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Infrared Extension of the Supercontinuum Generated by Femtosecond Terawatt Laser Pulses Propagating in the Atmosphere

J. Kasparian, R. Sauerbrey, D. Mondelain, S. Niedermeier, J. Yu, J.-P. Wolf, Y.-B. André, M. Franco, B. Prade, S. Tzortzakis, A. Mysyrowicz, M. Rodriguez, H. Wille, L. Wöste – 2000

Infrared Extension of the Supercontinuum Generated by Femtosecond Terawatt Laser Pulses Propagating in the Atmosphere
J. Kasparian, R. Sauerbrey, D. Mondelain, S. Niedermeier, J. Yu, J.-P. Wolf, Y.-B. André, M. Franco, B. Prade, S. Tzortzakis, A. Mysyrowicz, M. Rodriguez, H. Wille, L. Wöste
Erschienen in
Opt. Lett. Vol. 15, No. 18
Größe oder Länge
p. 1397–1399