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1990   1991   1992   1993   1994   1995   1996   1997   1998   1999   2000   2001   2002   2003   2004   2005   2006   2007   2008   2009   2010   ab 2011

ab 2011

  1. M. Feig, M. Baenitz, M. Bobnar, K. Lüders, M. Naumann, W. Schnelle, S. Medvediev, K. M. Ranjith, E. Hassinger, T. Weigel, D. C. Meyer, A. Leithe-Jasper, J. Kortus, R. Gumeniuk
    Anisotropic superconductivity and quantum oscillations in the layered dichalcogenide TaSnS2
    Physical review B : Covering condensed matter and materials physics, 102, 21, 2020
  2. M. Baenitz, M. Schmidt, V. Suess, C. Felser, K. Lüders
    Superconductivity in Weyl Semimetal NbP: Bulk vs. Surface
    Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1293, 012002 (2019)
  3. K. Lüders, R.O. Pohl (Hrsg.)
    Pohls Einführung in die Physik, Band 2: Elektrizitätslehre und Optik
    24., gründlich überarbeitete Auflage, als E-Book und in gedruckter Form
    Springer Spektrum 2018
  4. K. Lüders, R.O. Pohl (Editors)
    Pohl’s Introduction to Physics, Volume 2: Electrodynamics and Optics 
    2. englische Auflage, übersetzt von W.D. Brewer, als E-Book und in gedruckter Form
    Springer International Publishing AG 2018
  5. K. Lüders, R.O. Pohl (Hrsg.)
    Pohls Einführung in die Physik, Band 1: Mechanik, Akustik und Wärmelehre
    21., gründlich überarbeitete Auflage, als E-Book und in gedruckter Form
    Springer Spektrum 2017
  6. K. Lüders, R.O. Pohl (Editors)
    Pohl’s Introduction to Physics, Volume 1: Mechanics, Acoustics and Thermodynamics
    2. englische Auflage, übersetzt von W.D. Brewer, als E-Book und in gedruckter Form
    Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017
  7. M. Baenitz, K. Lüders, R. Kniep, F. Steglich, M. Schmidt
    Type-II Superconductivity in Ternary Zirconium Pnictide Chalcogenide Single Crystals
    Physics Procedia 81, 65 (2016)
  8. M. Baenitz, E.-W. Scheidt, K. Lüders, W. Scherer
    Flux Creep in the Quasi-1D Superconducting Carbide Sc3CoC4
    Physics Procedia 6, 698 (2012)
  9. Klaus Lüders, Gebhard von Oppen
    Bergmann/Schaefer kompakt - Band 1
    Klassische Physik - Mechanik und Wärme
    de Gruyter 2012
  10. Klaus Lüders, Gebhard von Oppen (Hrsg.)
    Bergmann/Schaefer kompakt - Band 2
    Klaus Lüders
    Relativistische Physik - von der Elektrizität zur Optik
    de Gruyter 2015
  11. Klaus Lüders, Gebhard von Oppen (Hrsg.)
    Bergmann/Schaefer kompakt - Band 3
    Gebhard von Oppen, Marco Busch
    Quantenphysik - Atomare Teilchen und Festkörper
    de Gruyter 2015


  1. Yu. S. Grushko, M. Baenitz, V. T. Lebedev, K. Lüders
    Carbon-based Magnetic Nanocomposite Prepared by Arc-Evaporation of Sm/Co/C System
    Materials Science Forum 638-642, 1697-1701 (2010)
  2. M. Baenitz, K. Lüders, N. Barišić, Y. Cho, Y. Li, G. Yu, X. Zhao, M. Greven
    Flux Creep Relaxation in Single Crystal Hg-1201
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series 234, 012024 (2010)
  3. K. Lüders, R. O. Pohl (Hrsg.)
    Pohls Einführung in die Physik
    Band 2: Elektrizitätslehre und Optik,

    23., neu bearbeitete und mit Kommentaren und Aufgaben versehene Auflage
    Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010


  1. M. Baenitz, K. Lüders, D. Maurer, N. Barišić, Y. Cho, Y. Li, G. Yu, X. Zhao, M. Greven Vortex dynamics in single crystal Hg-1201
    Physica C 469, 1126-1128 (2009)
  2. K. Lüders, R.O. Pohl (Hrsg.)
    Pohls Einführung in die Physik
    Band 1: Mechanik, Akustik und Wärmelehre

    20., neu bearbeitete und mit Kommentaren versehene Auflage
    Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009


  1. D. Maurer, K. Lüders, M. Baenitz, D.A. Pavlov, E.V. Antipov
    Flux pinning regimes in Hg-1201
    Physica C 468, 1305-1307 (2008)
  2. N. Sakamoto, Y. Fukuda, M. Koga, T. Akune, H.R. Khan, K. Lüders
    AC susceptibilities of grain-textured superconductors
    Physica C468, 1431-1434 (2008)
  3. Klaus Lüders, Gebhard von Oppen
    Bergmann/SchaeferLehrbuch der Experimentalphysik
    Band 1 Mechanik, Akustik, Wärme
    12., völlig neu bearbeitete Auflage
    Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, New York 2008


  1. D. Maurer, K. Lüders, H. Breitzke, M. Baenitz, D.A. Pavlov, E.V. Antipov
    Flux creep in Hg-1201
    Physica C 460-462, 382-383 (2007)
  2. M. Kubo, T. Akune, N. Sakamoto, H.R. Khan, K. Lüders
    Superconductivity of Ag-added composites of Hg-1223 grained Bean model
    Physica C 463-465, 478-481 (2007)
  3. Klaus Lüders
    Physik für Naturwissenschaftler
    Ein Leitfaden für Studierende mit Physik als Nebenfach
    3. überarbeitete Auflage, neu mit Übungsaufgaben
    Verlag Dr. Köster, Berlin 2007


