Praktikum Fortgeschrittene Biophysik
Dozenten: | Joachim Heberle |
Sprache: | Englisch |
Zeitraum: | erster Termin: 16.04.2015 |
Haupttermin | Zeit: Do 12:00-20:00 Ort: Raum 1.1.33 |
maximale Teilnehmerzahl | |
Terminhinweis: | |
Contact: | |
Experiments of the practical course:
(1) Biomolecules at solid-liquid interfaces
(a) Cyclic voltammetry
(b) Surface-Enhanced Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy
(2) Vibrational spectroscopy of proteins
(a) FT-IR-difference spectroscopy on proteins
(b) RAMAN- and resonance RAMAN spectroscopy on proteins
(3) Time-resolved spectroscopy of protein function
(a) UV/Vis flash photolysis of the photocycle and function of proteins
(b) Step-scan FT-IR difference spectroscopy of the photocycle of proteins
(4) Thermal and elastic properties of biomembranes
(a) Thermal phase transition of lipid membranes
(b) Atomic Force Microscopy and Single Molecule Force Spectroscopy