Current events and news on gender and diversity in the winter semester 2024/25
News from Oct 21, 2024
At the start of the winter semester 2024/25, there will be exciting news, workshops and events on the topics of gender and diversity at Freie Universität Berlin. Here are the most important highlights:
1. Toolbox Gender and Diversity in Teaching: New Resources
Under the heading Resources, the Toolbox has provided extensive materials to support teachers in dealing with diversity, racism and other forms of discrimination. These materials are primarily aimed at teachers and help to address discrimination in schools and teacher training.
2. series of interviews “Voices of experts”
As part of Toolbox@school, there is a series of interviews entitled “Voices of experts” in which representatives from educational institutions and advice centers talk about discrimination situations in schools. The interviews shed light on topics such as anti-Semitism, queer hostility and anti-black racism and offer practical recommendations for action.
3. theme day on teaching: sustainability & diversity
On 18.11.2024, the theme day of teaching will take place under the motto "Nachhaltig WIRksam ”, which will focus on the intersections of sustainability and diversity in teaching. The Toolbox will participate with an interdisciplinary exchange format and offer valuable synergy effects for teaching.
4. Open Mic: Gender research meets equality
This year's Open Mic, which took place on 25.06.2024, brought together gender equality actors and gender researchers. The videos of the event are available as an Open Educational Resource on the Margherita von Brentano Center 's YouTube channel.
5. Agenda of Gender, Queer and Diversity Studies online
The agenda for courses on gender and queer studies for the winter semester 2024/25 is now available online. An overview of all courses can be found in the electronic course catalog and on the MvBZ website.
6.Care and (Un)Fair? Pilot study & panel discussion
The presentation of the pilot study "Care and (Un)fair ” will take place on 17.10.2024. The study sheds light on discrimination against parents and caregivers in the academic world. Experts will then discuss recommendations for action to improve the situation.
7. Gender Lunch Talks
The Gender Lunch Talks return in the winter semester 2024/25. On 14.11.2024, the series will start with a lecture by Martina Erlemann and Sarah Huch on gender & diversity in the natural sciences. All interested parties are cordially invited to join the discussion.
8. Call for Proposals: #GenderStudies Science Day
The annual #GenderStudies Science Day will take place on December 18, 2024. PhD students and postdocs can submit proposals for a poster exhibition until October 25. More information can be found here.
9. Save the Date: Days of action against violence against women
November 25, 2024 is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. Freie Universität Berlin is organizing various events around this day, including a panel discussion. Further details will be announced on the website "nein-heißt-nein ”.
10. new diversity fund at FU Berlin
Freie Universität Berlin has launched a new diversity fund. Members of the university can submit pilot projects in the area of diversity and anti-discrimination until October 31, 2024.
The winter semester 2024/25 offers many exciting events and opportunities for exchange. Join us and find out more about current developments on the linked pages!