The Nanofab is a shared facility with equipment for creation and charachterization of structures down to nanometer lengthscales. The Nanofab is located at Altensteinstraße 23a in the SupraFab building (Rooms 0.17-0.21) The facility is managed by Bianca Höfer (AG Bolotin).
For more information please visit our Wiki-Page
Existing Users:
General cleanroom rules. Follow them!
- Gowning. To enter the cleanroom, you must wear a 1) blue overall gown, 2) white EDS shoes, 3) headcover and beardcover (if applicable), and 4) gloves. Here are the instruction for procuring gown/shoes.
- Journaling. Please make sure to record every use and every problem that arose during the use of cleanroom instruments in the log book of that instrument. If anything broke or did not work properly -- please make a note in the logbook and notify the tool superuser and Bianca Höfer.
- Cleaning. The cleanroom must be clean! To achive this lofty goal, all active users must participate in its cleaning.
Equipment. (Do not use any equipment if you have not been trained by one of the superusers!)
Room 0.17
Room 0.18
- Thermal evaporator (Cheat Sheet). Superuser: Bianca Höfer
- Reactive Ion Etching (RIE). Superuser: Bianca Höfer/Wesley Pietsch
- Plasma Enhanced ChemicalVapor Deposition (PECV). Superuser: Bianca Höfer
- Plasma Cleaner (with Oxide); Philip Nickl
Room 0.19
- Optical microscope / Transfer stage. Superuser: Abhijeet Kumar
- Raman Spectrometer (XPLORA). Superuser: Christian Halbig/Patryk Kusch
- Scios 2 CrossBeam (FIB). Superuser: Sviat Kovalchuck
- Glovebox equiped with Transferstage, ezAFM and molecular evaporator. Superuser: Nele Stetzuhn/ AdrianDewambrechies
Room 0.20
- AFM (Cheat Sheet). Superusers: Christia Halbig
- Electron beam lithography. Superuser: Bianca Höfer
- Spin Coater. Superuser: Bianca Höfer
- Optical Lithography - direct Laserwriter (µMLA). Superuser: Marleen Hußmann
- KUB UV Mask Lithography. Superuser: Bianca Höfer
Equipment scheduling (Please only book necessary time. Delete unused slots. If you do not appeat within 15min from the reservation -- your slot is for grabs!)
New users:
If you would like to get cleanroom access, you must first get familiar with general cleanroom procedures and safety rules. For Equipment Scheduling you need a OpenIris acount.
To access the cleanroom please email Bianca Höfer