  1. K. Lüders: 
    in Bergmann/Schaefer, Lehrbuch der Experimentalphysik
    Bd. 5 (Hrsg.: K. Kleinermanns), S. 469-509
    de Gruyter Berlin 2006
  2. K. Lüders, R.O. Pohl (Hrsg.): 
    Pohls Einführung in die Physik - Elektrizitätslehre und Optik
    22., neu bearbeitete Auflage
    Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006
  3. S. Scudino, M. Stoica, N. Mattern, H. Breitzke, K. Lüders, A.R. Yavari, J. Eckert: 
    Is a particular quenched-in short-range order necessary for quasicrystal formation from glassy precursors?
    phys. stat. sol. (b) 243, R34-R36 (2006)
  4. S. Scudino, J. Eckert, H. Breitzke, K. Lüders, L. Schultz,: 
    Influence of ball milling on quasicrystal formation in melt-spun glassy ribbons
    Phil. Mag. 86, 367-371 (2006)
  5. N. Sakamoto, T. Akune, H.R. Khan, K. Lüders: 
    Scaling Law and Irreversibility Fields in High Temperature Superconductors
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series 43, 603-608 (2006)
  6. D. Maurer, H. Breitzke, K. Lüders, M. Baenitz, D.A. Pavlov, E.A. Antipov: 
    High vortex mobility in Hg-1201
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series 43, 613-617 (2006)
  7. D. Maurer, H. Breitzke, K. Lüders, M. Baenitz, D.A. Pavlov, E.A. Antipov: 
    Weak to Strong Pinning Crossover in Hg-1201
    Physica C 445-448, 219-223 (2006)
  8. H. Kobayashi, T. Akune, N. Sakamoto, H.R. Khan, K. Lüders: 
    Irrreversibility Fields and Pinning Parameters in Hg-1223 Superconductors
    Physica C 445-448, 481-483 (2006)


  1. S. Scudino, J. Eckert, C. Mickel, P. Schubert-Bischoff, H. Breitzke, K. Lüders, L. Schultz: 
    Quasicrystalline phase formation in Zr-Ti-Nb-Cu-Ni-(Al) metallic glasses
    J. of Alloys and Compounds 387, 269 – 273 (2005)
  2. N. Sakamoto, T. Akune, Y. Matsumoto, H.R. Khan, K. Lüders: 
    Magnetization curves and the scaled Jc characteristics in various superconductors
    Physica C 426 - 431, 726 – 730 (2005)
  3. D. Maurer, H. Breitzke, K. Lüders, M. Baenitz, D.A. Pavlov, E.V. Antipov: 
    Flux Dynamics in Hg-1201
    Physica C 432, 250 – 256 (2005)


  1. H. Breitzke, K. Lüders, S. Scudino, J. Eckert, U. Kühn: 
    Medium-Range Order and Crystallization in Zr59Cu20Al10Ni8Ti3 and Zr57Cu20Al10Ni8Ti5 Metallic Glasses Investigated by NMR
    Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 806, 57 (2004)
  2. S. Scudino, J. Eckert, U. Kühn, H. Breitzke, K. Lüders, L. Schultz: 
    Influence of Al on Quasicrystal Formation in Zr-Ti-Nb-Cu-Ni-Al Metallic Glasses
    Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 806, 83 - 88 (2004)
  3. P. Schilbe, D. Maurer: 
    Lattice dynamics in VO2 near the metal-insulator transition
    Materials Sciences and Engineering A370, 449 – 452 (2004)
  4. H. Breitzke, I. Eremin, D. Manske, E.V. Antipov, K. Lüders: 
    Formation of magnetic moments in the cuprate superconductor Hg0.8Cu0.2Ba2Ca2Cu3O8+δ below Tc seen by NQR
    Physica C 406, 27 – 36 (2004)
  5. S. Scudino, U. Kühn, L. Schultz, H. Breitzke, K. Lüders, J. Eckert: 
    Formation of Quasicrystals in Ball-Milled Amorphous Zr-Ti-Nb-Cu-Ni-Al Alloys with Different Nb Content
    J. Mater. Sci. 39, 5483 – 5486 (2004)
  6. H. Breitzke, K. Lüders, S. Scudino, U. Kühn, J. Eckert: 
    NMR Investigations of Medium-Range Order and Quasicrystal Formation in Zr59Cu20Al10Ni8Ti3 Metallic Glass
    Phys. Rev. B70, 014201-1 – 014201-12 (2004)
  7. K. Iwasaki, T. Akune, N. Sakamoto, H.R. Khan, K. Lüders: 
    Effect of high Ag mixing on pinning properties in Hg-1223 superconductors
    Physica C 412-414, 430-434 (2004)
  8. K. Lüders, R.O. Pohl (Hrsg.): 
    Pohls Einführung in die Physik - Mechanik, Akustik und Wärmelehre
    19., neu bearbeitete und mit Kommentaren versehene Auflage
    Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2004


  1. P. Schilbe, K. Lüders, M Baenitz, D.A. Pavlov, A. Abakumov, E.V. Antipov:
    Magnetic investigations of the high-TC superconductor Hg-1212 
    Physica C 388-389, p. 247-248 (2003)

  2. N. Sakamoto, T. Akune, H.R. Khan, K. Lüders: 
    Ac susceptibilities in Ag-based Hg(Pb,Bi)-1223 superconductors 
    Physica C 388-389, p. 399-400 (2003)

  3. H. Breitzke, K. Lüders, K.A. Lokshin, E.V. Antipov:
    Zeeman splitting of the 63/65Cu NQR line in optimally doped HgBaCaCuO below TC 
    Physica C 388-389, p. 255-256 (2003)

  4. P. Schilbe, K. Lüders, M. Baenitz, D.A. Pavlov, I. Bryntse, A. Abakumov, E.V. Antipov: 
    Irreversibility fields of the high-TC superconductors Hg-1212 and (Hg,Tl)-1212 
    Physica C 391, p. 298-304 (2003)

  5. T. Ohashi, T. Akune, N. Sakamoto, H.R. Khan, K. Lüders:
    Effect of Ag-mixing on magnetic properties in Hg1223 superconductors
    Physica C 392-396, p. 373-377 (2003)


  1. I. Didschuns, P. Schilbe und K. Lüders:
    Superconductivity in Sn films on InSb (110) taking into account of the film morphology and structure 
    Physica C 377/1-2, p. 89-95 (2002)

  2. P. Schilbe:
    Raman scattering in VO2 
    Physica B 316-317, p. 600-602 (2002)

  3. P. Schilbe, I. Didschuns, K. Lüders, G. Fuchs, M. Baenitz, K. A. Lokshin, D. A. Pavlov, E. V. Antipov und H. R. Khan:
    Temperature behaviour of irreversibility fields of various Hg-based superconducting ceramics 
    Physica C 372-376, p. 1865-1867 (2002)

  4. B. Tepper , B. Richter, A.-C. Dupuis, H. Kuhlenbeck, C. Hucho, P.Schilbe, M.A. bin Yarmo, H.-J. Freund:
    Adsorption of molecular and atomic hydrogen on vacuum-cleaved V2O5 (001) 
    Surf. Science 496, p. 64-72 (2002)

  5. C. Hucho, P,. Schilbe und K. Lüders:
    Interpretation of the irreversibility line of polycristalline MgB2 
    Physica C 377, p. 399-406 (2002)

