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Prof. Dr. Joachim Heberle

Hi, my name is Joachim Heberle. My research interests are in the structure and function of membrane proteins and in the methodologies to investigate these … when I have time. Mostly, I am an adminstrative slave. The remainder of my time, I try hard to feed (i.e. raise funds) and comfort my coworkers (i.e. discuss science and give advice). I am not supposed to be a professor in Physics because I received my University education in Chemistry. However, my colleagues and students are so generous to tolerate my ignorance. I am serving the scientific community as an associate editor of Chemical Reviews and as one of the Ombudsman of Science in Germany. If you are interested in a professional version of my CV, please click here.

Follow my Publications on Research ID.


Fachbereich Physik

Institut für experimentelle Physik

Experimentelle Molekulare Biophysik


Arnimallee 14
Raum 1.1.32
14195 Berlin
jheberle (at) zedat.fu-berlin.de


2009 - W3 Professor of Experimental Molecular Biophysics, FU Berlin
2005 - 2009 W3-Professor of Biophysical Chemistry, Dept. of Chemistry, Bielefeld University
2002 Visiting scientist of the Nobel Institute for Chemistry, Gothenburg University
1998 Habilitation in Biophysical Chemistry (G. Büldt), Heinrich-Heine Universität Düsseldorf
1993 - 2005 Group leader at the Research Center Jülich (IBI-2)
1991 - 1993 Postdoc, Hahn-Meitner Institute Berlin (N.A. Dencher)
1988 - 1991 PhD (N.A. Dencher), Biophysics, FU Berlin
1980 - 1988 enrolled for Chemistry curriculum at the Universities of Stuttgart and Würzburg


2015 - 2016 “Professor for the Brain Circulation Project” of the Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan
2014 Recipient of a JSPS (Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science) travel grant
2009 Visiting Professor at the Changchun Normal University, China
1995 Visiting scientist at the Nobel Institute for Chemistry, Gothenburg University, Sweden
1991 Visiting scholar at the Department of Chemistry, University of Arizona, Tucson, USA


2019 - Member of the executive board of the Cluster of Excellence “UniSysCat”
2017 - Chairman of the research center SFB 1078 “Protonation dynamics in protein function”
2015 - Associate Editor of Chemical Reviews
2014 Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
2013 - 2016 Member of the Hertha-Sponer prize Committee of the German Physical Society
2010 - 2018 Member of the Excellence Council of the FU Berlin
2008 - 2012 Member of the Study Section in Chemistry of theGerman Research Foundation
2007 - Organizer of the annual Manfred Eigen Winterseminar, Klosters, Switzerland


By 2018: 153 publications in international peer-reviewed journals

h-index: 44 (ISI)

ResearcherID: D-8605-2016

Funding has been raised from the DFG, BMBF, EU, JST within the last 10 years with a

total volume of 4,979,700 €.

Molecular biophysics, time-­resolved and surface‐enhanced vibrational spectroscopy (IR and Raman), scanning near-field IR nanoscopy, photosensory and photosynthetic processes, membrane proteins, protein/protein and protein/lipid interactions, signal transduction, bioelectrochemistry, ion and electron transfer, respiration, surface structuring and functionalisation, biosensors & bioanalytics.