Many-body localization
The phenomenon of many-body localisation received a lot of attention recently, both for its implications in condensed-matter physics of allowing systems to be an insulator even at non-zero temperature as well as in the context of the foundations of quantum statistical mechanics, providing examples of systems showing the absence of thermalisation following out-of-equilibrium dynamics. However, many aspects and features of this phenomenon are far from being well understood, and there is not even agreement in the literature on what the actually defining feature is. We investigate several features and ramifications of this phenomenon: We are concerned with mathematical equivalences between various readings of the phenomenon. We numerically study natural condensed-matter systems and investigate experimentally accessible probes.
Selected group publications
- Bounding the resources for thermalizing many-body localized systems
Communications Physics (Nature) 4, 3 (2021) - Floquet engineering topological many-body localized systems
Physical Review Letters 124, 190601 (2020) - Entanglement-ergodic quantum systems equilibrate exponentially well
Physical Review Letters 123, 200604 (2019) - Many-body localisation implies that eigenvectors are matrix-product states
Physical Review Letters 114, 170505 (2015) - Time evolution of many-body localized systems in two spatial dimensions
Phys.ical Review B 102, 235132 (2020) - Are many-body localized systems stable in the presence of a small bath?
Physical Review B 99, 195145 (2019) - Experimentally accessible witnesses of many-body localisation
Quantum Reports 1, 50 (2019) - Edge mode locality in perturbed symmetry protected topological order
SciPost Physics 6, 072 (2019) - Construction of exact constants of motion and effective models for many-body localized systems
Physical Review B 97, 134202 (2018) - Total correlations of the diagonal ensemble herald the many-body localization transition
Physical Review B 92, 180202(R) (2015) - Local constants of motion imply information propagation
New Journal of Physics 17, 113054 (2015) - Drude weight fluctuations in many-body localized systems
Physical Review B 94, 201112(R) (2016)
Group reviews
Equilibration, thermalisation, and the emergence of statistical mechanics in closed quantum systems
Reports in Progress in Physics 79, 056001 (2016) -
Quantum many-body systems out of equilibrium
Nature Physics 11, 124 (2015)