  6. N. Noguchi, T. Akune, N. Sakamoto, H.R. Khan, K. Lüders:
    Magnetic susceptibility studies of grains in HgPb1223 ceramic superconductors 
    Physica C 378-381, p. 381-385 (2002)


  1. G. Fuchs, K.A. Nenkov, A. Attenberger, K. Lüders, M. Baenitz, C. Ecker, K. Kajikawa, E.V. Antipov, H.R. Khan:
    A uniform description of irreversibility lines for various high-Tc superconductors
    Physica C, Physica C 355, 299-306 (2001)
  2. N. Sakamoto, S. Noguchi, K. Mawatari, T. Akune, H.R. Khan, K. Lüders:
    Magnetic Susceptibility and AC Loss in HgPb1223 Ceramic Superconductors
    IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 11, 3114-3117 (2001)
  3. G. Fuchs, K. Lüders, M. Baenitz:
    Einheitliche Beschreibung von Irreversibilitätslinien verschiedener Hoch-Tc-Supraleiter 
    Statusseminar Supraleitung und Tieftemperaturtechnik (VDI-Technologiezentrum, Hrg.), S. 504-507 (2001)


  1. E.N. Morozowa, A.A. Gippius, E.V. Antipov, K. Lüders, W. Hoffmann:
    19F NMR Probe of Structural Features and Flux-line Motion in Fluorinated Hg-1201
    Physica B 284-288, 869-870 (2000)
  2. A.A. Gippius, E.N. Morozowa, E.V. Antipov, A.M. Abakumov, M.G. Rozova, K. Lüders, W. Hoffmann, G. Buntkowsky, O. Klein:
    Magnetic flux dynamics and structural features in fluorinated Hg-1201 as probed by 19F NMR
    Phys. Rev. B 61, 14370-14373 (2000)
  3. M. Kraus, O. Klein, K. Lüders:
    Structural Influence on the Intensity Ratio of the T‘ and T 87Rb NMR Lines and the Superconductivity in Rb3C60 
    Mol. Cryst. Liqu. Cryst. 340, 593-598 (2000)
  4. C. Ecker, M. Baenitz, K. Lüders, E.S. Otabe, T. Matsushita, H.R. Khan, 
    E.V. Antipov:
    Orientation Dependence of Irreversible Magnetic Properties in Hg-based Superconducting Ceramics
    Physica B 284-288, 905-906 (2000)
  5. I. Didschuns, K. Fleischer, A.-M. Frisch, P. Schilbe, N. Esser, W. Richter,
    K. Lüders:
    The electrical and structural properties of granular superconducting Sn on InSb(110)
    Physica B 284-288, 1121-1122 (2000)
  6. A.A. Gippius, E.V. Antipov, O. Klein, K. Lüders:
    Multinuclear NMR/NQR study of HgBa2Cu4+xFy superconductors with different oxygen and fluorine content
    Physica B 284-288, 935-936 (2000)
  7. D.F. Khozeev, A.A. Gippius, E.N. Morozowa, A.N. Vasil’ev, A.V. Zalessky, W. Hoffmann, K. Lüders, G. Dhalenne, A. Revcolevshi:
    Local Magnetic Fields in Antiferromagnetic Bi2CuO4: as seen from 63,65Cu and 209Bi Nuclear Resonance
    Physica B 284-288, 1377-1378 (2000)
  8. H.R. Khan, K. Lüders, K. Kajikawa, M. Baenitz, C. Ecker:
    Irreversibility fields of polycrystalline Hg(1-x)PbxBa2Ca2Cu3Oy superconductors
    Physica C 341-348, 683-684 (2000)
  9. A.A. Gippius, E.N. Morozova, D.F. Khozeev, A.N. Vasil’ev, M. Baenitz, G. Dhalenne, A. Revcolevschi:
    Non-equivalence of Cu crystal sites in CuGeO3 as evidenced by NQR
    J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 12, L71-L75 (2000)
  10. K. Lüders:
    Physik für Naturwissenschaftler
    Verlag Dr. Köster, Berlin, 2. Auflage 2000, 162 Seiten
  11. H. Breitzke, K. Lüders, A.A. Gippius and E. V. Antipov:
    Structure of the Cu-NQR spectrum in Hg-1223 between 4.2 K and 145 K
    Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 14, 29,30-31 (2000)


  1. D. Farías, P. Schilbe, M. Patting, and K.H. Rieder: 
    The transition of chemisorbed hydrogen into subsurface sites on Pd(311) 
    J. Chem Phys. 110, 559 (1999)
  2. K. Lüders, W. Hoffmann, M. Baenitz: 
    Nuclear resonance and susceptibility investigations of Hg-based high-Tc superconductors 
    in: High-Temperature Superconductors and Novel Inorganic Materials (G. Van Tendeloo et al., eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers 1999, p. 177-182
  3. A.A. Gippius, E.V. Antipov, W. Hoffmann, K. Lüders, G. Buntkowsky: 
    Low frequency spin dynamics as probed by 63Cu and 199Hg NMR in HgBa2CuO4+superconductors with different oxygen content 
    Phys. Rev. B 59, 654-660 (1999)
  4. M. Baenitz: 
    Supraleitung in Fullerenverbindungen 
    Physik in unserer Zeit 30, 167-172 (1999)
  5. W. Hoffmann, M. Baenitz, K. Lüders, A. Gebert, J. Eckert, L. Schultz: 
    NMR Investigations of the Bulk Metallic Glass Zr55Cu30Al10Ni5
    Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 554, 95-100 (1999)
  6. C. Ecker, M. Baenitz, K. Lüders, E.S. Otabe, T. Matsushita, H.R. Khan,
    E.V. Antipov: 
    Magnetic Investigations of Hg-based HTSC: Evidence for Different Kinds of Pinning 
    Adv. in Supercond. XI, 461-464 (1999)
  7. K. Lüders: 
    Buchrezension: Physik I – Mechanik und Wärme, von K. Dransfeld, P. Kienle u. G.M. Kalvius, R. Oldenbourg Verlag München Wien (1998) 
    Phys. Bl. 55, 107 (1999)
  8. M. Baenitz, K. Lüders: 
    Superconductivity in Fullerene Compounds 
    Festkörperprobleme/Advances in Solid State Physics 38, 471-483 (1999)
  9. M. Kraus, O. Klein, G. Buntkowsky, K. Lüders: 
    New Aspects in the Interpretation of the T' and T 87Rb NMR Lines in Rb3C60
    Physica B 271, 7-14 (1999)
  10. N. Sakamoto, T. Muranaka, T. Akune, M. Baenitz, K. Lüders: 
    Magnetic Relaxation  in Superconducting Fullerenes Rb3C60 and K3RbC60
    Adv. in Supercond. XI, 629-632 (1999)


