Media coverage
Our work frequently finds its way into the acacemic press and is discussed in PhysOrg, Science, PhysicsWorld, Physics, Nature, or other scientific magazines. The subsequent list collects articles written by others about published work of ours, sorted according to the original scientific work which is stated first.
Fundamental limits of quantum error mitigation
Nature Physics (2024)
- I. Fadelli, "Study unveils limits to how much quantum errors can be ‘undone’ in large systems"
PhysOrg, August 12, 2024 - Y. Quek, J. Eisert, "Fundamental limits of quantum error mitigation", BehindThePaper, SpringerNature Communities, July 5, 2024.
- I. Fadelli, "Study unveils limits to how much quantum errors can be ‘undone’ in large systems"
Unravelling long-time quantum dynamics using flow equations
Nature Physics (2024)
- S. Thomson, J. Eisert, "Unravelling quantum dynamics using flow equations: A behind-the-scenes look at a new numerical method for the simulation of complex quantum systems on classical computers", BehindThePaper, SpringerNature Communities, July 5, 2024.
Pseudomagic quantum states
Physical Review Letters 132, 210602 (2024)
- T. Gururaj, "Pseudomagic quantum states: A path to quantum supremacy"
PhysOrg, June 11, 2024
- T. Gururaj, "Pseudomagic quantum states: A path to quantum supremacy"
An in-principle super-polynomial quantum advantage for approximating combinatorial optimization problems via computational learning theory
Science Advances 10, eadj5170 (2024)- A. Rötger, "Where quantum computers can score"
Press release of the HZB, March 15, 2024
- A. Rötger, "Where quantum computers can score"
Understanding quantum machine learning requires rethinking generalization
Nature Communications 15, 2277 (2024)- "Redefining quantum machine learning"
Press release of the FU Berlin, March 14, 2024
- "Redefining quantum machine learning"
Towards provably efficient quantum algorithms for large-scale machine-learning models
Nature Communications 15, 434 (2024)- B. Rogler, "Quantum algorithms for machine learning models"
Press release of the MATH+ cluster of excellence, February 28, 2024 - P. Dailing, "New research unites quantum engineering and artificial intelligence"
Press release of the University of Chicago, January 25, 2024
- B. Rogler, "Quantum algorithms for machine learning models"
Shadow estimation of gate-set properties from random sequences
Nature Communications 14, 5039 (2023)- C.X. Müller, "Ein TÜV für Quantencomputer"
Press release of FU Berlin, August 24, 2023 -
J. Johnstone, "Physicists develop series of quality control tests for quantum computers"
PhysOrg, August 29, 2023 -
"Ein Qualitätstest für Quantencomputer"
ProPhysik, August 28, 2023 -
"A TÜV for quantum computers"
MyScience, August 24, 2023 -
E. Murašov, T. Warnecke, "Forschung zu Quantencomputern: Ein Tüv für die Zukunftsrechner"
Tagesspiegel, August 25, 2023
- C.X. Müller, "Ein TÜV für Quantencomputer"
Quantum simulation of thermodynamics in an integrated quantum photonic processor
Nature Communications 14, 3895 (2023)- M. Boerkamp, "Quantum mechanics and thermodynamics can both be true, say physicists"
PhysicsWorld, July 28, 2023 - K. W. Wesselink, "Photonics experiment resolves quantum paradox"
Phys.Org, July 5, 2023 - "Twente photonics experiment resolves longstanding quantum paradox", July 5, 2023 - D. Orf, "Paradox, solved: Thermodynamics and quantum mechanics CAN be true at the same time"
Yahoo, July 10, 2023 - "Time-reversal photonics experiment solves quantum paradox"
NewsBeezer, July 9, 2023 - "Breakthrough experiment at university of Twente demonstrates coexistence of quantum mechanics and thermodynamics"
Europawire, July 3, 2023 - "Twents fotonoca experiment als oplossing voor kwantumparadox"
Emerce, July 4, 2023
- M. Boerkamp, "Quantum mechanics and thermodynamics can both be true, say physicists"
Experimental observation of curved light-cones in a quantum field simulator
PNAS 120, e2301287120 (2023)
- M. Gluza, "Curved spacetime in a quantum simulator"
Phys.Org, May 17, 2023
