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Magnetic behaviour of non-interacting colloidal iron oxide nanoparticles in physiological solutions, Haracz, S; Mróz, B.; Rybka, J. D.; Giersig, M., CRYSTAL RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY, VOLUME: 50, Pages 792-796, DOI: 10.1002/crat.201500091
Observation of a hole-size-dependent energy shift of the surface-plasmon resonance in Ni antidot thin films, Fang, H.,; Caballero, B.; Akinoglu, EM; Papaioannou, TH; García-Martín, A.; Cuevas, J. C.; Giersig, M.; Fumagalli, P., APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, Volume 15, Issue: 15, Page 153104, DOI: 10.1063/1.4917513
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The application of carbon nanotubes for reducing the friction losses of internal combustion engine, Kałużny, J. , Iskra, A. , Giersig, M. , Kempa, K., COMBUSTION ENGINES, VOLUME: 54, ISSUE: 3, Pages 64-77