The boundaries and twist defects of the color code and their applications to topological quantum computation M. S. Kesselring, F. Pastawski, J. Eisert, B. J. Brown, Quantum 2, 101 (2018)
Fundamental corrections to work and power in the strong coupling regime M. Perarnau-Llobet, H. Wilming, A. Riera, R. Gallego, J. Eisert Physical Review Letters 120, 120602 (2018)
Architectures for quantum simulation showing a quantum speedup J. Bermejo-Vega, D. Hangleiter, M. Schwarz, R. Raussendorf, J. Eisert Physical Review X 8, 021010 (2018)
Construction of exact constants of motion and effective models for many-body localized systems M. Goihl, M. Gluza, C. Krumnow, J. Eisert Physical Review B 97, 134202 (2018)
The European quantum technologies roadmap Antonio Acín, Immanuel Bloch, Harry Buhrman, Tommaso Calarco, Christopher Eichler, Jens Eisert, Daniel Esteve, Nicolas Gisin, Steffen J. Glaser, Fedor Jelezko, Stefan Kuhr, Maciej Lewenstein, Max F. Riedel, Piet O. Schmidt, Rob Thew, Andreas Wallraff, Ian Walmsley, Frank K. Wilhelm New Journal of Physics 20, 080201 (2018)
Recovering quantum gates from few average gate fidelities I. Roth, R. Kueng, S. Kimmel, Y.-K. Liu, D. Gross, J. Eisert, M. Kliesch Physical Review Letters 121, 170502 (2018)
Optimal pure-state qubit tomography via sequential weak measurements E. Shojaee, C. S. Jackson, C. A. Riofrio, A. Kalev, I. H. Deutsch Physical Review Letters 121, 130404 (2018)
A general convergence result for mirror descent with Armijo line search Y.-H. Li, C. A. Riofrio, V. Cevher arxiv:1805.12232
Approximate recovery with locality and symmetry constraints C. Beny, Z. Zimboras, F. Pastawski arxiv:1806.10324
Performance of hierarchical sparse detectors for massive MTC G. Wunder, I. Roth, R. Fritschek, J. Eisert arXiv:1806.02754
Low-overhead hierarchically-sparse channel estimation for multiuser wideband massive MIMO G. Wunder, S. Stefanatos, A. Flinth, I. Roth, G. Caire arXiv:1806.00815
Hierarchical sparse channel estimation for massive MIMO G. Wunder, I. Roth, A. Flinth, M. Barzegar, S. Haghighatshoar, G. Caire, G. Kutyniok arXiv:1803.10994