Here you will find a constantly updated list of publications with citation statistics.
Some Highlights
Greife, P., Schonborn, M., Capone, M., Assunção, R., Narzi, D., Guidoni, L., and Dau, H. (2023) The electron-proton bottleneck of photosynthetic water oxidation. Nature (accepted)
Liu, S., Zaharieva, I., D'Amario, L., Mebs, S., Kubella, P., Yang, F., Beyer, P., Haumann, M., and Dau, H. (2022) Electrocatalytic water oxidation at neutral pH - Deciphering the rate constraints for an amorphous cobalt-phosphate catalyst system. Adv. Energy Mater. 12. 10.1002/aenm.202202914.
Chernev, P., Fischer, S., Hoffmann, J., Oliver, N., Assunção, R., Yu, B., Burnap, R., Zaharieva, I., Nürnberg, D., Haumann, M., Dau, H. (2020) Light-driven formation of manganese oxide by today's photosystem II supports evolutionarily ancient manganese-oxidizing photosynthesis. Nature Commun. 11, 6110.
Zaharieva, I., González-Flores, D., Asfari, B., Pasquini, C., Mohammadi, M. R., Klingan, K., Zizak, I., Loos, S., Chernev, P., and Dau, H. (2016) Water oxidation catalysis – role of redox and structural dynamics in biological photosynthesis and inorganic manganese oxides, Energy Environ. Science 9, 2433-2443.
Risch, M.; Ringleb, F.; Kohlhoff, M.; Bogdanoff, P.; Chernev, P.; Zaharieva, I.; Dau, H. (2015) Water oxidation by amorphous cobalt-based oxides: in situ tracking of redox transitions and mode of catalysis. Energy Environ Science 8, 661-674.
Bergmann, A.; Martinez-Moreno, E.; Teschner, D.; Chernev, P.; Gliech, M.; de Araujo, J. F.; Reier, T.; Dau, H.; Strasser, P. (2015) Reversible amorphization and the catalytically active state of crystalline Co3O4 during oxygen evolution. Nature Commun 2015, 6, 8625.
Klauss, A., Haumann, M., and Dau, H. (2012) Alternating electron and proton transfer steps in photosynthetic water oxidation, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 109, 16035-16040.
Cobo, S., Heidkamp, J., Jacques, P.-A., Fize, J., Fourmond, V., Guetaz, L., Jousselme, B., Ivanova, V., Dau, H., Palacin, S., Fontecave, M., and Artero, V. (2012) A Janus cobalt-based catalytic material for electro-splitting of water, Nature Materials 11, 802-807.
Zaharieva, I., Chernev, P., Risch, M., Klingan, K., Kohlhoff, M., Fischer, A., and Dau, H. (2012) Electrosynthesis, functional and structural characterization of a water-oxidizing manganese oxide, Energy Environ Science 5, 7081-7089.
Haumann, M., Grundmeier, A., Zaharieva, I., and Dau, H. (2008). Photosynthetic water oxidation at elevated dioxygen partial pressure monitored by time-resolved X-ray absorption measurements. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 105, 17384-17389.
Haumann, M., Liebisch, P., Muller, C., Barra, M., Grabolle, M., and Dau, H. (2005). Photosynthetic O2 formation tracked by time-resolved x-ray experiments. Science 310, 1019-1021.
Some Basic Review Articles
Dau, H., Limberg, C., Reier, T., Risch, M., Roggan, S., and Strasser, P. (2010). The mechanism of water oxidation: from electrolysis via homogeneous to biological catalysis. ChemCatChem 2, 724-761.
Dau, H., and Zaharieva, I. (2009). Principles, efficiency, and blueprint character of solar-energy conversion in photosynthetic water oxidation. Acc Chem Res 42, 1861-1870.
Dau, H., and Haumann, M. (2008). The manganese complex of photosystem II in its reaction cycle—basic framework and possible realization at the atomic level. Coord Chem Rev 252, 273-295.
Dau, H., Liebisch, P., and Haumann, M. (2003). X-ray absorption spectroscopy to analyze nuclear geometry and electronic structure of biological metal centers—potential and questions examined with special focus on the tetra-nuclear manganese complex of oxygenic photosynthesis. Anal Bioanal Chem 376, 562-583.
Here you will find a constantly updated list of publications with citation statistics.
Publications 2009-2020
Chernev, P., Fischer, S., Hoffmann, J., Oliver, N., Assunção, R., Yu, B., Burnap, R., Zaharieva, I., Nürnberg, D., Haumann, M., Dau, H. (2020) Light-driven formation of manganese oxide by today's photosystem II supports evolutionarily ancient manganese-oxidizing photosynthesis. Nat. commun. 11, 6110.
Abdi, Z., Bagheri, R., Mohammadi, M.R., Song, Z., Görlin, M., Dau, H., Najafpour, M.M. In situ synthesis of manganese oxide as an oxygen-evolving catalyst: A new strategy. Chem. Eur. J.
Weitze, M.D., Tran, D., Dau, H., Kurz, P. Nature is showing us the way Artificial Photosynthesis. Chem. Unserer Zeit, 11.
Mousazade, Y., Mohammadi, M.R., Chernev, P., Bagheri, R., Song, Z., Dau, H., Najafpour, M.M. (2020). Revisiting Metal–Organic Frameworks for Oxygen Evolution: A Case Study. Inorg. Chem., 59,15335-15342.
Mohammadi, M.R., Loos, S., Chernev, P., Pasquini, C., Zaharieva, I., González-Flores, D., Kubella, P., Klingan, K., Smith, R.D.L., Dau, H. (2020). Exploring the Limits of Self-Repair in Cobalt Oxide Films for Electrocatalytic Water Oxidation. ACS Catalysis, 10,7990-7999.
Pasquini, C., D'Amario, L., Zaharieva, I., Dau, H. (2020). Operando Raman spectroscopy tracks oxidation-state changes in an amorphous Co oxide material for electrocatalysis of the oxygen evolution reaction. J. Chem. Phys., 152,13.
Kass, D., Corona, T., Warm, K., Braun-Cula, B., Kuhlmann, U., Bill, E., Mebs, S., Swart, M., Dau, H., Haumann, M., Hildebrandt, P., Ray, K. (2020). Stoichiometric Formation of an Oxoiron(IV) Complex by a Soluble Methane Monooxygenase Type Activation of O-2 at an Iron(II)-Cyclam Center. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 142,5924-5928.
Yuan, W.J., Wang, Y.Q., Chernev, P., Klingan, K., Mohammadi, M.R., Loos, S., Pasquini, C., Kubella, P., Jiang, S., Cui, Z.D., Zhu, S.L., Li, Z.Y., Wu, S.L., Dau, H., Zhang, J.T., Liang, Y.Q. (2020). Tuning cobalt e(g) occupation of Co-NCNT by manipulation of crystallinity facilitates more efficient oxygen evolution and reduction. J. Catal., 383,221-229.
