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Seminar Wintersemester 2009/2010


  • Beginn: 12.10.2009
  • Zeit: Montags 14:15-15:45
  • Ort: Seminarraum E3 (1.4.31)


Diplomanden, Doktoranden, Studenten im Hauptstudium

Art der Durchführung:

Seminar (Details)


W. Kuch





12.10.2009 Vorbesprechung
W. Kuch
19.10.2009 X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy of Fe Complexes on Surfaces: Electronic Interactions and Tailoring of the Magnetic Coupling
M. Bernien
26.10.2009 Isotope-selective measurements in layered magnetic nanostructures (Abstract)
W. A. A. Macedo (CDTN Belo Horizonte, Brazil)
02.11.2009 Switching kinetics of spiropyran films on Au(111)
A. Krüger
09.11.2009 Science in Taipei
M. Stampe
16.11.2009 Covarage-tunable adsorption superstructure with high thermal stability: C60/Cu(001) (Abstract)
S.-S. Wong (National Taiwan University)
23.11.2009 News from the ECOSS 2009
J. Miguel
07.12.2009 X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy and Computer Simulations on the Mn Complex of Photosystem II: Evaluation of Recent Structural Models
A. P. Grundmeier
14.12.2009 Stabilization of antiferromagnetic order in FeO nanolayers
Y. Khan
04.01.2010 Light-induced transport through atoms and molecules
B. Sandow
11.01.2010 New trends in organic spintronics
W. Kuch
18.01.2010 Modification of magnetic properties of Mn-Phthalocyanine molecules by chemical bonding
A. Strozecka


Probevortrag - Dissertation
im Hörsaal A, R. 1.3.14
M. Piantek
25.01.2010 Magnetic coupling and exchange bias in perpendicularly magnetized Ni–FeMn bilayers and trilayers
P. Stoll
01.02.2010 Structure and dynamics of biochemical systems under real conditions using soft X-ray absorption and emission spectroscopy
K. Lange (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin)
08.02.2010 Abschlussbesprechung
W. Kuch