Michael Karowski

Freie Universität Berlin, Physics Department, Berlin,

email address : mailto:karowski
phone number : 0049-(0)30 - 838-51422
fax : 0049-(0)30 - 838-537 41
office number : 1.4.30
group : http://www.physik.fu-berlin.de/~ag-schroer/
Postal address : FU Berlin , Institut für Theoretische Physik
Arnimallee 14 , 14195 Berlin , Germany

Research: Publications, Talks

Interests: Quantum Field Theory, Statistical Mechanics, Integrable Models

Local co-ordinator of the TMR European network EUCLID: "Integrable models and applications: from strings to condensed matter"
EUCLID Spring School Berlin

Member of the SFB 288 "Differentialgeometrie und Quantenphysik",
in particular working in the subprojects C2 and F1 ; SFB-Seminar ; SFB-Preprints .

Co-ordinator of the INTAS PROJECT (Ref.No:99-01459) "Low dimensional integrable models and their applications in field theory and statistical physics". I . Workshop , II . Workshop

"Book project": The Bootstrap Program, Content (preliminary)

Lehre: SS 06 WS 05/06 SS 05 WS 04/05 SS 04 WS 03/04 SS 03 WS 02/03 SS 02 WS 01/02 SS 01 WS 00/01,

Gruppen - Seminar: Nichtstörungstheoretische Methoden in der QFT, Fr 13 - 15, SR T2

Pos-int pictures
yerevan-tbilisi pictures
Brazil pictures
webmail DK,