Seminar Wintersemester 2011/2012
- Beginn: 18.10.2011
- Zeit: Dienstags 16:15-17:45
- Ort: Seminarraum T1 (1.3.21)
Masterstudierende, Diplomanden, DoktorandenArt der Durchführung:
W. KuchThemen:
Datum |
Thema |
Vortragender |
18.10.2011 | Vorbesprechung |
W. Kuch |
25.10.2011 | Electrical characterization of buried tunnel junctions for InP-based long-wavelength VCSELs |
J. Song |
01.11.2011 Changed to 12.01.12 at 14:15 hrs! |
Influence of axial ligands on adsorbed metalloporphyrins |
W. Walter |
08.11.2011 | Probing antiferromagnetism of NiMn
in exchange-biased NiMn/Ni/Cu3Au(001) bilayers and
Ni/NiMn/Ni/Cu3Au(001) trilayers |
Y. M. Khan |
15.11.2011 | Charge transfer systems on metal surfaces: Charge distribution and
magnetic properties |
T. Umbach |
22.11.2011 | XANES spectroscopy as a tool for nanoscale atomic and electronic structure analysis |
V. Mazalova |
29.11.2011 | Stripes and cycloids |
V. Soltwisch (HZB) |
06.12.2011 | Theoretical research on two-dimensional 3d-transition metal phthalocyanine polymers |
L. Sun (FHI) |
13.12.2011 | Switching ability and adsorption state of photochromic molecules on metallic and non metallic surfaces |
A. Krüger |
03.01.2012 | Heterojunction formation and new materials for chalcopyrite based thin film solar cells |
D. Kieven (HZB) |
10.01.2012 | Investigating ultrafast dynamics of functional materials in solution: Establishing a laser pump and
soft X-ray probe experiment |
A. Kothe (HZB) |
12.01.2012 Special date! |
Influence of axial ligands on adsorbed metalloporphyrins |
W. Walter |
17.01.2012 | Magnetic coupling mechanisms in molecular systems |
C. F. Hermanns |
24.01.2012 | New results on spin polarization in EuS/Co multi-film systems |
B. Lewitz |
07.02.2012 | Magnetic properties of Py/Cr multilayer structures |
M. Erkovan |
14.02.2012 | Abschlussbesprechung |
W. Kuch |