- M. Gluza, "Curved spacetime in a quantum simulator"
Exploiting symmetry in variational quantum machine learning
PRX Quantum 4, 010328 (2023)- I. Fadelli, "Study tests the potential of two quantum machine learning algorithms for malware classification"
Techxplore, May 25, 2023
- I. Fadelli, "Study tests the potential of two quantum machine learning algorithms for malware classification"
Linear growth of quantum circuit complexity
Nature Physics 18, 528 (2022)
- A. Rötger, "Quantum complexity grows linearly for an exponentially long time"
Press release of the HZB, March 28, 2022 - "Research group proves quantum complexity grows linearly for an exponentially long time"
Phys.Org, March 28, 2022 - "Bridging the chasm between quantum physics and the theory of gravity – we have found a surprisingly simple solution"
SciTechDaily, April 2, 2022
- A. Rötger, "Quantum complexity grows linearly for an exponentially long time"
- Transparent reporting of research-related greenhouse gas emissions through the scientific CO2nduct initiative
Communications Physics 5, 150 (2022)
A. Rötger, "Calculating the carbon footprint of publications"
Press release of the HZB, May 15, 2023 - L. Klöckner, "CO₂-Bilanz wie ein Flug: Die Treibhausgase der Wissenschaft"
Tagesspiegel, July 4, 2023
- Quantum field thermal machines
PRX Quantum 2, 030310 (2021)
- "How quantum fields could be used to break low-temperature records"
PhysOrg, July 2021 - "Quantenkühlschrank für extreme Kühlung"
ORF Science, July 2021 - "Kühlen mit Quanten"
ProPhysik, July 2021 - "The quantum refrigerator"
ChemEurope, July 2021 - "The quantum refrigerator"
ScienceDaily, July 2021
- "How quantum fields could be used to break low-temperature records"
Decay and recurrence of non-Gaussian correlations in a quantum many-body system
Nature Physics 17, 559 (2021)
- "How complex oscillations in a quantum system simplify with time"
Phys.Org, January 25, 2021
- "How complex oscillations in a quantum system simplify with time"
- Easing the Monte Carlo sign problem
Science Advances 6, eabb8341 (2020)
- A. Rötger, "Mathematical tool helps calculate properties of quantum materials more quickly"
Press release of the HZB, August 18, 2020
- A. Rötger, "Mathematical tool helps calculate properties of quantum materials more quickly"
- Dynamical structure factors of dynamical quantum simulators
PNAS 117, 26123-26134 (2020)
- A. Rötger, "Modelling shows which quantum systems are suitable for quantum simulations"
Press release of the HZB, August 14, 2020
- A. Rötger, "Modelling shows which quantum systems are suitable for quantum simulations"
- Quantum certification and benchmarking
Nature Reviews Physics 2, 382–390 (2020)
- Press release of the FU Berlin, June 6, 2020
- Entanglement-ergodic quantum systems equilibrate exponentially well
Physical Review Letters 123, 200604 (2019)
- Viewpoint: Equilibration in quantum systems"
Physics 12, 123 (2019) - "Wie Quantensysteme zur Ruhe kommen"
pro-physik, Nov 21, 2019
- Viewpoint: Equilibration in quantum systems"
- Sample complexity of device-independently certified quantum supremacy
Physical Review Letters 122, 210502 (2019)
- L. Zyga, "Quantum supremacy and its efficient certification difficult to achieve simultaneously"
Phys.Org, June 5, 2019
- L. Zyga, "Quantum supremacy and its efficient certification difficult to achieve simultaneously"
- Holography and criticality in matchgate tensor networks
Science Advances 5, eaaw0092 (2019)
- Press release of the FU Berlin, September 8, 2019
- A tensor network annealing algorithm for two-dimensional thermal states
Physical Review Letters 122, 070502 (2019)
- "An efficient tensor network algorithm for capturing thermal states of 2D quantum lattice systems"
MappingIgnorance, April 4, 2019
- "An efficient tensor network algorithm for capturing thermal states of 2D quantum lattice systems"
- The quantum technologies roadmap: a European community view
New Journal of Physics 20, 080201 (2018)
- "Mapping the future direction for quantum research"