Gerland, L., Friedrich, D., Hopf, L., Donovan, E.J., Wallmann, A., Erdmann, N., Diehl, A., Bommer, M., Buzar, K., Ibrahim, M., Schmieder, P., Dobbek, H., Zouni, A., Bondar, A.N., Dau, H., Oschkinat, H. (2020). pH-Dependent Protonation of Surface Carboxylate Groups in PsbO Enables Local Buffering and Triggers Structural Changes. ChemBioChem, 21,1597-1604.
Melder, J., Bogdanoff, P., Zaharieva, I., Fiechter, S., Dau, H., Kurz, P. (2020). Water-Oxidation Electrocatalysis by Manganese Oxides: Syntheses, Electrode Preparations, Electrolytes and Two Fundamental Questions. Z. Phys. Chemie-Int. J. Res. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 234,925-978.
Beltrán-Suito, R., Forstner, V., Hausmann, J.N., Mebs, S., Schmidt, J., Zaharieva, I., Laun, K., Zebger, I., Dau, H., Menezes, P.W., Driess, M. (2020). A soft molecular 2Fe–2As precursor approach to the synthesis of nanostructured FeAs for efficient electrocatalytic water oxidation. Chem. Sci.
Hausmann, J.N., Mebs, S., Laun, K., Zebger, I., Dau, H., Menezes, P.W., Driess, M. (2020). Understanding the formation of bulk- and surface-active layered (oxy)hydroxides for water oxidation starting from a cobalt selenite precursor. Energy Environ. Sci., 13,3607-3619.
Chandra, A., Mebs, S., Kundu, S., Kuhlmann, U., Hildebrandt, P., Dau, H., Ray, K. (2020). Catalytic dioxygen reduction mediated by a tetranuclear cobalt complex supported on a stannoxane core. Dalton Trans., 49,6065-6073.
Mousazade, Y., Mohammadi, M.R., Bagheri, R., Bikas, R., Chernev, P., Song, Z.L., Lis, T., Siczek, M., Noshiranzadeh, N., Mebs, S., Dau, H., Zaharieva, I., Najafpour, M.M. (2020). A synthetic manganese-calcium cluster similar to the catalyst of Photosystem II: challenges for biomimetic water oxidation. Dalton Trans., 49,5597-5605.
Indra, A., Menezes, P.W., Zaharieva, I., Dau, H., Driess, M. (2020). Detecting structural transformation of cobalt phosphonate to active bifunctional catalysts for electrochemical water-splitting. J. Mater. Chem. A, 8,2637-2643.
Najafpour, M.M., Zaharieva, I., Zand, Z., Maedeh Hosseini, S., Kouzmanova, M., Hołyńska, M., Tranca, I., Larkum, A.W., Shen, J.-R., Allakhverdiev, S.I. (2020). Water-oxidizing complex in Photosystem II: Its structure and relation to manganese-oxide based catalysts. Coord. Chem. Rev., 409,213183.
Duffus, B.R., Schrapers, P., Schuth, N., Mebs, S., Dau, H., Leimkuhler, S., Haumann, M. (2020). Anion Binding and Oxidative Modification at the Molybdenum Cofactor of Formate Dehydrogenase from Rhodobacter capsulatus Studied by X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy. Inorg. Chem., 59,214-225.
Zand, Z., Salimi, P., Mohammadi, M.R., Bagheri, R., Chernov, P., Song, Z.L., Dau, H., Gorlin, M., Najafpour, M.M. (2019). Nickel-Vanadium Layered Double Hydroxide under Water-Oxidation Reaction: New Findings and Challenges. ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng., 7,17252-17262.
Meng, J.F., Chernev, P., Mohammadi, M.R., Klingan, K., Loos, S., Pasquini, C., Kubella, P., Jiang, S., Yang, X.J., Cui, Z.D., Zhu, S.L., Li, Z.Y., Liang, Y.Q., Dau, H. (2019). Self-supported Ni(OH)(2)/MnO2 on CFP as a flexible anode towards electrocatalytic urea conversion: The role of composition on activity, redox states and reaction dynamics. Electrochim. Acta, 318,32-41.
Han, R., Rempfer, K., Zhang, M., Dobbek, H., Zouni, A., Dau, H., Luber, S. (2019). Investigating the Structure and Dynamics of Apo‐Photosystem II. ChemCatChem, 11,4072-4080.
Reschke, S., Duffus, B.R., Schrapers, P., Mebs, S., Teutloff, C., Dau, H., Haumann, M., Leimkuhler, S. (2019). Identification of YdhV as the First Molybdoenzyme Binding a Bis-Mo-MPT Cofactor in Escherichia coli. Biochemistry, 58,2228-2242.
Kottakkat, T., Klingan, K., Jiang, S., Jovanov, Z.P., Davies, V.H., El-Nagar, G.A.M., Dau, H., Roth, C. (2019). Electrodeposited AgCu Foam Catalysts for Enhanced Reduction of CO2 to CO. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 11,14734-14744.
Melder, J., Mebs, S., Heizmann, P.A., Lang, R., Dau, H., Kurz, P. (2019). Carbon fibre paper coated by a layered manganese oxide: a nano-structured electrocatalyst for water-oxidation with high activity over a very wide pH range. J. Mater. Chem. A, 7,25333-25346.
Villalobos, J., Gonzalez-Flores, D., Klingan, K., Chernev, P., Kubella, P., Urcuyo, R., Pasquini, C., Mohammadi, M.R., Smith, R.D.L., Montero, M.L., Dau, H. (2019). Structural and functional role of anions in electrochemical water oxidation probed by arsenate incorporation into cobalt-oxide materials. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 21,12485-12493.
Dau, H., Kurz, P., and Weitze, M.-D. (2019). Künstliche Photosynthese. Berlin, Springer.
Dau, H., Nürnberg, D. J., and Burnap, R. L. (2019). "Local cycle of photosynthesis and quasi-aerobic respiration facilitated by manganese oxides – a hypothesis on the evolution of phototrophy", in Bioenergetics: Oxygen Production and Reduction, eds. J. Barber, P. Nixon and A. V. Ruban, (World Scientific Publishers, Singapore).
Abrashev, M.V., Chernev, P., Kubella, P., Mohammadi, M.R., Pasquini, C., Dau, H., Zaharieva, I. (2019). Origin of the heat-induced improvement of catalytic activity and stability of MnOx electrocatalysts for water oxidation. J. Mather. Chem. A 7, 17022-17036.
Assunção, R., Zaharieva, I., Dau, H. (2019). Ammonia as a substrate-water analogue in photosynthetic water oxidation: Influence on activation barrier of the O2-formation step. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1860, 533-540.
Dau, H., and Pasquini, C. (2019). Modelling the (essential) role of proton transport by electrolyte bases for electrochemical water oxidation at near-neutral pH. Inorganics 7, 20.
Drevon, D., Gorlin, M., Chernev, P., Xi, L. F., Dau, H., and Lange, K. M. (2019). Uncovering the role of oxygen in Ni-Fe(OxHy) electrocatalysts using In situ soft X-ray absorption spectroscopy during the oxygen evolution reaction. Scientific Reports 9, 1-11.
