PD Dr. Michael Haumann (*3.6.1964)
since 1/2015 Staff scientist at the Physics Department of the Freie Universität Berlin
2010-2014 Heisenberg-Fellow of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) at Physics Dept. of FU-Berlin
2004 – 2009 C2-position (Oberassistent im Beamtenverhältnis auf Zeit) at Physics Dept. of FU-Berlin
since 2004 Assistant professor (Privat-Dozent) at Physics Dept. of FU-Berlin
2004 Habilitation in Experimental Physics, professional thesis (Habilitationsschrift) „Spectroscopic investigations on the structure, dynamics, and functioning of cofactors in the catalytic cycle of metalloenzymes“
2000 – 2004 Staff scientist in the biophysics group of Prof. H. Dau at Physics Dept. of FU-Berlin
1999 – 2000 Parental break (birth of our son in 1998), training “Webdesign” (Macromedia GmbH)
1997 – 1998 Postdoc, EU-Marie-Curie and EMBO fellowships (at CEA Saclay/Paris, Dr. A. W. Rutherford and Uni. Osnabrück, Prof. W. Junge)
1996 Ph.D. (Dr. rer. nat.) at Uni. Osnabrück (Prof. W. Junge, Biophysics group), dissertation „Oxygenic photosynthesis: electrons, protons, electrostatics“, summa cum laude
1993 – 1996 Staff scientist at the Biology Dept. of Uni. Osnabrück in the SFB171 „Membrane-standing transport processes in cells“
1992 Diploma in Biology, mark 1.0, thesis „Fast protolytic reactions at the active site of the photosynthetic water oxidase“
1986 – 1991 Study of Biology at Uni. Osnabrück (emphasis on biophysics, plant physiology, biochemistry)
2009 Heisenberg-Fellowship (5 years) of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
1998 Marie-Curie Long Term Fellowship (2 years) of the European Commission
1998 Long Term Fellowship (2 years) of the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO)
1998 European Science Foundation (ESF) Short Term Fellowship
1997 Dissertation Prize of the Society of the University of Osnabrück