  1. B.A. Hermann, P. Haier, I. Didschuns, N. Esser, W. Richter, K. Lüders:
    Weak Localization and Electron-Electron Interaction in Ultrathin Antimony Films
    phys. stat. sol. (b) 205, 241 (1998)
  2. P. Haier, B.A. Hermann, N. Esser, U. Pietsch, K. Lüders, W. Richter:
    Influence of the deposition rate on the structure of thin metal layers
    Thin Solid Films 318, 223-226 (1998)
  3. S.D. Goren, C. Korn, C. Perrin, W. Hoffmann, A. Privalov, H.M. Vieth, K. Lüders:
    NMR Study of 19F Resonance Above Tc in Fluorinated YBa2Cu3Ox
    Physica C 304, 283-292 (1998)
  4. L. Brinker, M. Baenitz:
    Measurement of Electrical Resistivity without Contacts using the ACMS
    Newsletter from Quantum Design 7, 2 (1998)
  5. E.S. Otabe, T. Matsushita, M. Baenitz, C. Ecker, K. Lüders, E.V. Antipov:
    Irreversibility Field in Hg-1223 Grain Aligned Powders 
    Advances in Superconductivity (K. Osamura, I. Hirabayashi, Eds.) X, 541-544 (1998)
  6. M. Baenitz, C. Ecker, K. Lüders, E.S. Otabe, T. Matsushita, H.R. Khan:
    Comparative Study of the Irreversibility Line of the (Hg,Pb)-1223 Superconductor
    Advances in Superconductivity (K. Osamura, I. Hirabayashi, Eds.) X, 537-540 (1998)
  7. A. A. Gippius, A.N. Vasil'ev, G.A. Petrakovskii, A.V. Zalessky, W. Hoffmann, K. Lüders, G. Dhalenne and A. Revcolevschi:
    Observation of 63,65Cu and 209Bi nuclear resonance in antiferromagnetic Bi2CuO4
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 184, 358-364 (1998)
  8. K. Lüders, W. Hoffmann, M. Baenitz:
    Nuclear resonance and susceptibility investigations of Hg-based high-Tc superconductors
    in: High-Temperature Superconductors and Novel Inorganic Materials (G. Van Tendeloo et al., Eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers 1999, p. 177-182
  9. A.A. Gippius, E.V. Antipov, W. Hoffmann, K. Lüders, G. Buntkowsky:
    Low frequency spin dynamics as probed by 63Cu and 199Hg NMR in HgBa2CuO4+d  superconductors with different oxygen content
    Phys. Rev. B
  10. N. Sakamoto, T. Akune, M. Baenitz, K. Lüders:
    Flux Creep and Pinning Potential in Superconducting Fullerene Rb3C60
    Proceedings of the 17th Int. Cryogenic Eng. Conf. (D. Dew-Hughes et al., Eds.), Inst. of Physics Publishing Bristol and Philadelphia 1998, p. 563-566


  1. M. Kanowski, H.-M. Vieth, K. Lüders, G. Buntkowsky, T. Belz, H. Werner,M. Wohlers, R. Schlögl:
    The structure of fullerene black and the incorporation of C60 investigated by 13C NMR
    Carbon 35, 685 (1997)
  2. A.A. Gippius, E.V. Antipov, W. Hoffmann, K. Lüders:
    Nuclear quadrupole interactions and charge localization in HgBa2CuO4+d with different oxygen content
    Physica C 276, 57 (1997)
  3. P. Jess, U. Hubler, H.P. Lang, H.-J. Güntherodt, H. Werner, R. Schlögl, K. Lüders:
    Energy gap determination on polycrystalline Rb2CsC60 by scanning tunneling spectroscopy
    J. Phys. Chem Solids 58, 1803 (1997)
  4. M. Baenitz, M. Heinze, W. Hoffmann, K. Lüders, E.V. Antipov:
    Hg-based Cuprates: Magnetic Properties, NMR and NQR Investigations
    Advances in Superconductivity IX, Springer-Verlag, Tokyo, 107-110 (1997)
  5. W. Hoffmann, H. Breitzke, M. Baenitz, M. Heinze, K. Lüders, A.A. Gippius, E.V. Antipov, P. Jess, U. Hubler, H.P. Lang, H.-J. Güntherodt:
    Electronic Properties of Hg-1201 Oxide Superconductors Determined by NMR and STM Investigation
    Proc. 16th Int. Cryogenic Eng. Conf. p. 1627 (1997)
  6. N. Sakamoto, Y. Ide, T. Akune, M. Baenitz, K. Lüders:
    Reversible Fluxoid Motion in Superconducting Fullerene Rb3C60 
    Proc. 16th Int. Cryogenic Eng. Conf. p. 1561 (1997)
  7. Y. Li, U. Ruppert, I. Arend, K. Lüders:
    Influence of Fountain Pressure on Heat Transfer to Superfluid Helium 
    Proc. 16th Int. Cryogenic Eng. Conf. p. 523 (1997)
  8. Y. Li, Ye. Wu, Yu. Wu, U. Ruppert, I. Arend, K. Lüders:
    Heat Transfer from Superconductor Wire to Superfluid Helium 
    Proc. 16th Int. Cryogenic Eng. Conf. p. 547 (1997)
  9. Y. Li, Ye. Wu, Yu. Wu, U. Ruppert, I. Arend, K. Lüders:
    One Consideration for Recoverey Heat Flux of Directly Heated Wires 
    Proc. 16th Int. Cryogenic Eng. Conf. p. 693 (1997)
  10. W. Hoffmann, M. Baenitz, M. Heinze, K. Lüders, A.A. Gippius, E.V. Antipov:
    Magnetic Properties and NMR Investigations of the Hg-Based Cuprate Hg-1201
    Physica C 282-287, 1381-1382 (1997)
  11. K. Lüders:
    Buch-Rezension: Von Fuller bis zu Fullerenen – Beispiel einer interdisziplinären Forschung, 
    W. Krätschmer u. H. Schuster (Hrsg.), Vieweg, Wiesbaden (1996), Phys. Bl. 53, p. 1133 (1997)
  12. K. Lüders, M. Baenitz:
    Susceptibility, NMR and STM Investigations of Intercalated Fullerenes 
    Recent Advances in the Chemistry and Physics of Fullerenes and Related Materials (K.M. Kadish, R.S. Ruoff, Eds.) 5, 510-520 (1997)


