Physics Colloquium & TRR 227: Prof. Hermann Dürr - Ultrafast spin-lattice dynamics in magnetic materials
Professor Hermann Dürr leads the FREIA Lab at the Department of Physics and Astronomy of the Uppsala University, Sweden. We host this colloquium jointly with the TRR 227 "Ultrafast Spin Dynamics".
The dynamics of spins in magnetic materials initiated by a sub-picosecond laser pulse is an emerging and rapidly developing field in fundamental magnetism. The goal of this research is to understand and ultimately control the energy and angular momentum transfer processes in the laser-excited non-equilibrium state.
The magneto-elastic coupling of phonon and magnon modes offers novel functionality for spintronics applications in information technology. Magnon polarons can form via magnetoelastic coupling, circularly polarized phonons can form and transport angular momentum or phonons can be used to generate spin currents in metallic contacts. However, many of these phenomena are currently only demonstrated at GHz frequencies and micrometer dimensions.
I will give an overview how x-ray free electron lasers will enable us to explore the potential of moving towards THz frequencies and nanometer dimensions that are far more attractive for applications.
Time & Location
Jun 17, 2022 | 03:15 PM
Lecture hall A (room 1.3.14)
Department of Physics
Arnimallee 14
14195 Berlin
Further Information
All individuals are strongly encouraged to wear an FFP2 mask in enclosed spaces on campus.
- dynamics of spins
- Hermann Dürr
- laser physics
- magnetic materials
- magneto-elastic coupling
- Physics Colloquium
- spintronics
- TRR 227
- ultrafast physics
- ultrafast spin dynamics
- Uppsala University