the Special Collaborative Research Centre "Energy- and charge - transfer in molecular aggregats"

Research in Physics:

Theory of transport properties in condensed matter (magnetotransport, polaron effects). The effect of nuclear and electron-spin relaxation on Mössbauer- and Perturbed-Angular spectra. Theoretical investigations of the electron capture and the production of polarization in ion-surface scattering. Energy- and charge transfer in matrix-isolated molecular aggregates. Chaotic transport and fragmentation processes. (-see Summary of the results obtained by our research group in 1994 -1995 and List of publications)


All levels and types of courses in theoretical physics.

Administrative Positions and Membership in External Committees and Boards

1971-1972 : Chairman of the Physics Department, FU Berlin
1972-1974 : Member of the Kuratorium
1978-1982 : Vice-President (Natural Sciences and Research) of Freie Universität Berlin
1987-1990 : Chairman of the Physics Department, FU Berlin
1988-1993 : Member of the Science Council of the Federal Republic of Germany
1993 : Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the Science Council

Übersicht Helmut Gabriel