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Seminar Wintersemester 2018/2019

  • Beginn: 16.10.2018
  • Zeit: Dienstags 16:15–17:45
  • Ort: Seminarraum E2 (1.1.53)


Masterstudierende, Diplomanden, Doktoranden

The seminar is part of the module "Scientific Specialization" for Master students who are doing their research phase in the work group Kuch.

Art der Durchführung:

Seminar (Link zum Vorlesungsverzeichnis)


W. Kuch





16.10.2018 Spin dynamics in layered samples consisting of ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic materials K. Frischmuth
23.10.2017 New trends in magnetism research W. Kuch, I. Kumberg
30.10.2018 New trends in surface science and molecular magnets L. M. Arruda, L. Kipgen
06.11.2018 Synthesis of nanomagnetic particles and their application in industry R. Hosseinifar
13.11.2018 Development of time-resolved photoemission electron microscopy of magnetization dynamics triggered by back-side illumination M. Paleschke (MLU Halle)
20.11.2018 Quantum phase transition and transport in Fe porphin molecules on Pb(111) L. Farinacci

Understanding and controlling antiferromagnetic metals: Towards
ultrafast computing (Abstract)

U. Atxitia
18.12.2018 Role of the antiferromagnetic spin structure in bilayers and trilayers of Co and NixMn1–x T. Shinwari
08.01.2019 X-ray spectroscopy of octahedral Co complexes in aqueous solutions S. N. Lalithambika (HZB)
22.01.2019 Magnetic properties of Cu-capped Co/NiMn and Ni/NiMn bilayers on Cu(001) I. Kumberg


canceled (Terahertz radiation at the service of spintronics) (L. Nadvornik (FHI))
05.02.2019 Spin-Resolved Spectroscopy of the Yu-Shiba-Rusinov States of
Individual Atoms (Abstract)
S. Pradhan (Uppsala Univ.)

12.02.2019 Controlling  antiferromagnetic domains (Abstract)

S. Reimers (Univ. of Nottingham)