Gorlin, M., Chernev, P., Paciok, P., Tai, C. W., Ferreira de Araujo, J., Reier, T., Heggen, M., Dunin-Borkowski, R., Strasser, P., and Dau, H. (2019). Formation of unexpectedly active Ni-Fe oxygen evolution electrocatalysts by physically mixing Ni and Fe oxyhydroxides. Chem Commun 55, 818-821.
Jiang, S., Klingan, K., Pasquini, C., and Dau, H. (2019). New aspects of operando Raman spectroscopy applied to electrochemical CO2 reduction on Cu foams. J Chem Phys 150, 041718.
Loos, S., Zaharieva, I., Chernev, P., Lißner, A., and Dau, H. (2019). Electromodified NiFe alloys as electrocatalysts for water oxidation: Mechanistic implications of time-resolved UV/Vis tracking of oxidation state changes. ChemSusChem 12, 1966-1976.
Menezes, P. W., Indra, A., Zaharieva, I., Walter, C., Loos, S., Hoffmann, S., Schlögl, R., Dau, H., and Driess, M. (2019). Helical cobalt borophosphates to master durable overall water-splitting. Energy Environ Sci 12, 988-999.
Pasquini, C., Zaharieva, I., Gonzalez-Flores, D., Chernev, P., Mohammadi, M. R., Guidoni, L., Smith, R. D. L., and Dau, H. (2019). H/D isotope effects reveal factors controlling catalytic activity in Co-based oxides for water oxidation. J Am Chem Soc 141, 2938-2948.
Zaharieva, I., and Dau, H. (2019). Energetics and kinetics of S-state transitions monitored by delayed chlorophyll fluorescence. Frontiers in Plant Science 10, 386.
Bergmann, A., Jones, T. E., Martinez Moreno, E., Teschner, D., Chernev, P., Gliech, M., Reier, T., Dau, H., and Strasser, P. (2018). Unified structural motifs of the catalytically active state of Co(oxyhydr)oxides during the electrochemical oxygen evolution reaction. Nature Catalysis 1, 711-719.
Dau, H. (2018). Water splitting: Unexpected Fe(VI) trapped by manipulation of reaction kinetics. Chem 4, 668-670.
Dresp, S., Dionigi, F., Loos, S., de Araujo, J. F., Spori, C., Gliech, M., Dau, H., and Strasser, P. (2018). Direct electrolytic splitting of seawater: Activity, selectivity, degradation, and recovery studied from the molecular catalyst structure to the electrolyzer cell level. Advanced Energy Materials 8, 1800338.
Fetyan, A., El-Nagar, G. A., Derr, I., Kubella, P., Dau, H., and Roth, C. (2018). A neodymium oxide nanoparticle-doped carbon felt as promising electrode for vanadium redox flow batteries. Electrochim Acta 268, 59-65.
González-Flores, D., Klingan, K., Chernev, P., Loos, S., Mohammadi, M. R., Pasquini, C., Kubella, P., Zaharieva, I., Smith, R. D. L., and Dau, H. (2018). Nickel-iron catalysts for electrochemical water oxidation – redox synergism investigated by in situ X-ray spectroscopy with millisecond time resolution. Sustainable Energy & Fuels 2, 1986-1994.
Klingan, K., Kottakkat, T., Jovanov, Z. P., Jiang, S., Pasquini, C., Scholten, F., Kubella, P., Bergmann, A., Cuenya, B., Roth, C., and Dau, H. (2018). Reactivity determinants in electrodeposited Cu foams for electrochemical CO2 reduction. ChemSusChem 11, 3449-3459.
Menezes, P. W., Panda, C., Loos, S., Bunschei-Bruns, F., Walter, C., Schwarze, M., Deng, X. H., Dau, H., and Driess, M. (2018). A structurally versatile nickel phosphite acting as a robust bifunctional electrocatalyst for overall water splitting. Energy Environ Sci 11, 1287-1298.
Mousazade, Y., Mohammadi, M. R., Chernev, P., Bikas, R., Bagheri, R., Song, Z. L., Lis, T., Dau, H., and Najafpour, M. M. (2018). Water oxidation by a manganese-potassium cluster: Mn oxide as a kinetically dominant "true" catalyst for water oxidation. Catalysis Science & Technology 8, 4390-4398.
Safdari, R., Mohammadi, M. R., Holynska, M., Chernev, P., Dau, H., and Najafpour, M. M. (2018). A mononuclear cobalt complex for water oxidation: new controversies and puzzles. Dalton Trans 47, 16668-16673.
Schuth, N., Zaharieva, I., Chernev, P., Berggren, G., Anderlund, M., Styring, P., Dau, H., and Haumann, M. (2018). Kα X-ray emission spectroscopy on the photosynthetic oxygen-evolving complex supports manganese oxidation and water binding in the S3 state. Inorg Chem 57, 10424–10430.
Smith, R. D. L., Pasquini, C., Loos, S., Chernev, P., Klingan, K., Kubella, P., Mohammadi, M. R., Gonzalez-Flores, D., and Dau, H. (2018). Geometric distortions in nickel (oxy)hydroxide electrocatalysts by redox inactive iron ions. Energy Environ Sci 11, 2476-2485.
Walter, C., Menezes, P. W., Loos, S., Dau, H., and Driess, M. (2018). Facile formation of nanostructured manganese oxide films as high-performance catalysts for the oxygen evolution reaction. ChemSusChem 11, 2554-2561.
Bommer, M., Coates, L., Dau, H., Zouni, A., and Dobbek, H. (2017). Protein crystallization and initial neutron diffraction studies of the photosystem II subunit PsbO. Acta Cryst. F 73, 525-531.
Dau, H., Fujita, E., and Sun, L. (2017). Artificial Photosynthesis: Beyond Mimicking Nature. ChemSusChem 10, 4228-4235.
Frey, C. E., Kwok, F., Gonzales-Flores, D., Ohms, J., Cooley, K. A., Dau, H., Zaharieva, I., Walter, T. N., Simchi, H., Mohney, S. E., and Kurz, P. (2017). Evaporated manganese films as a starting point for the preparation of thin-layer MnOx water-oxidation anodes. Sustainable Energy & Fuels 1, 1162-1170.
Gorlin, M., de Araujo, J.F., Schmies, H., Bernsmeier, D., Dresp, S., Gliech, M., Jusys, Z., Chernev, P., Kraehnert, R., Dau, H., and Strasser, P. (2017). Tracking catalyst redox states and reaction dynamics in Ni-Fe oxyhydroxide oxygen evolution reaction electrocatalysts: The role of catalyst support and electrolyte pH. J Am Chem Soc 139, 2070-2082.
