Info Talk "Master's Program in Physics at Freie Universität Berlin"
The talk informs bachelor students about the Master's Program in Physics at Freie Universität Berlin.
What awaits me in the master's program in physics? How do I find the topic for a master's thesis?
In a 20 minutes talk, physics students Hélène and Soudeh will present the structure of the master's program and share with the bachelor's students what she experienced in the master courses. Guests will then have the opportunity to ask questions about the master's program and get tips on how to study physics smoothly.
Afterwards, we recommend all guests to visit the event "Research Group Pitches", which offers a good overview of the working groups at the department and presents possible topics for bachelor and master theses.
Time & Location
Jul 03, 2023 | 05:00 PM s.t. - 05:45 PM
Lecture Hall B
Department of Physics
Arnimallee 14
Further Information
Language of the talk: German or English, according to the guests' preferences