  1. M. Kraus, H. Sindlinger, H. Werner, R. Schlögl, V. Thommen, H.P. Lang, H.-J. Güntherodt, K. Lüders:
    DC-Magnetization Studies on Superconducting Fullerenes
    J. Phys. Chem. Sol. 57, 999-1003 (1996)
  2. M. Heinze, M. Baenitz, K. Lüders, H. Werner, R. Schlögl:
    Upper critical field study of alkali-metal and Ba-doped fullerenes
    Synthetic Metals 77, 23-25 (1996)
  3. B.A. Hermann, I. Didschuns, P. Haier, M. Köpp, N. Esser, U. Resch-Esser, W. Richter, K. Lüders:
    Conductivity of thin antimony films at low temperatures
    Thin Solid Films 275, 125-128 (1996)
  4. I. Arend, Y.Z. Li, K. Lüders, U. Ruppert:
    Heat Flux Investigations on Wires Coated with Porous Insulation in Superfluid Helium
    Cryogenics 36, 215-218 (1996)
  5. M. Kanowski, H. Werner, R. Schlögl, H.-M. Vieth, K. Lüders:
    87Rb NMR Investigations on Binary and Ternary Fullerene Compounds: Rb3C60, K2RbC60 and Rb2CsC60
    Appl. Magn. Reson. 11, 285-292 (1996)
  6. W. Hoffmann, H. Breitzke, K. Lüders, A.A. Gippius, E.V. Antipov, V.A. Aloyshin, H. Lütgemeier:
    Nuclear resonance study of structural features and spin dynamics related to different oxygen content in HgBa2CuO4+d
    Advances in Superconductivity VIII (Eds.: H. Hayakawa, Y. Enomoto), Springer-Verlag Tokyo 1996, p. 115-118
  7. P. Jess, U. Hubler, H.P. Lang, H.-J. Güntherodt, K. Lüders, H. Werner, R. Schlögl:
    A Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy Study on Polycrystalline Rb2CsC60 at 4.5 K
    Proc. Int. Winterschool on Electronic Properties of Novel Materials, Fullerenes and Fullerene Nanostructures (H. Kuzmany et al., Editors) (1996), S. 426-429
  8. H. Sindlinger, M. Kraus, I. Didschuns, B.A. Hermann, K. Lüders, R. Tellgmann, N. Krawez, E.E.B. Campbell, S. Suzuki, K. Kikuchi, Y. Achiba:
    Magnetization Measurements of LaC82 Powder Crystals
    Chechoslovak Journal of Physics 46, 2125-2126 (1996)
  9. B.A. Hermann, P. Haier, I. Didschuns, N. Esser, W. Richter, K. Lüders:
    Influence of Morphology and Structure on the Conductivity of Metallic Thin Films
    Chechoslovak Journal of Physics 46, 2501-2502 (1996)
  10. A.A. Gippius, E.V. Antipov, W. Hoffmann, K. Lüders:
    Cu NQR study of charge localization in HgBa2CuO4+d with different oxygen content
    Chechoslovak Journal of Physics 46, 1149-1150 (1996)
  11. M. Heinze, M. Baenitz, K. Lüders, A.A. Gippius, D.A. Mikhailova:
    Magnetic properties of HgBa2CuO4+d with varying oxygen content
    Chechoslovak Journal of Physics 46, 1441-1442 (1996)
  12. W. Hoffmann, H. Breitzke, K. Lüders, A.A. Gippius, V.A. Alyoshin:
    NMR study of spin dynamics related to different oxygen content in HgBa2CuO4+d
    Chechoslovak Journal of Physics 46, 2179-2180 (1996)
  13. P. Jess, U. Hubler, H.P. Lang, H.-J. Güntherodt, K. Lüders, E.V. Antipov:
    Energy gap distribution on polycrystalline HgBa2CuO4+d observed by scanning tunneling spectroscopy
    Chechoslovak Journal of Physics 46, 1337-1338 (1996)
  14. G. Sparn, F. Laube, A. Link, F. Steglich, M. Baenitz, K. Lüders, H. Werner, R. Schlögl:
    Pressure Dependence of Superconductivity in Ba4C60
    J. Low Temp. Phys. 105, 1703-1708 (1996)
  15. P. Jess, U. Hubler, H.P. Lang, H.-J. Güntherodt, K. Lüders, E.V. Antipov: Energy Gap Distribution of HgBa2CuO4+δ Investigated by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy/Spectroscopy
    J. Low Temp. Phys. 105, 1243-1248 (1996) 
  16. R. Pues, M. Baenitz, M. Heinze, M. Kanowski, K. Lüders, T. Belz, R. Schlögl: 
    Fullerenruß: NMR-Untersuchungen und Transporteigenschaften
    „Anwendungspotential der Fullerene" VDI-TZ Proceedings (1996), S. 91
  17. T. Belz, A. Bauer, M. Baenitz, Th. Braun, J. Find, Yu. S. Grushko, M. Heinze, D. Herein, M. Kanowski, K. Lüders, N. Pfänder, R. Pues, T. Rühle, Y. Uchida, H. Werner, M. Wohlers, R. Schlögl:
    Struktur und Transporteigenschaften von Fullerenruß und seinen Derivaten
    „Anwendungspotential der Fullerene" VDI-TZ Proceedings (1996), S. 43-46