Monte-Perez, I., Kundu, S., Chandra, A., Craigo, K. E., Chernev, P., Kuhlmann, U., Dau, H., Hildebrandt, P., Greco, C., Van Stappen, C., Lehnert, N. and Ray, K. (2017). Temperature dependence of the catalytic two-versus four-electron reduction of dioxygen by a hexanuclear cobalt complex. J Am Chem Soc 139, 15033-15042.
Natali, M., Bazzan, I., Goberna-Ferron, S., Al-Oweini, R., Ibrahim, M., Bassil, B.S., Dau, H., Scandola, F., Galan-Mascaros, J.R., Kortz, U., Sartorel, A., Zaharieva, I., and Bonchio, M. (2017). Photo-assisted water oxidation by high-nuclearity cobalt-oxo cores: tracing the catalyst fate during oxygen evolution turnover. Green Chemistry 19, 2416-2426.
Schrapers, P., Ilina, J., Gregg, C.M., Mebs, S., Jeoung, J.H., Dau, H., Dobbek, H., and Haumann, M. (2017). Ligand binding at the A-cluster in full-length or truncated acetyl-CoA synthase studied by X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Plos One 12.
Schuth, N., Liang, Z., Schonborn, M., Kussicke, A., Assuncao, R., Zaharieva, I., Zilliges, Y., and Dau, H. (2017). Inhibitory and Non-Inhibitory NH3 Binding at the Water-Oxidizing Manganese Complex of Photosystem II Suggests Possible Sites and a Rearrangement Mode of Substrate Water Molecules. Biochemistry 56, 6240-6256.
Smith, R.D.L., Pasquini, C., Loos, S., Chernev, P., Klingan, K., Kubella, P., Mohammadi, M.R., Gonzalez-Flores, D., and Dau, H. (2017). Spectroscopic identification of active sites for the oxygen evolution reaction on iron-cobalt oxides. Nat Commun 8, 2022.
Xi, L., Schwanke, C., Xiao, J., Abdi, F. F., Zaharieva, I., and Lange, K. M. (2017). In situ L-edge XAS study of a manganese oxide water oxidation catalyst. J Phys Chem C 121, 12003-12009.
Zhang, M., Bommer, M., Chatterjee, R., Hussein, R., Yano, J., Dau, H., Kern, J., Dobbek, H., and Zouni, A. (2017). Structural insights into the light-driven auto-assembly process of the water oxidizing Mn4CaO5-cluster in photosystem II. Elife 6.
Publications Dau /Zaharieva /Chernev
Bommer, M., Bondar, A. N., Zouni, A., Dobbek, H., and Dau, H. (2016) Crystallographic and Computational Analysis of the Barrel Part of the Psbo Protein of Photosystem Ii: Carboxylate-Water Clusters as Putative Proton Transfer Relays and Structural Switches. Biochemistry 55, 4626-4635, doi: 10.1021/acs.biochem.6b00441
Chernev, P., Zaharieva, I., Rossini, E., Galstyan, A., Dau, H., and Knapp, E. W. (2016). Merging Structural Information from X-ray Crystallography, Quantum Chemistry, and EXAFS Spectra: The Oxygen-Evolving Complex in PSII. J Phys Chem B 120, 10899-10922.
Gonzalez-Flores, D., Zaharieva, I., Heidkamp, J., Chernev, P., Martinez-Moreno, E., Pasquini, C., Mohammadi, M. R., Klingan, K., Gernet, U., Fischer, A., and Dau, H. (2016) Electrosynthesis of Biomimetic Manganese-Calcium Oxides for Water Oxidation Catalysis - Atomic Structure and Functionality. ChemSusChem 9, 379-387, doi: 10.1002/cssc.201501399
Gorlin, M., Chernev, P., Ferreira de Araujo, J., Reier, T., Dresp, S., Paul, B., Krahnert, R., Dau, H., and Strasser, P. (2016) Oxygen Evolution Reaction Dynamics, Faradaic Charge Efficiency, and the Active Metal Redox States of Ni-Fe Oxide Water Splitting Electrocatalysts. J Am Chem Soc 138, 5603-5614, doi: 10.1021/jacs.6b00332
Hartmann, T., Schrapers, P., Utesch, T., Nimtz, M., Rippers, Y., Dau, H., Mroginski, M. A., Haumann, M., and Leimkuhler, S. (2016) The Molybdenum Active Site of Formate Dehydrogenase Is Capable of Catalyzing C-H Bond Cleavage and Oxygen Atom Transfer Reactions. Biochemistry 55, 2381-2389, doi: 10.1021/acs.biochem.6b00002
Kundu, S., Chernev, P., Engelmann, X., Chung, C. S., Dau, H., Bill, E., England, J., Nam, W., and Ray, K. (2016) A Cobalt(Ii) Iminoiodane Complex and Its Scandium Adduct: Mechanistic Promiscuity in Hydrogen Atom Abstraction Reactions. Dalton Trans. 45, 14538-14543, doi: 10.1039/c6dt01815g
Menezes, P. W., Indra, A., Bergmann, A., Chernev, P., Walter, C., Dau, H., Strasser, P., and Driess, M. (2016) Uncovering the Prominent Role of Metal Ions in Octahedral Versus Tetrahedral Sites of Cobalt-Zinc Oxide Catalysts for Efficient Oxidation of Water. J. Mat. Chem. A 4, 10014-10022, doi:
Najafpour, M. M., Sedigh, D. J., Hosseini, S. M., and Zaharieva, I. (2016) Treated Nanolayered Mn Oxide by Oxidizable Compounds: A Strategy to Improve the Catalytic Activity toward Water Oxidation. Inorg. Chem. 55, 8827-8832, doi: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.6b01334
Schrapers, P., Mebs, S., Goetzl, S., Hennig, S. E., Dau, H., Dobbek, H., and Haumann, M. (2016) Axial Ligation and Redox Changes at the Cobalt Ion in Cobalamin Bound to Corrinoid Iron-Sulfur Protein (Cofesp) or in Solution Characterized by Xas and Dft. PLoS One 11, e0158681, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0158681
Schrapers, P., Mebs, S., Ilina, Y., Warner, D. S. W., C., Schuth, N., Kositzki, R., Dau, H., Limberg, C., Dobbek, H., and Haumann, M. (2016). The binuclear nickel center in the A-cluster of acetyl-CoA synthase (ACS) and two biomimetic dinickel complexes studied by X-ray absorption and emission spectroscopy. Journal of Physics: Conference Series: 16th International Conference on X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure (Xafs16) 712, 012029. doi: doi:10.1088/1742-6596/712/1/012029
Zaharieva, I., Chernev, P., Berggren, G., Anderlund, M., Styring, S., Dau, H., and Haumann, M. (2016) Room-Temperature Energy-Sampling Kbeta X-Ray Emission Spectroscopy of the Mn4ca Complex of Photosynthesis Reveals Three Manganese-Centered Oxidation Steps and Suggests a Coordination Change Prior to O2 Formation. Biochemistry 55, 4197-4211., doi: 10.1021/acs.biochem.6b00491
Zaharieva, I., González-Flores, D., Asfari, B., Pasquini, C., Mohammadi, M. R., Klingan, K., Zizak, I., Loos, S., Chernev, P., and Dau, H. (2016) Water Oxidation Catalysis – Role of Redox and Structural Dynamics in Biological Photosynthesis and Inorganic Manganese Oxides. Energy Environ. Sci. 9, 2433-2443, doi: 10.1039/C6EE01222A
Zaharieva, I., Dau, H., and Haumann, M. (2016). Sequential and coupled proton and electron transfer events in the S2 -> S3 transition of photosynthetic water oxidation revealed by time-resolved X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Biochemistry 55, 6996-7004. doi: 10.1021/acs.biochem.6b01078
Zilliges, Y., and Dau, H. (2016) Unexpected Capacity for Organic Carbon Assimilation by Thermosynechococcus Elongatus, a Crucial Photosynthetic Model Organism. FEBS Lett 590, 962-970, doi: 10.1002/1873-3468.12120
Publications Dau /Zaharieva /Chernev
Bergmann, A.; Martinez-Moreno, E.; Teschner, D.; Chernev, P.; Gliech, M.; de Araujo, J. F.; Reier, T.; Dau, H.; Strasser, P., Reversible amorphization and the catalytically active state of crystalline Co3O4 during oxygen evolution. Nat Commun 2015, 6, 8625.
