"Exploring local quantum many-body relaxation by atoms in optical superlattices", M. Cramer, A. Flesch, I. P. McCulloch, U. Schollwoeck, and J. Eisert, Physical Review Letters101, 063001 (2008),
"Do mixtures of bosonic and fermionic atoms adiabatically heat up in optical lattices?" M. Cramer, S. Ospelkaus, C. Ospelkaus, K. Bongs, K. Sengstock, and J. Eisert, Physical Review Letters100, 140409 (2008),
"Quenching, relaxation, and a central limit theorem for quantum lattice systems", M. Cramer, C. Dawson, J. Eisert, and T. J. Osborne, Physical Review Letters100, 030602 (2008),
"Locality of dynamics in general harmonic systems", M. Cramer, A. Serafini, and J. Eisert, in Quantum Information and Many-Body systems, Pisa, Edizioni della Normale (2008),
"Correlated entanglement distillation and the structure of the set of undistillable states", F. G. S. L. Brandao and J. Eisert, Journal of Mathematical Physics49, 042102 (2008),
"Probing the local relaxation of cold atoms in optical superlattices", A. Flesch, M. Cramer, I. P. McCulloch, U. Schollwoeck, and J. Eisert, Physical Review A78, 033608 (2008).
"The LU-LC conjecture, diagonal local operations and quadratic forms over GF(2)", D. Gross and M. Van den Nest, Quantum Information and Computation8, 263 (2008),
"Quantum effects in biology: trivial or not?", D. Abbott, J. Gea-Banacloche, P. Davies, S. Hameroff, A. Zeilinger, J. Eisert, H. Wiseman, S. Bezrukov, and H. Frauenfelder, Fluctuations and Noise Letters8, C5 (2008).
"A random matrix theory of decoherence", T. Gorin, C. Pineda, H. Kohler, T. H. Seligman, New Journal of Physics10, 115016 (2008),