"Percolation, renormalization, and quantum computing with non-deterministic gates", K. Kieling, T. Rudolph, and J. Eisert, Physical Review Letters99, 130501 (2007),
"Creating and probing macroscoping entanglement with light", M. Paternostro, D. Vitali, S. Gigan, M. S. Kim, C. Brukner, J. Eisert, and M. Aspelmeyer, Physical Review Letters99, 250401 (2007),
"Measurement-based quantum computation beyond the one-way model", D. Gross, J. Eisert, N. Schuch, and D. Perez-Garcia Physical Review A76, 052315 (2007),
"A general linear-optical quantum state generator", N. M. VanMeter, P. Lougovski, B. Uskov, K. Kieling, J. Eisert, and J. P. Dowling, Physical Review A76, 063808 (2007),
"Cluster state preparation using gates operating at arbitrary success probabilities", K. Kieling, D. Gross, and J. Eisert, New Journal of Physics9, 200 (2007),
"Experimental feasibility of continuous-variable optical entanglement distillation", J. Eisert, M. B. Plenio, D. E. Browne, S. Scheel, and A. Feito, Optics and Spectroscopy103, 181 (2007),
"Evenly distributed unitaries: on the structure of unitary designs", D. Gross, K. Audenaert, and J. Eisert, Journal of Mathematical Physics48, 052104 (2007),
"Canonical and micro-canonical typical entanglement of continuous variable systems", A. Serafini, O. C. O. Dahlsten, D. Gross, and M. B. Plenio, Journal of Physics A40, 9551 (2007),