  1. M. Baenitz, M. Heinze, K. Lüders, H. Werner, R. Schlögl, M. Weiden, G. Sparn, F. Steglich:
    Superconductivity of Ba doped C60 / Susceptibility results and upper critical field
    Solid State Comm. 96, 539 (1995)
  2. S.D. Goren, C. Korn, C. Perrin, W. Hoffmann, H.M. Vieth, K. Lüders:
    89Y NMR and Cu NQR of hydrogenated oxygen-deficient YBa2Cu3O6.7
    Phys. Rev. 52, 3091 (1995)
  3. M. Kraus, M. Kanowski, M. Baenitz, H. Werner, R. Schlögl, E.-W. Scheidt, H.-M. Vieth, K. Lüders:
    Superconductivity in Ba Intercalated C60
    Fullerene Science Technology 3, 115 (1995)
  4. M. Kanowski, H.-M. Vieth, K. Lüders, H. Werner, R. Schlögl:
    Some Aspects of the Intercalation of Alkali Ions into C60: a 13C NMR Observation
    in Physics and Chemistry of Fullerenes and Derivates (H. Kuzmany et al., Editors), World Scientific, Singapore 1995, p. 456
  5. M. Baenitz, M. Heinze, K. Lüders, H. Werner, R. Schlögl:
    Superconducting Properties of Alkali Metal and Ba-doped C60
    in Physics and Chemistry of Fullerenes and Derivates (H. Kuzmany et al., Editors), World Scientific, Singapore 1995, p. 436
  6. K. Lüders:
    Book review: Solid Helium Three, E.R. Dobbs, Clarendon Press, Oxford
    Cryogenics 35, 73 (1995)
  7. M. Kanowski, H. Werner, R. Schlögl, H.M. Vieth, K. Lüders:
    13C MAS NMR Investigations on Alkali Doped C60
    Appl. Magnetic Resonance 8, 173 (1995)
  8. W. Hoffmann, H. Breitzke, C.T. Simmons, K. Lüders, G. Buntkowsky, H.H. Limbach, E.V. Antipov, A.A. Gippius, O. Loebich, H.R. Khan, M. Paranthaman, J.R. Thompson:
    199Hg and 63,65Cu NMR Studies of Mercury Based High-Tc Superconductors
    Appl. Magnetic Resonance 8, 57-65 (1995)
  9. W. Bensch, O. Helmer, J. Lu, H.-J. Hesse, G. Wortmann, M. Kraus, K. Lüders:
    Crystal structures, chemical reactivity, magnetic properties and Mössbauer spectroscopy of the quasi-ternary channel compounds TlV5-yFeyS8(y = 0.5 - 1.5)
    J. Solid State Chem. 119, 147 (1995)
  10. K. Lüders:
    Comparison of Graphite Intercalation Compounds and Doped Fullerenes: Superconducting Properties
    Materials Science Forum 191, 119 (1995)
  11. E.S. Otabe, T. Matsushita, M. Heinze, M. Baenitz, K. Lüders:
    Third Harmonic AC Susceptibility in Superconducting Powder
    IEEE, Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 5, 1383 (1995)
  12. N. Sakamoto, T. Akune, Y. Matsumoto, E.S. Otabe, T. Matsushita, M. Baenitz, K. Lüders:
    Magnetic Properties of Granular Superconductors Rb3C60
    Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 34, L 1267 (1995)
  13. K. Lüders:
    Buch-Rezension: Experimentalphysik 1 – Mechanik und Wärme, W. Demtröder,Springer, Heidelberg
    Phys. Bl. 51, 871 (1995)


  1. M. Baenitz, E. Straube, M. Kraus, H. Werner, R. Schlögl, K. Lüders:
    Ac magnetic response of fulleride superconductors
    Physica B 194-196, 2063 (1994)
  2. C. Hucho, M. Kraus, D. Maurer, V. Müller, H. Werner, M. Wohlers, R. Schlögl:
    Elastic Properties of Fullerenes
    Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 245, 277 (1994)
  3. M. Kanowski, G. Buntkowsky, H. Werner, M. Wohlers, R. Schlögl, H.-M. Vieth, K. Lüders:
    13C NMR Investigations of Fullerene Black
    Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 245, 271 (1994)
  4. M. Baenitz, E. Straube, M. Kraus, H. Werner, R. Schlögl, K. Lüders:
    AC Susceptibility Investigations of Superconducting Doped Fullerenes AxC60
    Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 245, 327 (1994)
  5. H.P. Lang, V. Thommen-Geiser, K. Lüders, M. Kraus, M. Baenitz, H.-J. Güntherodt:
    Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Study of Granular Intercalated Fullerenes
    Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 245, 289 (1994)
  6. M. Kraus, M. Baenitz, H. Werner, R. Schlögl, V. Thommen, H.-J. Güntherodt, K. Lüders:
    Superconducting Intercalated Fullerenes – Preparation Routes and Properties
    Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 245, 339 (1994)
  7. H. Riesemeier, S. Gärtner, K. Lüders, M. Schmalz, R. Schöllhorn:
    Susceptibility and NQR Investigations on NaCuO2
    J. Phys. Chem. Solids 55, 613 (1994)
  8. M. Baenitz, M. Heinze, E. Straube, H. Werner, R. Schlögl, V. Thommen, H.-J. Güntherodt, K. Lüders:
    Inter- and intragrain AC response of the granular superconductors K3C60 and Rb3C60
    Physica C 228, 181 (1994)
  9. S.D. Goren, C. Korn, H. Shaked, E. Rössler, H.M. Vieth, K. Lüders:
    NMR Study of Effect of Hydrogen on YBa2Cu3O6
    Physica C 223, 140 (1994)
  10. S.D. Goren, C. Korn, E. Rössler, H.M. Vieth, K. Lüders, Z. Gavra, J.R. Johnson, J.J. Reilly:
    On the Deuterium Quadrupole Coupling Constant of H-Doped YBCO
    J. Alloys and Compounds 210, 9 (1994)
  11. S.D. Goren, C. Korn, C. Perrin, W. Hoffmann, H.M. Vieth, K. Lüders:
    NMR Study of the 89Y Resonance in fluorinated YBa2Cu3Ox
    Phys. Rev. B 50, 1290 (1994)
  12. K. Lüders:
    Supraleitende Fullerene
    Phys. Bl. 50, 166 (1994)
  13. M. Baenitz, M. Heinze, K. Lüders, H. Werner, R. Schlögl:
    Superconductivity of Rb2CsC60: Ac Response and Upper Critical Field
    Solid State Commun. 91, 337 (1994)
  14. M. Baenitz, M. Heinze, K. Lüders, H. Werner, R. Schlögl:
    Susceptibility Study of Site Selective Doped Fullerenes – K2RbC60, Rb3C60, K2CsC60, and Rb2CsC60
    Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. (Novel Forms of Carbon II) 349, 301 (1994)
  15. W. Hoffmann, H. Breitzke, M. Baenitz, M. Heinze, K. Lüders, G. Buntkowsky, H.H. Limbach, E.V. Antipov, A.A. Gippius, O. Loebich, H.R. Khan, M. Paranthaman, J.R. Thompson:
    Application of 199Hg solid-state NMR to Hg based HTSC
    Physica C 227, 225 (1994)
  16. M. Baenitz, M. Heinze, K. Lüders, H. Werner, R. Schlögl:
    Comparative Study of Superconducting K2CsC60, Rb3C60 and Rb2CsC60
    Physica C 235-240, 2503 (1994)
  17. P. Jess, S. Behler, M. Bernasconi, V. Thommen-Geiser, H.P. Lang, M. Baenitz, K. Lüders, H.-J. Güntherodt:
    Electron Tunneling Spectroscopy on poly- and single crystalline Rb3C60
    Physica C 235-240, 2499 (1994)
  18. C. Hucho, M. Kraus, D. Maurer,V. Müller:
    Ultrasonic Investigations of C60/C70-Compounds
    Physica B 194-196, 415 (1994)
  19. W. Hoffmann, M. Kraus, K. Lüders, G. Buntkowsky, H.H. Limbach, E.V. Antipov, A.A. Gippius, O. Loebich, H.R. Khan, M. Paranthaman, J.R. Thompson:
    199Hg-Solid State NMR and Susceptibility Studies of Mercury-based HTSC
    Physica C 235-240, 1671 (1994)
  20. Y. Li, Y. Wu, I. Arend, K. Lüders, U. Ruppert:
    Influence of Porous Coatings on Heat Transfer in Superfluid Helium
    Cryogenics 34, 301 (1994)
  21. M. Baenitz, W. Hoffmann, M. Heinze, M. Kraus, K. Lüders, A.A. Gippius, E.V. Antipov:
    NMR- und Suszeptibilitätsuntersuchungen an Hoch-Tc-Supraleitern
    Statusseminar Supraleitung und Tieftemperaturtechnik (VDI-Technologiezentrum, Herausgeber), VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf 1994, S. 444
  22. J. Roberts, B.A. Hermann, G. Karapetrov, D.W. Tom, A. Spofford, J. Tate:
    Field dependence of the current-voltage characteristics of thin-film YBaCuO at low magnetic fields
    Physica B 194-196, 1889 (1994)
  23. J.M. Roberts, B. Brown, B.A. Hermann, J. Tate:
    Scaling of voltage-current characteristics of thin-film Y-Ba-Cu-O at low magnetic fields
    Phys. Rev. B 49, 6890 (1994)


