Seminar Sommersemester 2007
- Beginn: 16.04.2007
- Zeit: Montags 16:15-17:45
- Ort: Seminarraum E2 (1.1.53)
Diplomanden, Doktoranden, Studenten im HauptstudiumArt der Durchführung:
W. KuchThemen:
Datum |
Thema |
Vortragender |
16.04.2007 | The role of magnetic inhomogeneities in linear and non-linear magnetization relaxation in thin films |
P. Krivosik, Colorado State University |
23.04.2007 | Effect of interface roughness on the magnetic anisotropy in epitaxial films | F. Chemam |
30.04.2007 | Scanning tunneling microscopy on catalytic surfaces | I. Stass |
07.05.2007 |
Magneto-optical Kerr effect | M. Stampe |
14.05.2007 | Magnetic anisotropy, magnetic interlayer coupling and ferromagnetic resonance | K. Lenz |
21.05.2007 | Scanning tunneling spectroscopy on single molecules and molecular nanostructures | K. Franke |
04.06.2007 | High wave vector spin waves in ultrathin Fe films on W(110) | W. X. Tang, MPI für Mikrostrukturphysik, Halle |
18.06.2007 | Adsorption studies of different azobenzene molecules on Cu(001) and Au(111) | M. Piantek |
28.06.2007 (Thursday! SR T2) |
Development and characterization of a magnetic sample holder for PEEM | J. Schlichting |
02.07.2007 | Ni nanoparticles embedded in organic matrices | G. Salvan, TU Chemnitz |
09.07.2007 | Absenkung der Austrittsarbeit von CuGaSe2 durch Cs | S. Ahmed-Nacer |
07.08.2007 (11:00 Uhr, Sondertermin!) |
Controlling magnetic anisotropy and probing magnetic structure in magnetic nanoparticles and ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic bilayers | M.-T. Lin, National Taiwan University |