PhysOrg, August 15, 2018 - H. Johnston, "European quantum-technologies roadmap is updated by leading physicists"
PhysicsWorld, August 18, 2018 - "State of quantum imaging set out in European roadmap"
Imaging and machine vision Europe, August 23, 2018
- "Mapping the future direction for quantum research"
- Statistical ensembles without typicality
Nature Communications 9, 1022 (2018)
- "Insgesamt kanonisch"
ProPhysik, March 19, 2018 - "Statistische Mechanik und Thermodynamik besser begreifen"
Press release of the FU Berlin, March 12, 2018
- "Insgesamt kanonisch"
- Experimental quantum compressed sensing for a seven-qubit system
Nature Communications 8, 15305 (2017)
- "Ein TÜV für die Quantentechnologien"
ORF, Austrian public news, May 18, 2017 - "Neues Prüfverfahren vereinfacht Quantenforschung"
Futurezone, May 18, 2017 - "Quantentechnologien auf dem Prüfstand"
Press release of the University of Innsbruck, May 18, 2017 - "Testing quantum technologies"
Press release of the FU Berlin, May 17, 2017
- "Ein TÜV für die Quantentechnologien"
- Advances in quantum teleportation
Nature Photonics 9, 641 (2015)
- Reliable quantum certification for photonic quantum technologies
Nature Communication 6, 8498 (2015)
- Press release of the FU Berlin, July 6, 2015
- Quality control of quantum simulators, Science daily (2015)
- Cellular-automaton decoders for topological quantum memories
Nature PJ Quantum Information 1, 15010 (2015)
- "Ein Kühlschrank für die Quantenmechanik"
Press release of the FU Berlin, October 28, 2015
- "Ein Kühlschrank für die Quantenmechanik"
- An exponential time upper bound for quantum Merlin-Arthur games with unentangled provers
- "A breakthrough on QMA(2)"
Shtetl-Optimized blog, October 2015
- "A breakthrough on QMA(2)"
- Towards experimental quantum field tomography with ultracold atoms
Nature Communications 6, 7663 (2015)
- "Von guten und schlechten Quantenzustaenden",
ProPhysik, July 3, 2015 - "Good quantum states and bad quantum states"
Phys.Org, July 2015 - "Rekonstruktion von Quantenfeldern",
Press release of the FU Berlin, July 6, 2015
- "Von guten und schlechten Quantenzustaenden",
- Limits to catalysis in quantum thermodynamics
New Journal of Physics 17, 085004 (2015)
- P. Skrzypczyk, "Taming catalysts in quantum thermodynamics",
New Journal of Physics 17, 081003 (2015)
- P. Skrzypczyk, "Taming catalysts in quantum thermodynamics",
- Observation of non-Markovian micro-mechanical Brownian motion
Nature Communications 6, 7606 (2015)
- "Mechanik zwischen den Welten",
press release of the FU Berlin, July 28, 2015
- "Mechanik zwischen den Welten",
- Emergence of coherence and the dynamics of quantum phase transitions
PNAS 112, 3641 (2015)
- Die „Aggregatzustände“ in der Quantenmechanik",
press release of the FU Berlin - "How does order emerge?"
Science Daily, March 2015
- Die „Aggregatzustände“ in der Quantenmechanik",
- Quantum many-body systems out of equilibrium
Nature Physics 11, 124 (2015)
- Press release of the MPQ
- Press release of the ICFO
- "Quanten-Vielteilchensysteme auf dem Weg zurueck zum Gleichgewicht",
Innovations-Report, February 23, 2015 - "Auf dem Weg zurueck ins Gleichgewicht",
Pro-Physik, February 16, 2015
- Matrix product operators and states: NP-hardness and undecidability
Physical Review Letters 113, 160503 (2014)
- S. Hebden, "Searching for the impossible",
FQXI, January 16, 2015 - R. J. Lipton and K.W. Regan, "The halting no-go thoerem"
RJLIptonBlog, 2020
- S. Hebden, "Searching for the impossible",
- Precisely timing dissipative quantum information processing
Physical Review Letters 110, 110501 (2013)
- Quantum measurement occurrence is undecidable
Physical Review Letters 108, 260501 (2012)
- L. Zyga, "Classical problem becomes undecidable in a quantum setting",
PhysOrg, July 9, 2012
- L. Zyga, "Classical problem becomes undecidable in a quantum setting",
- Extracting dynamical equations from experimental data is NP hard
Physical Review Letters 108, 120503 (2012)
- K. McAlpine, "It's official: Physics is hard",
Science, ScienceNow, February 2012 - D. Voss, "The unbearable hardness of Physics",