  1. M. Kraus, M. Baenitz, M. Kanowski, E. Straube, E.-W. Scheidt, S. Gärtner, H.M. Vieth, H. Werner, R. Schlögl, W. Krätschmer, K. Lüders:
    Superconductivity of C60 Compounds
    Applied Superconductivity 1, 901 (1993)
  2. M. Baenitz, M. Kraus, S. Gärtner, H.M. Vieth, H. Werner, R. Schlögl, W. Krätschmer, M. Kanowski, K. Lüders:
    Superconducting Properties of Fullerenes Doped with Binary Thallium Alloys
    Springer Series of Solid-State Sciences 113, 475 (1993)
  3. K. Lüders:
    Superconducting Intercalation Compounds of C60 and Graphite
    in "Chemical Physics of Intercalation II" (P. Bernier et al., Eds.), NATO ASI Series B 305, Plenum Press, New York and London, p. 31 (1993)
  4. J. Freytag, E. Straube, M. Baenitz, M. Kanowski, S. Gärtner, V. Müller, K. Lüders:
    NMR- und NQR-Untersuchungen verschiedener Hoch-Tc-Supraleiter
    in: Supraleitung und Tieftemperaturtechnik, VDI-Verlag GmbH, Düsseldorf 1993, S. 703
  5. S.D. Goren, C. Korn, H. Riesemeier, K. Lüders:
    Nuclear quadrupole resonance of Cu in hydrogenated YBa2Cu3O7 
    Phys. Rev. B 47, 2821 (1993)
  6. J. Freytag, M. Baenitz, S. Gärtner, H. Riesemeier, V. Müller, K. Lüders:
    Temperature Dependence of Cu-NQR Frequencies and Linewidths of High-Tc Superconductors
    Physica C 209, 59 (1993)
  7. M. Baenitz, E. Straube, M. Kraus, M. Kanowski, H. Werner, R. Schlögl, K. Lüders:
    Magnetic Investigations of Superconducting Fullerenes
    Springer Series of Solid-State Sciences, 117, 387 (1993)
  8. M. Baenitz, E. Straube, S. Gärtner, H. Werner, R. Schlögl, K. Lüders:
    AC Susceptibility and upper critical fields in Rb3C60
    Fullerene Science and Technology 1, 177 (1993)


  1. H.P. Lang, K. Lüders, R. Wiesendanger, M. Kraus, S. Gärtner, W. Krätschmer, H.-J. Güntherodt:
    Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Study of Granular (MTl1.5)3 C60 (M = K, Rb)
    Physica B 182, 223–226 (1992)
  2. M. Kraus, S. Gärtner, M. Baenitz, M. Kanowski, H.M. Vieth, C.T. Simmons, W. Krätschmer, V. Thommen, H.P. Lang, H.J. Güntherodt, K. Lüders:
    Investigations on Superconducting RbTl1.5-Doped Fullerene
    Europhysics Letters 17, 419–422 (1992)
  3. M. Kraus, M. Baenitz, S. Gärtner, H.M. Vieth, H. Werner, R. Schlögl, W. Krätschmer, M. Kanowski, V. Thommen, H.-J. Güntherodt, K. Lüders:
    Fullerenes Doped with Thallium Alloys
    Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 270, 135–139 (1992)
  4. S. Gärtner:
    Superconductivity in Doped Fullerenes
    Festkörperprobleme/Advances in Solid State Physics 32, 295–315 (1992)
  5. I. Stang, M. Kraus, E.-W. Scheidt, K. Lüders, V. Thommen, H.-J. Güntherodt:
    NMR Investigations of Cs-Bi-GICs
    Materials Science Forum 91–93, 577–582 (1992)
  6. M. Kraus, I. Stang, K. Lüders:
    Diffusive and Rotational Motion of PF6 Intercalated in Graphite 
    Materials Science Forum 91–93, 289–294 (1992)
  7. E.-W. Scheidt, H. Riesemeier, K. Lüders, M. Robrecht, J. Hasse:
    Influence of 5f electrons on transport properties in uranium-based metallic classes
    J. Alloys and Compounds, 183, 116–128 (1992)
  8. H. Riesemeier, S. Gärtner, V. Müller, K. Lüders:
    Possible Relationship between Cu-NQR Frequencies and Cu Valence States in CuO2-Planes for High-Tc Superconductors
    Applied Magnetic Resonance 3, 641–648 (1992)
  9. S.D. Goren, C. Korn, V. Volterra, H. Riesemeier, E. Rößler, H.M. Vieth, K. Lüders:
    NMR of 1H and 2D in hydrogen-doped and deuterium-doped YBa2Cu3O7
    Phys. Rev. B 46, 14142–14149, (1992)
  10. K. Lüders:
    in Bergmann/Schaefer, Lehrbuch der Experimentalphysik, Band 5: Vielteilchensysteme, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, New York 1992, S- 293–331
  11. S. Gärtner, H. Riesemeier, Y. Kitaoka, V. Müller, K. Lüders, E. Kaldis, S. Rusiecki:
    Cu-NQR Frequencies and Linewidths in High-Tc Superconductors
    Z. Naturforschung 47a, 27–29 (1992)
  12. K. Lüders, M. Kraus, M. Baenitz, M. Kanowski, S. Gärtner, W. Krätschmer, R. Schlögl:
    Superconductivity in Fullerenes Doped with Binary Alloys
    Extended Abstracts of Symposium AA, MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, 1992, p. 1–2


