Forschungsseminar der AG Bittl, Wintersemester 2014/15
Termin: Dienstag, 10:15, Raum 0.4.44
Seminarplan Wintersemester 2014/15
Datum |
Vortragender |
Titel |
14.10.2014 |
Stephen Hogg (Dundee) |
EDMR on Solar Cell Materials |
21.10.2014 |
Matthias Schnurr (FMP) |
Xenon Hyper-CEST NMR and MRI in biomembrane systems |
28.10.2014 |
Annegret Göpfert |
Sicherheitsbelehrung |
04.11.2014 |
Martin Anske |
11.11.2014 |
Bartosz Kowalik |
Hydration repulsion in gel and fluid bilayers investigated by molecular dynamics simulations |
18.11.2014 |
Egor Nasibulov |
25.11.2014 |
02.12.2014 |
Philipp Selenko (FMP) |
Looking at proteins in live cells with atomic resolution: from Science Fiction to Science Reality |
09.12.2014 |
Christoph Meier |
New results about ED-Hyscore on microcrystalline and amorphous Si solar cells |
16.12.2014 |
Andrew Plested (FMP) |
AMPA-type glutamate receptor |
13.01.2015 |
27.01.2015 |
Sondertermin |
Alice Wittig |
Topology of Bax at the membrane |
03.02.2015 |
10.02.2015 |
Siavash Saeidpour |
Properties of Dexamethasone in the different solvent and nanotransports system investigated by EPR |