Physics, March 22 (2012) - D. Bacon, "More on the NP-hardness of inferring dynamics",
The Quantum Pontiff, March 24 (2012)
- K. McAlpine, "It's official: Physics is hard",
- Probing the relaxation towards equilibrium in an isolated strongly correlated 1D Bose gas
Nature Physics 8, 325 (2012)
- "Wie sich einzelne Atome beruhigen",
Pro-Physik, February 21, 2012 - "Einzelnen Atomen beim zur-Ruhe-Gehen zusehen",
web page of the FU Berlin, February 20, 2012 - "Der erste dynamische Quantensimulator",
press release of the Max Planck Society - "A quantum dynamical simulator",
Innovations Report
- "Wie sich einzelne Atome beruhigen",
- Cooling by heating
Physical Review Letters 108, 120602 (2012)
- M. Schirber, "Cooling with a warm glow",
Physics 5, 36 (2012) - H. Johnston, "Cooling with heat",
PhysicsWorld, April 2011
- M. Schirber, "Cooling with a warm glow",
- Experimental unconditional preparation and detection of a continuous bound entangled state of light
Physical Review Letters 107, 240503 (2011)
- D. Voss, "The bound and the free",
Physics Synopsis (2011)
- D. Voss, "The bound and the free",
- Dissipative Church Turing theorem
Physical Review Letters 107, 120501 (2011)
- D. E. Browne, "Quantum simulation hits the open road",
Physics 4, 72 (2011)
- D. E. Browne, "Quantum simulation hits the open road",
- A derivation of quantum theory from physical requirements
New Journal of Physics 13, 063001 (2011)
- "And thus the quantum", research highlights,
Nature Physics 7, 519 (2011)
- "And thus the quantum", research highlights,
- Entanglement combing
Physical Review Letters 103, 220501 (2009)
- M. Christandl, "Straightening messy correlations with a quantum comb",
Physics 2, 99 (2009) - J. Riordon, "Combing out quantum knots",
Eurekalert 18524 (2009)
- M. Christandl, "Straightening messy correlations with a quantum comb",
- Most states are too entangled to be useful as computational resources
Physical Review Letters 102, 190501 (2009)
- A. Cho, "Oddly, too much weirdness slows a quantum computer down",
Science 323, 1658 (2009) - D. Bacon, "Too entangled to compute one-way",
Physics 2, 38 (2009) - H. Johnston, "Is entanglement always good for quantum computers?",
Physics World, News, Nov 20, 2008 - I. M. Vargas, "Quantum entanglement can be too much of a good thing",
Science News, March 23, 2009 - I. Durham, "Bad news for quantum computers?",
The Quantum Times (American Physical Society, topical group on quantum information theory), quantum news and notes, Autumn, Winter 2008 - R. Scharf, "Verschraenkung bremst Quantenrechner",
pro-physik, 20 May 2009 - M. Marquit, "Most quantum states are too entangled to be useful as computational resources",
Phys.Org, May 2009 - "Most quantum states are too entangled to be useful as computational resources",
Research highlight, IP Qubit Applications, September 2009
- A. Cho, "Oddly, too much weirdness slows a quantum computer down",
- Tomography of a detector
Nature Physics 5, 27 (2009)
- M. Aspelmeyer, "Measured measurement",
Nature Physics News and Views 5, 11 (2009) - D. Reeves, "Quantum calibration paves way for super-secure communication",, 2008 - "Forschungsergebnisse auf dem Gebiet der Quantenphysik in Nature Physics",
idw-online, 2008
- M. Aspelmeyer, "Measured measurement",
- New schemes for measurement-based computing
Physical Review Letters 98, 220503 (2008)
- News headline, QIP-IRC, 1 Nov 2007
- "Exact relaxation in a class of quantum many-body systems",
Physical Review Letters 100, 030602 (2008) - Research highlight, IP Qubit Applications, May 2008
- Entropy, entanglement, and area: analytical results for harmonic lattice systems
Physical Review Letters 94, 060503 (2005)
- "Entanglement, entropy and area",
News headline, QIP-IRC, May 23, 2005
- "Entanglement, entropy and area",
- Towards mechanical entanglement in nano-electromechanical devices
Physical Review Letters 93, 190402 (2004)
- P. Ball, "Nanobridges do the quantum quickstep",
Nature, Materials Update, Nanozone News, November 18, 2004 - "Success story: entanglement in nano electro-mechanical systems",