  1. M. Kraus, J. Freytag, S. Gärtner, H.M. Vieth, W. Krätschmer, K. Lüders:
    Superconductivity and NMR investigations of KTll.5-doped C60
    Z. Phys. B-Condensed Matter 85, 1-2 (1991)
  2. S. Gärtner, H. Riesemeier, Y. Kitaoka, V. Müller, K. Lüders:
    Line width investigations of the Cu-NQR in High-Tc superconductors
    Extended Abstracts of the 10th Specialized Coll. Ampere on NMR/NQR in High-Tc Superconductors, Zürich 1991, p. 60-61
  3. T. Gradt, R. Wang, U. Ruppert, K. Lüders:
    Normal Zone Propagation along Superconducting Wires in Superfluid Liquid Helium
    Physica B 169, 461-462 (1991)
  4. M. Robrecht, J. Hasse, E.-W. Scheidt, K. Lüders:
    Specific heat of amorphous U-Fe, U-Co and U-Ni alloys
    Z. Phys. B - Condensed Matter 85, 249-253 (1991)
  5. H. Riesemeier, E.-W. Scheidt, S. Gärtner, C. Hucho, G. Stadermann, V. Müller, K. Lüders:
    Cu-NQR-Spektren verschiedener Hoch-Tc-Supraleiter im Vergleich und Einfluß remanenter Magnetfelder
    Statusseminar Supraleitung und Tieftemperaturtechnik (VDI-Technologiezentrum, Herausgeber), Baden-Baden, Febr. 1991, S. 532-535
  6. C. Hucho, H. Riesemeier, D. Maurer, K.H. Rieder, K. Lüders,V. Müller:
    Dielektrische Anomalien in supraleitendem YBa2Cu3O7
    Statusseminar Supraleitung und Tieftemperaturtechnik (VDI-Technologiezentrum, Herausgeber), Baden-Baden, Febr. 1991, S. 536-539
  7. S. Gärtner, H. Riesemeier, V. Müller, K. Lüders:
    Comparison of Cu-NQR Spectra for Different High-Tc Superconductors
    Proc. IV. Bilaterales Sowj.-Deutsches Seminar, St. Petersburg, Okt. 1991, p. 174-177
  8. K. Lüders, H.D. Denner:
    Anwendungen des HeII-Fontäneneffektes in Weltraumkühlsystemen
    Tagungsbericht Deutscher Kälte- und Klimatechnischer Verein, Berlin, Nov. 1991, Band 1, S. 34-43
  9. K. Lüders, M. Kraus, I. Stang:
    Superconductivity Research on Graphite Intercalation Compounds
    Int. Workshop on Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Graphite Intercalation Compounds, Grenoble, June 1991, p. 9
  10. I. Stang, E.-W. Scheidt, K. Lüders, V. Thommen, H.-J. Güntherodt:
    NMR and Charge Transfer of Cs-Bi Ternary Compounds
    Int. Workshop on Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Graphite Intercalation Compounds, Grenoble, June 1991, p. 12
  11. M. Kraus, S. Gärtner, M. Baenitz, M. Kanowski, J. Freytag, H.M. Vieth, K. Lüders:
    Supraleitung in ternären C60-Verbindungen
    in "Fullerene, Technologiepotential, Anwendungsmöglichkeiten und Handlungsbedarf", VDI Technologiezentrum, Düsseldorf, Nov. 1991, S. 154-165


  1. H. Riesemeier, G. Stadermann, H. Kamphausen, K. Lüders, C. Politis, V. Müller:
    Temperature dependence of the NQR frequency of YBa2Cu3O7 and NQR results for Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu30y and Tl2Sr2Ba2Cu3Oy
    J. Less-Common Metals 164/165, 1106-1112 (1990)
  2. I. Stang, M. Kraus, K. Lüders:
    19F-Spin-Lattice Relaxation of PF6-Intercalated in Graphite
    Extended Abstracts Congress Ampere on Magnetic Resonance and Re lated Phenomena (M. Mehring, J.U. Schütz, H.C. Wolf, eds.), Stuttgart 1990, p. 202-203
  3. H. Riesemeier, E.-W. Scheidt, H. Kamphausen, C. Hucho, V. Müller, K. Lüders:
    Magnetic Properties of High-Tc Powder Samples Investigated by Susceptibility and NQR Measurements
    Proc. of the 3rd German-Soviet Bilateral Seminar on High-Temperature Superconductivity, Karlsruhe, Oct. 1990, p. 186-191
  4. C. Hucho, D. Maurer, H. Riesemeier, K.H. Rieder, K. Lüders, V. Müller:
    What can we learn from Ultrasonic and NQR Measurements about the Dielectric Properties of Superconducting YBa2Cu3O7?
    Proc. of the 3rd German-Soviet Bilateral Seminar on High-Temperature Superconductivity, Karlsruhe, Oct. 1990, p. 198-202
  5. H. Riesemeier, H. Kamphausen, E.-W. Scheidt, G. Stadermann, K. Lüders, V. Müller:
    NQR Investigations on Oriented High-Tc Powder Samples
    Springer Series in Solid State Sciences 99, 225-229 (1990)
  6. H. Riesemeier, H. Kamphausen, E.-W. Scheidt, M. Schaefer, K. Lüders:
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  7. H. Riesemeier, J. Pattloch, E.-W. Scheidt, M. Schaefer, K. Lüders:
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  8. H. Riesemeier, H. Kamphausen, J. Pattloch, G. Stadermann, K. Lüders:
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  9. S.D. Goren, C. Korn, V. Volterra, H. Riesemeier, E. Rößler, M. Schaefer, H.M. Vieth, K. Lüders:
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  10. T. Gradt, K. Ruppert, K. Lüders, R. Wang:
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  11. E.-W. Scheidt, H. Riesemeier, K. Lüders, M. Robrecht, J. Hasse:
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  12. D. Maurer, V. Müller, E.-W. Scheidt, K. Lüders:
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  13. T. Gradt, R. Wang, U. Ruppert, K. Lüders:
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  14. T. Gradt, K. Lüders, R.Z. Wang, U. Ruppert, K. Funaki:
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  15. H. Riesemeier, G. Stadermann, K. Lüders, V. Müller:
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