Fominykh, K.; Chernev, P.; Zaharieva, I.; Sicklinger, J.; Stefanic, G.; Döblinger, M.; Müller, A.; Pokharel, A.; Böcklein, S.; Scheu, C.; Bein, T.; Fattakhova-Rohlfing, D., Iron-doped nickel oxide nanocrystals as highly efficient electrocatalysts for alkaline water splitting. ACS Nano 2015, 9, 5180-5188.
Gonzalez-Flores, D.; Sanchez, I.; Zaharieva, I.; Klingan, K.; Heidkamp, J.; Chernev, P.; Menezes, P. W.; Driess, M.; Dau, H.; Montero, M. L., Heterogeneous water oxidation: surface activity versus amorphization activation in cobalt phosphate catalysts. Angew Chem Int Ed 2015, 54, 2472-6.
González-Flores, D.; Zaharieva, I.; Heidkamp, J.; Chernev, P.; Moreno, E. M.; Pasquini, C.; Mohammadi, M. R.; Fischer, A.; Dau, H., Electrosynthesis of Biomimetic Manganese-Calcium Oxides for Water Oxidation Catalysis - Atomic Structure and Functionality for Variation of the Calcium Content. ChemSusChem 2015, (in press).
Guiet, A.; Göbel, C.; Klingan, K.; Lublow, M.; Reier, T.; Vainio, U.; Kraehnert, R.; Schlaad, H.; Strasser, P.; Zaharieva, I.; Dau, H.; Driess, M.; Polte, J.; Fischer, A., Hydrophobic nanoreactor soft-templating: A supramolecular approach to yolk@shell materials. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2015, 25, 6228-6240.
Huan, T. N.; Andreiadis, E. S.; Heidkamp, J.; Simon, P.; Derat, E.; Cobo, S.; Royal, G.; Bergmann, A.; Strasser, P.; Dau, H.; Artero, V.; Fontecave, M., From molecular copper complexes to composite electrocatalytic materials for selective reduction of CO2 to formic acid. J. Mat. Chem. A 2015, 3, 3901-3907.
Klauss, A.; Haumann, M.; Dau, H., Seven steps of alternating electron and proton transfer in photosystem II water oxidation traced by time-resolved photothermal beam deflection at improved sensitivity. J Phys Chem B 2015, 119, 2677-89.
Matheu, R.; Francas, L.; Chernev, P.; Ertem, M. Z.; Batista, V.; Haumann, M.; Sala, X.; Llobet, A., Behavior of the Ru-bda Water Oxidation Catalyst Covalent ly Anchored on Glassy Carbon Electrodes. ACS Catalysis 2015, 5, 3422-3429.
Mattioli, G.; Zaharieva, I.; Dau, H.; Guidoni, L., Atomistic Texture of Amorphous Manganese Oxides for Electrochemical Water Splitting Revealed by Ab Initio Calculations Combined with X-ray Spectroscopy. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015, 137, 10254-10267.
Menezes, P. W.; Indra, A.; Gonzalez-Flores, D.; Sahraie, N. R.; Zaharieva, I.; Schwarze, M.; Strasser, P.; Dau, H.; Driess, M., High-performance oxygen redox catalysis with multifunctional cobalt oxide nanochains: Morphology-dependent activity. ACS Catalysis 2015, 5, 2017-2027.
Risch, M.; Ringleb, F.; Kohlhoff, M.; Bogdanoff, P.; Chernev, P.; Zaharieva, I.; Dau, H., Water oxidation by amorphous cobalt-based oxides: in situ tracking of redox transitions and mode of catalysis. Energy Environ. Sci. 2015, 8, 661-674.
Sallmann, M.; Kumar, S.; Chernev, P.; Nehrkorn, J.; Schnegg, A.; Kumar, D.; Dau, H.; Limberg, C.; de Visser, S. P., Structure and mechanism leading to formation of the cysteine sulfinate product complex of a biomimetic cysteine dioxygenase model. Chem-Eur J 2015, 21, 7470-7479.
Schrapers, P.; Hartmann, T.; Kositzki, R.; Dau, H.; Reschke, S.; Schulzke, C.; Leimkuhler, S.; Haumann, M., Sulfido and cysteine ligation changes at the molybdenum cofactor during substrate conversion by formate dehydrogenase (FDH) from Rhodobacter capsulatus. Inorg. Chem. 2015, 54, 3260-3271.
Schrapers, P.; Mebs, S.; Ilina, Y.; Warner, D. S.; Wörmann, C.; Schuth, N.; Kositzki, R.; Dau, H.; Limberg, C.; Dobbek, H.; Haumann, M., The binuclear nickel center in the A-cluster of acetyl-CoA synthase (ACS) and two biomimetic dinickel complexes studied by X-ray absorption and emission spectroscopy. J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 2015, (in press).
Tran, P. D.; Morozan, A.; Archambault, S.; Heidkamp, J.; Chenevier, P.; Dau, H.; Fontecave, M.; Martinent, A.; Jousselme, B.; Artero, V., A noble metal-free proton-exchange membrane fuel cell based on bio-inspired molecular catalysts. Chem. Sci. 2015, 6, 2050-2053.
Zhang, C. X.; Chen, C. H.; Dong, H. X.; Shen, J. R.; Dau, H.; Zhao, J. Q., A synthetic Mn4Ca-cluster mimicking the oxygen-evolving center of photosynthesis. Science 2015, 348, 690-693.
Publications Dau /Zaharieva /Chernev
Karge, O.; Bondar, A. N.; Dau, H., Cationic screening of charged surface groups (carboxylates) affects electron transfer steps in photosystem-II water oxidation and quinone reduction. Biochim Biophys Acta 2014, 1837, 1625-34.
