Case Study on Lidar-Observed Ice PSC over Northern Finland
M. Müller, B. Stein, C. Wedekind, H. Wille, L. Wöste, R. Kivi, E. Kyrö, V. Rizi, G. Redalli, V. Mitev, R. Matthey – 1999
Case Study on Lidar-Observed Ice PSC over Northern Finland
M. Müller, B. Stein, C. Wedekind, H. Wille, L. Wöste, R. Kivi, E. Kyrö, V. Rizi, G. Redalli, V. Mitev, R. Matthey
Erschienen in
Air Pollution Research Report 69 of the European Commission: Proc. of the European workshop of 'Mesoscale processes in the stratosphere', 8 to 11 November, 1998, Bad Tölz, Bavaria, Germany
Größe oder Länge
p. 175–179