Work on trapped ions in Nature Communications
Quantum thermodynamics is aimed at grasping thermodynamic laws as they apply to thermal machines operating in the deep quantum regime, a regime in which coherences and entanglement are expected to matter. Despite substantial progress, however, it has remained difficult to develop thermal machines in which such quantum effects are observed to be of pivotal importance.
In this work published in Nature Communications, we report an experimental measurement of the genuine quantum correction to the classical work fluctuation-dissipation relation (FDR). We employ a single trapped ion qubit, realizing thermalization and coherent drive via laser pulses, to implement a quantum coherent work protocol. The results from a sequence of two-time work measurements display agreement with the recently proven quantum work FDR, violating the classical FDR by more than 10.9 standard deviations. We furthermore determine that our results are incompatible with any SPAM error-induced correction to the FDR by more than 10 standard deviations. Finally, we show that the quantum correction vanishes in the high-temperature limit, again in agreement with theoretical predictions.
While this work is primarily located in the field of quantum thermodynamics, it develops tools of witnessing and benchmarking of quantum properties in a trapped ion quantum device - and is hence relevant for projects such as the Quantum Flagship project Millenion on trapped ion quantum computing.
News from Aug 20, 2024