Optical systems
Optical systems are the most suitable physical systems for transmitting quantum information over large distance. What is more, recent years have seen a remarkable progress in the understanding of performing precise quantum state manipulation of optical systems, both in the discrete variable setting involving polarization or time-bin encoding as well as so-called continuous variables. We are concerned with understanding what quantum state manipulation is possible after all, often in close collaboration with leading experimentalists.
Selected group publications
- Reliable quantum certification for photonic quantum technologies
Nature Communications 6, 8498 (2015) - Experimental implementation of the optimal linear-optical controlled phase gate
Physical Review Letters 106, 013602 (2011) - Directly estimating non-classicality
Physical Review Letters 106, 010403 (2011) - Photonic polarization gears for ultra-sensitive angular measurements
Nature Communications 4, 2432 (2013) - Optical generation of matter qubit graph states
New Journal of Physics 7, 194 (2005) - Optimizing linear optics quantum gates
Physical Review Letters 95, 040502 (2005) - Measuring measurement
Nature Physics 5, 27 (2009) - Distillation of continuous-variable entanglement with optical means
Annals of Physics (NY) 311, 431 (2004) - Driving non-Gaussian to Gaussian states with linear optics
Physical Review A 67, 062320 (2003) - The entangling power of passive optical elements
Physical Review Letters 90, 047904 (2003) - Gaussification and entanglement distillation of continuous variable systems: a unifying picture
Physical Review Letters 108, 020501 (2012) - Preparing the bound instance of quantum entanglement
Physical Review Letters 107, 240503 (2011)
Group reviews
- Advances in quantum teleportation
Nature Photonics 9, 641 (2015) - Introduction to the basics of entanglement theory in continuous-variable systems
International Journal of Quantum Information 1, 479 (2003) - Gaussian quantum channelsIn: Continuous-variable quantum information science, Eds. E. Polzik, N. Cerf, G. Leuchs, (Imperial College Press, 2007)