Klingan, K.; Ringleb, F.; Zaharieva, I.; Heidkamp, J.; Chernev, P.; Gonzalez-Flores, D.; Risch, M.; Fischer, A.; Dau, H., Water oxidation by amorphous cobalt-based oxides: Volume activity and proton transfer to electrolyte bases. ChemSusChem 2014, 7, 1301–1310.
Lee, S. Y.; Gonzalez-Flores, D.; Ohms, J.; Trost, T.; Dau, H.; Zaharieva, I.; Kurz, P., Screen-Printed Calcium-Birnessite Electrodes for Water Oxidation at Neutral pH and an "Electrochemical Harriman Series". ChemSusChem 2014, 7, 3442-3451.
Najafpour, M. M.; Moghaddam, A. N.; Dau, H.; Zaharieva, I., Fragments of Layered Manganese Oxide Are the Real Water Oxidation Catalyst after Transformation of Molecular Precursor on Clay. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014, 136, 7245-7248.
Risch, M.; Klingan, K.; Zaharieva, I.; Dau, H., Water oxidation by Co-based oxides with molecular properties. In Molecular Water Oxidation Catalysts, Llobet, A., Ed. Wiley-VCH: 2014.
Schiwon, R.; Klingan, K.; Dau, H.; Limberg, C., Shining light on integrity of a tetracobalt-polyoxometalate water oxidation catalyst by X-ray spectroscopy before and after catalysis. Chem. Commun. 2014, 50, 100-102.
Schöler, A.; Zaharieva, I.; Zimmermann, S.; Wiechen, M.; Manke, A.-M.; Kurz, P.; Plieth, C.; Dau, H., Biogenic manganese–calcium oxides on the cell walls of the algae Chara corallina: Elemental composition, atomic structure, and water-oxidation catalysis. Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2014, 2014, 780-790.
Shevchenko, D.; Anderlund, M. F.; Styring, S.; Dau, H.; Zaharieva, I.; Thapper, A., Water oxidation by manganese oxides formed from tetranuclear precursor complexes: the influence of phosphate on structure and activity. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2014, 16, 11965-11975.
Chernev, P.; Lambertz, C.; Brunje, A.; Leidel, N.; Sigfridsson, K. G. V.; Kositzki, R.; Hsieh, C. H.; Yao, S. L.; Schiwon, R.; Driess, M.; Limberg, C.; Happe, T.; Haumann, M., Hydride Binding to the Active Site of [FeFe]-Hydrogenase. Inorg. Chem. 2014, 53, 12164-12177.
Lambertz, C.; Chernev, P.; Klingan, K.; Leidel, N.; Sigfridsson, K. G. V.; Happe, T.; Haumann, M., Electronic and molecular structures of the active-site H-cluster in [FeFe]-hydrogenase determined by site-selective X-ray spectroscopy and quantum chemical calculations. Chem. Sci. 2014, 5, 1187-1203.
Publications Dau /Zaharieva /Chernev
Baktash, E., Zaharieva, I., Schroder, M., Goebel, C., Dau, H., and Thomas, A. (2013) Cyanamide Route to Calcium Manganese Oxide Foams for Water Oxidation, Dalton Trans., 16920–16929.
Bergmann, A., Zaharieva, I., Dau, H., and Strasser, P. (2013) Electrochemical water splitting by layered and 3D cross-linked manganese oxides: correlating structural motifs and catalytic activity, Energy Environ. Sci. 6, 2745-2755.
Chernev, P., Zaharieva, I., Dau, H., and Haumann, M. (2013) Coordination changes of carboxyl ligands at the QAFeQB triad in photosynthetic reaction centers studied by density-function theory, In Photosynthesis Research for Food, Fuel and Future (Kuang, T., Lu, C., and Zhang, L., Eds.), pp 95-101, Springer, Heidelberg.
Faunce, T., Styring, S., Wasielewski, M. R., Brudvig, G. W., Rutherford, A. W., Messinger, J., Lee, A. F., Hill, C. L., deGroot, H., Fontecave, M., MacFarlane, D. R., Hankamer, B., Nocera, D. G., Tiede, D. M., Dau, H., Hillier, W., Wang, L. Z., and Amal, R. (2013) Artificial photosynthesis as a frontier technology for energy sustainability, Energy Environ. Sci. 6, 1074-1076.
Gerencser, L., and Dau, H. (2013) Role of protons in photosynthetic water oxidation: pH influence on the rate constants of the S-state transitions and hypotheses on the S2→S3 transition, In Photosynthesis Research for Food, Fuel and Future (Kuang, T., Lu, C., and Zhang, L., Eds.), pp 244-249, Springer, Heidelberg.
Goltsev, V., Gurmanova, M., Kouzmanova, M., Yordanov, I., Qiang, S., Pentland, A., Wilson, N., Chen, S., Zaharieva, I., and Strasser, R. J. (2013) Analysis of dark drops, dark-induced changes in chlorophyll fluorescence during the recording of the OJIP transient, In Photosynthesis Research for Food, Fuel and Future (Kuang, T., Lu, C., and Zhang, L., Eds.), pp 179-183, Springer, Heidelberg.
Indra, A., Menezes, P. W., Zaharieva, I., Baktash, E., Pfrommer, J., Schwarze, M., Dau, H., and Driess, M. (2013) Active mixed-valent MnOx water oxidation catalysts through partial oxidation (corrosion) of nanostructured MnO particles, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 52, 13206–13210.
Kundu, S., Pfaff, F. F., Miceli, E., Zaharieva, I., Herwig, C., Yao, S. L., Farquhar, E. R., Kuhlmann, U., Bill, E., Hildebrandt, P., Dau, H., Driess, M., Limberg, C., and Ray, K. (2013) A High-Valent Heterobimetallic [Cu-III(mu-O)(2)Ni-III](2+) Core with Nucleophilic Oxo Groups, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 52, 5622-5626.
Leidel, N., Hsieh, C. H., Chernev, P., Sigfridsson, K. G., Darensbourg, M. Y., and Haumann, M. (2013) Bridging-hydride influence on the electronic structure of an [FeFe] hydrogenase active-site model complex revealed by XAES-DFT, Dalton Trans 42, 7539-7554.
Risch, M., Klingan, K., Fischer, A., and Dau, H. (2013) The structure of water-oxidizing cobalt oxide film and comparison to the photosynthetic manganese complex, In Photosynthesis Research for Food, Fuel and Future (Kuang, T., Lu, C., and Zhang, L., Eds.), pp 257-261, Springer, Heidelberg.
Sigfridsson, K. G., Chernev, P., Leidel, N., Popovic-Bijelic, A., Graslund, A., and Haumann, M. (2013) Rapid X-ray photoreduction of dimetal-oxygen cofactors in ribonucleotide reductase, J Biol Chem 288, 9648-9661.