IST-web page of the European Commission, 2005
- P. Ball, "Nanobridges do the quantum quickstep",
- Distilling Gaussian states with Gaussian operations is impossible
Physical Review Letters 89, 137903 (2002)
- "Refining quanta: distilling Gaussian states with Gaussian operations is impossible",
- Nature, Research Highlights, Physics Portal, September 4, 2002
- G.J. Mayer, "How to distill continuous-variable states by optical means",
- Complexity Digest, June 2003
- Quantum and classical correlations in quantum Brownian motion
Physical Review Letters 89, 137902 (2002)
- "Quantum Brownian Motion: Quantum and Classical Correlations",
ScienceWeek 6, October 11, 2002
- "Quantum Brownian Motion: Quantum and Classical Correlations",
- Quantum games and quantum strategies
Physical Review Letters 83, 3077 (1999)
- G. Musser, "A new enlightenment",
Scientific American 307, 76 (2012) - S.E. Landsburg, "Quantum Game Theory",
Notices of the American Mathematical Society, Cover story, April 2004 - C.-F. Lee and N. Johnson, "Let the quantum games begin",
Physics World feature, October 2002 - G. Mitchell, "Quantum Games and the Prisoner's Dilemma",
BBC Radio 4, radio interview, January 31, 2002 - A. Cho, "Multiple choice",
New Scientist, January 5, 2002 - E. Klarreich, "Playing by quantum rules",
Nature 414, November 15, 2001 - G. Collins, "Quantum Game Theory, Schroedinger's Games",
Scientific American, January issue, 2000 - P. Ball, "Everyone wins in quantum games",
Nature, Science News, October 18, 1999 - I. Peterson, "Quantum Games, Taking Advantage of Quantum Effects to Attain a Winning Edge",
Science News 21, November 20, 1999 - R. Scharf, "Spielen mit Quantenstrategien",
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Mittwoch, July 21, 1999 - M. Rauner, "Quanten im Spiel",
Physikalische Blaetter, December issue, 1999
Internet pages of a training school on quantum mechanics for high school teachers
- G. Musser, "A new enlightenment",
Further mentioning in the academic press
P. Honecker, J.-M. Wiarda, "Nur ein Vorgeplänkel?", July 20, 2023
Der Gipfel der Bildung, Bildungspodcast -
Press release of the FU Berlin on the ERC grant of Jens Eisert, 2023
Press release of the Helmholtz Center Berlin on the ERC grant of Jens Eisert, 2023
Press release of the MATH+ Cluster of Excellence on the ERC grant of Jens Eisert, 2023
Article on quantum computing based on an interview with Jens Eisert in Berlin's daily newspaper Tagesspiegel, 2022- Portrait of Jens Eisert as a PI of the Quantum Flagship project PASQuanS
People behind PASQuanS, 2021 - Article about the H2020 project "Analogue dynamical quantum simulators" on the web page of the
Freie Universitaet Berlin, 2014
- Article about Martin Kliesch in Campus, 2015
- Article about Jens Eisert's work in
MIT Technology Review, "Leute von Morgen", 2005
- Articles about group work after winning EURYI award in the following newspapers:
Manager Magazin, Berliner Zeitung, Potsdamer Neueste Nachrichten, Berlinews, Maerkische Allgemeine Zeitung, publication: Potsdam, Stadt der Wissenschaft 2006, Scienzz Ticker, Eurekalert, BerlinOnline,,, Innovations-Report,, Physik-Journal, Portal, Uni-Protokolle, Deutsche Universitaetszeitung, Deutscher Hochschulverband Aktuell, About Imperial, web pages of the ESF, GermanyFG, and EPSRC
- Television programme in German public TV channel
3SAT in "Generation Zukunft" (Generation Future),
science programme "Nano", first broadcast March 2007
- Articles about Fellowship in Institute for Advanced Study Berlin in:
- "Baendiger des Chaos",
Potsdamer Neueste Nachrichten, October 2009
- "Baendiger des Chaos",
- Portrait of work in university newspapers:
- "Ueber Barrieren hinweg denken",
Portal, Oktober 2008 - "Prestigious EU-fellowship winner returns to Imperial",
Imperial College Web page, September 6, 2004 - "Ein Jubelfest fuer die Physik",
Portal, September 2004 - "Aus Respekt vor der Tradition der Wissenschaft",
Portal, April 2003
- "Ueber Barrieren hinweg denken",