Zaharieva, I., Grabolle, M., Chernev, P., and Dau, H. (2013) Water oxidation in photosystem II: Energetics and kinetics of intermediates formation in S2->S3 and S3->S0 transitions monitored by delayed chlorophyll fluorescence, In Photosynthesis Research for Food, Fuel and Future (Kuang, T., Lu, C., and Zhang, L., Eds.), pp 234-238, Springer, Heidelberg.
Publications Dau/Haumann/Zaharieva
Zaharieva, I., Chernev, P., Risch, M., Klingan, K., Kohlhoff, M., Fischer, A., and Dau, H. (2012) Electrosynthesis, functional and structural characterization of a water-oxidizing manganese oxide, Energy Environ. Sci. 5, 7081-7089.
Wiechen, M., Zaharieva, I., Dau, H., and Kurz, P. (2012) Layered manganese oxides for water-oxidation: alkaline earth cations influence catalytic activity in a photosystem II-like fashion, Chemical Science 3, 2330-2339.
Risch, M., Klingan, K., Ringleb, F., Chernev, P., Zaharieva, I., Fischer, A., and Dau, H. (2012) Water Oxidation by Electrodeposited Cobalt Oxides - Role of Anions and Redox-Inert Cations in Structure and Function of the Amorphous Catalyst, ChemSusChem 5, 542-549.
Klauss, A., Sikora, T., Suss, B., and Dau, H. (2012) Fast structural changes (200-900ns) may prepare the photosynthetic manganese complex for oxidation by the adjacent tyrosine radical, Biochim Biophys Acta 1817, 1196-1207 .
Grundmeier, A., and Dau, H. (2012) Structural models of the manganese complex of photosystem II and mechanistic implications, Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1817, 88-105.
Dilbeck, P. L., Hwang, H. J., Zaharieva, I., Gerencser, L., Dau, H., and Burnap, R. L. (2012) The mutation D1-D61N in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 allows the observation of pH-sensitive intermediates in the formation and release of O2 from Photosystem II, Biochemistry 51, 1079–1091.
Dau, H., Zaharieva, I., and Haumann, M. (2012) Recent developments in research on water oxidation by photosystem II, Curr. Opin. Chem. Biol. 16, 3-10.
Bondar, A. N., and Dau, H. (2012) Extended protein/water H-bond networks in photosynthetic water oxidation, Biochim Biophys Acta 1817, 1177-1190.
Cobo, S., Heidkamp, J., Jacques, P.-A., Fize, J., Fourmond, V., Guetaz, L., Jousselme, B., Ivanova, V., Dau, H., Palacin, S., Fontecave, M., and Artero, V. (2012) A Janus cobalt-based catalytic material for electro-splitting of water, Nature Materials 11, 802-807.
Klauss, A., Haumann, M., and Dau, H. (2012) Alternating electron and proton transfer steps in photosynthetic water oxidation, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 109, 16035-16040.
Leidel, N., Chernev, P., Havelius, K. G., Ezzaher, S., Ott, S., and Haumann, M. (2012) Site-selective X-ray spectroscopy on an asymmetric model complex of the [FeFe] hydrogenase active site, Inorg Chem 51, 4546-4559.
Leidel, N., Chernev, P., Havelius, K. G., Schwartz, L., Ott, S., and Haumann, M. (2012) Electronic Structure of an [FeFe] Hydrogenase Model Complex in Solution Revealed by X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy Using Narrow-Band Emission Detection, J Am Chem Soc 134, 14142-14157.
Leidel, N., Popovic-Bijelic, A., Havelius, K. G., Chernev, P., Voevodskaya, N., Graslund, A., and Haumann, M. (2012) High-valent [MnFe] and [FeFe] cofactors in ribonucleotide reductases, Biochim Biophys Acta 1817, 430-444.
Goltsev, V., Zaharieva, I., Chernev, P., Kouzmanova, M., Kalaji, H. M., Yordanov, I., Krasteva, V., Alexandrov, V., Stefanov, D., Allakhverdiev, S. I., and Strasser, R. J. (2012) Drought-induced modifications of photosynthetic electron transport in intact leaves: Analysis and use of neural networks as a tool for a rapid non-invasive estimation, Biochim Biophys Acta 1817, 1490-1498.
Risch, M., Shevchenko, D., Anderlund, M. F., Styring, S., Heidkamp, J., Lange, K. M., Thapper, A., and Zaharieva, I. (2012) Atomic structure of cobalt-oxide nanoparticles active in light-driven catalysis of water oxidation, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 37, 8878-8888.
I. Zaharieva, J.M. Wichmann, H. Dau, Thermodynamic limitations of photosynthetic water oxidation at high proton concentrations, J Biol Chem, 286 (2011) 18222-18228.
I. Zaharieva, M.M. Najafpour, M. Wiechert, M. Haumann, P. Kurz, H. Dau, Synthetic manganese-calcium oxides mimic the water-oxidizing complex of photosynthesis functionally and structurally, Energy Environ. Sci., 4 (2011) 2400-2408.
P.D. Tran, A. Le Goff, J. Heidkamp, B. Jousselme, N. Guillet, S. Palacin, H. Dau, M. Fontecave, V. Artero, Noncovalent Modification of Carbon Nanotubes with Pyrene-Functionalized Nickel Complexes: Carbon Monoxide Tolerant Catalysts for Hydrogen Evolution and Uptake, Angew Chem Int Ed Engl, 123 (2011) 1407-1410.
M. Risch, K. Klingan, F. Ringleb, P. Chernev, I. Zaharieva, A. Fischer, H. Dau, Water oxidation by electro-deposited cobalt oxides - Role of anions and redox-inert cations for structure and function of the amorphous catalyst, ChemSusChem, (2011), in print.
M. Risch, K. Klingan, J. Heidkamp, D. Ehrenberg, P. Chernev, I. Zaharieva, H. Dau, Nickel-oxido structure of a water-oxidizing catalyst film, Chem. Commun., 47 (2011) 11912-11914.
N. Planas, L. Vigara, C. Cady, P. Miro, P. Huang, L. Hammarstrom, S. Styring, N. Leidel, H. Dau, M. Haumann, L. Gagliardi, C.J. Cramer, A. Llobet, Electronic Structure of Oxidized Complexes Derived from cis-[Ru(II)(bpy)(2)(H(2)O)(2)](2+) and Its Photoisomerization Mechanism, Inorg Chem, 50 (2011) 11134-11142.
F.F. Pfaff, S. Kundu, M. Risch, S. Pandian, F. Heims, I. Pryjomska-Ray, P. Haack, R. Metzinger, E. Bill, H. Dau, P. Comba, K. Ray, An oxocobalt(IV) complex stabilized by Lewis acid interactions with scandium(III) ions, Angew Chem Int Ed Engl, 50 (2011) 1711-1715.
F.F. Pfaff, S. Kundu, M. Risch, S. Pandian, F. Heims, I. Pryjomska-Ray, P. Haack, R. Metzinger, E. Bill, H. Dau, P. Comba, K. Ray, Ein Cobalt(IV)-Oxido-Komplex: Stabilisierung durch Lewis-Säure-Wechselwirkung mit Sc3+, Angew. Chem., 123 (2011) 1749-1753.
G. Mattioli, M. Risch, M.A. Bonapasta, H. Dau, L. Guidoni, Protonation states in a cobalt-oxide catalyst for water oxidation: Fine comparison of ab initio molecular dynamics and X-ray absorption spectroscopy results, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 13 (2011) 15437-15441.
L. Lauterbach, J. Liu, M. Horch, P. Hummel, A. Schwarze, M. Haumann, K.A. Vincent, O. Lenz, I. Zebger, The Hydrogenase Subcomplex of the NAD+-Reducing [NiFe] Hydrogenase from Ralstonia eutropha – Insights into Catalysis and Redox Interconversions, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2011 (2011) 1067-1079.
K.G. Havelius, S. Reschke, S. Horn, A. Doring, D. Niks, R. Hille, C. Schulzke, S. Leimkuhler, M. Haumann, Structure of the Molybdenum Site in YedY, a Sulfite Oxidase Homologue from Escherichia coli, Inorg Chem, 50 (2011) 741-748.
J. Fritsch, S. Loscher, O. Sanganas, E. Siebert, I. Zebger, M. Stein, M. Ludwig, A.L. De Lacey, H. Dau, B. Friedrich, O. Lenz, M. Haumann, [NiFe] and [FeS] cofactors in the membrane-bound hydrogenase of Ralstonia eutropha investigated by X-ray absorption spectroscopy: insights into O(2)-tolerant H(2) cleavage, Biochemistry, 50 (2011) 5858-5869.
I. Czech, S. Stripp, O. Sanganas, N. Leidel, T. Happe, M. Haumann, The [FeFe]-hydrogenase maturation protein HydF contains a H-cluster like [4Fe4S]-2Fe site, FEBS Lett., 585 (2011) 225-230.
P. Chernev, I. Zaharieva, H. Dau, M. Haumann, Carboxylate shifts steer inter-quinone electron transfer in photosynthesis, J Biol Chem, 286 (2011) 5368-5374.
M. Broser, C. Glöckner, A. Gabdulkhakov, A. Guskov, J. Buchta, J. Kern, F. Müh, H. Dau, W. Saenger, A. Zouni, Structural basis of cyanobacterial photosystem II inhibition by the herbicide terbutryn, J Biol Chem., 286 (2011) 15964-15972.
J. Sander, M. Nowaczyk, J. Buchta, H. Dau, I. Vass, Z. Deák, M. Dorogi, M. Iwai, M. Rögner, Functional Characterization and Quantification of the Alternative PsbA Copies in Thermosynechococcus elongatus and Their Role in Photoprotection, J Biol Chem, 285 (2010) 29851-29856.
S. Loscher, A. Gebler, M. Stein, O. Sanganas, T. Buhrke, I. Zebger, H. Dau, B. Friedrich, O. Lenz, M. Haumann, Protein-protein complex formation affects the Ni-Fe and Fe-S centers in the H2-sensing regulatory hydrogenase from Ralstonia eutropha H16, ChemPhysChem, 11 (2010) 1297-1306.
P. Liebisch, H. Dau, Linear dichroism in the XANES of partially oriented samples: theory and application to the photosynthetic manganese complex, ChemPhysChem, 11 (2010) 1236-1247.
L. Gerencsér, H. Dau, Water Oxidation by Photosystem II: H2O−D2O Exchange and the Influence of pH Support Formation of an Intermediate by Removal of a Proton before Dioxygen Creation, Biochemistry, 49 (2010) 10098-10106.
H. Dau, C. Limberg, T. Reier, M. Risch, S. Roggan, P. Strasser, The mechanism of water oxidation: from electrolysis via homogeneous to biological catalysis, ChemCatChem, 2 (2010) 724-761.
I. Zaharieva, P. Chernev, M. Risch, L. Gerencsér, G. Berggren, G. Shevchenko, M. Anderlund, T.-C. Weng, M. Haumann, H. Dau, Towards a comprehensive X-ray approach for studying the photosynthetic manganese complex—XANES, Kα/Kβ/Kβ-satellite emission lines, RIXS, and comparative computational approaches for selected model complexes, J. Physics: Conf. Series, 190 (2009) 012142, 012141-012146.
N. Voevodskaya, F. Lendzian, O. Sanganas, A. Grundmeier, A. Graslund, M. Haumann, Redox Intermediates of the Mn-Fe Site in Subunit R2 of Chlamydia trachomatis Ribonucleotide Reductase: An X-Ray Absorption and EPR Study, J. Biol. Chem., 284 (2009) 4555-4566.
S.T. Stripp, G. Goldet, C. Brandmayr, O. Sanganas, K.A. Vincent, M. Haumann, F.A. Armstrong, T. Happe, How oxygen attacks [FeFe] hydrogenases from photosynthetic organisms, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 106 (2009) 17331-17336.
S. Stripp, O. Sanganas, T. Happe, M. Haumann, The structure of the active site H-cluster of [FeFe] hydrogenase from the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii studied by X-ray absorption spectroscopy, Biochemistry, 48 (2009) 5042-5049.
O. Sanganas, S. Löscher, S. Pfirrmann, N. Marinos, P. Glatzel, T.-C. Weng, C. Limberg, M. Driess, H. Dau, M. Haumann, Resonant inelastic X-ray scattering on synthetic nickel compounds and Ni-Fe hydrogenase protein, J. Physics: Conf. Series, 190 (2009) 012199, 012191-012194.
M. Risch, F. Ringleb, V. Khare, P. Chernev, I. Zaharieva, H. Dau, Characterisation of a water-oxidizing Co-film by XAFS, J. Physics: Conf. Series, 190 (2009) 012167.
M. Risch, V. Khare, I. Zaharieva, L. Gerencser, P. Chernev, H. Dau, Cobalt-oxo core of a water-oxidizing catalyst film, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 131 (2009) 6936-6937.
A. Klauss, R. Krivanek, H. Dau, M. Haumann, Energetics and kinetics of photosynthetic water oxidation studied by photothermal beam deflection (PBD) experiments, Photosynth. Res., 102 (2009) 499-509.
S. Dementin, F. Leroux, L. Cournac, A.L. de Lacey, A. Volbeda, C. Leger, B. Burlat, N. Martinez, S. Champ, L. Martin, O. Sanganas, M. Haumann, V.M. Fernandez, B. Guigliarelli, J.C. Fontecilla-Camps, M. Rousset, Introduction of methionines in the gas channel makes [NiFe] hydrogenase aero-tolerant, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 131 (2009) 10156-10164.
Goltsev, V., Zaharieva, I., Chernev, P., and Strasser, R.J. (2009). Delayed fluorescence in photosynthesis. Photosynth Res 101, 217-232.
H. Dau, I. Zaharieva, Principles, efficiency, and blueprint character of solar-energy conversion in photosynthetic water oxidation, Acc. Chem. Res., 42 (2009) 1861-1870.
All publications H. Dau (updated April 2014)