2024 and preprints
- Unraveling long-time quantum dynamics using flow equations
S. J. Thomson, J. Eisert
Nature Physics 20, 1401 (2024)
Robustly learning the Hamiltonian dynamics of a superconducting quantum processor
D. Hangleiter, I. Roth, J. Fuksa, J. Eisert, P. Roushan
Nature Communications 15, 9595 (2024)
Exponentially tighter bounds on limitations of quantum error mitigation
Y. Quek, D. Stilck França, S. Khatri, J. Jakob Meyer, J. Eisert
Nature Physics 20, 1648 (2024)
Towards provably efficient quantum algorithms for large-scale machine-learning models
J. Liu, M. Liu, J.-P. Liu, Z. Ye, Y. Alexeev, J. Eisert, L. Jiang
Nature Communications 15, 434 (2024)
Probing coherent quantum thermodynamics using a trapped ion
O. Onishchenko, G. Guarnieri, P. Rosillo-Rodes, D. Pijn, J. Hilder, U. G. Poschinger, M. Perarnau-Llobet, J. Eisert, F. Schmidt-Kaler,
Nature Communications 15, 6974 (2024)
Verifiable measurement-based quantum random sampling with trapped ions
M. Ringbauer, M. Hinsche, T. Feldker, P. K. Faehrmann, J. Bermejo-Vega, C. Edmunds, L. Postler, R. Stricker, C. D. Marciniak, M. Meth, I. Pogorelov, R. Blatt, P. Schindler, J. Eisert, T. Monz, D. Hangleiter
Nature Communications, in press (2024)
Understanding quantum machine learning also requires rethinking generalization
E. Gil-Fuster, J. Eisert, C. Bravo-Prieto
Nature Communications 14, 2277 (2024)
Dissipation-enabled bosonic Hamiltonian learning via new information-propagation bounds
T. Möbus, A. Bluhm, M. C. Caro, A. H. Werner, C. Rouzé
Nature Communications, in press (2024)
Measuring out quasi-local integrals of motion from entanglement
B. Lu, C. Bertoni, S. J. Thomson, J. Eisert
Communications Physics 7, 17 (2024)
Hardware-tailored diagonalization circuits
D. Miller, L. E. Fischer, K. Levi, E. J. Kuehnke, I. O. Sokolov, P. Kl. Barkoutsos, J. Eisert, I. Tavernelli
Nature Partner Journal Quantum Information 10, 122 (2024)
An in-principle super-polynomial quantum advantage for approximating combinatorial optimization problems via computational learning theory
N. Pirnay, V. Ulitzsch, F. Wilde, J. Eisert, J.-P. Seifert
Science Advances 10, eadj5170 (2024)
The domain wall color code
K. Tiurev, A. Pesah, P. H. S. Derks, J. Roffe, J. Eisert, M. S. Kesselring, J.-M. Reiner
Physical Review Letters 133, 110601 (2024)
Generalized linear response theory for the full quantum work
G. Guarnieri, J. Eisert, H. J. D. Miller
Physical Review Letters 133, 070405 (2024)
Pseudomagic quantum states
A. Gu, L. Leone, S. Ghosh, J. Eisert, S. F. Yelin, Y. Quek
Physical Review Letters 132, 210602 (2024)
(Semi-)device independently characterizing quantum temporal correlations
S.-L. Chen, J. Eisert
Physical Review Letters 132, 220201 (2024)
A little magic means a lot
A. Gu, L. Leone, S. Ghosh, J. Eisert, S. Yelin, Y. Quek
Physical Review Letters 132, 210602 (2024)
Learning fermionic correlations by evolving with random translationally invariant Hamiltonians
J. Denzler, A. A. Mele, E. Derbyshire, T. Guaita, J. Eisert
Physical Review Letters 132, in press (2024)
Analog information decoding of bosonic quantum low-density parity-check codes
L. Berent, T. Hillmann, J. Eisert, R. Wille, and J. Roffe
PRX Quantum 5, 020349 (2024)
Anyon condensation and the color code
M. S. Kesselring, J. C. Magdalena de la Fuente, F. Thomsen, J. Eisert, S. D. Bartlett, B. J. Brown
PRX Quantum 5, 010342 (2024)
ReQuSim: Faithfully simulating near-term quantum repeaters
J. Wallnöfer, F. Hahn, F. Wiesner, N. Walk, J. Eisert
PRX Quantum 5, 010351
Reachability, coolability, and stabilizability of open Markovian quantum systems with fast unitary control
E. Malvetti, F. vom Ende, G. Dirr, T. Schulte-Herbrüggen
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization
Generating Sets of Stochastic Matrices
Frederik vom Ende, Fereshte Shahbeigi
From classical probability densities to quantum states: quantization of Gaussian for arbitrary orderings
Giorgio Lo Giudice, Lorenzo Leone, Fedele Lizzi
An unconditional distribution learning advantage with shallow quantum circuits
N. Pirnay, S. Jerbi, J. -P. Seifert, J. Eisert
Experimental measurement and a physical interpretation of quantum shadow enumerators
D. Miller, K. Levi, L. Postler, A. Steiner, L. Bittel, G. A. L. White, Y. Tang, E. J. Kuehnke, A. A. Mele, S. Khatri, L. Leone, J. Carrasco, C. D. Marciniak, I. Pogorelov, M. Guevara-Bertsch, R. Freund, R. Blatt, P. Schindler, T. Monz, M. Ringbauer, J. Eisert
Noise can be helpful for variational quantum algorithms
J. Liu, F. Wilde, A. Anna Mele, L. Jiang, J. Eisert
Nature Partner Journal Quantum Information, in press (2024)
Testing classical properties from quantum data
Matthias C. Caro, Preksha Naik, Joseph Slote
Theory and Experimental Demonstration of Wigner Tomography of Unknown Unitary Quantum Gates
Amit Devra, Lèo Van Damme, Frederik vom Ende, Emanuel Malvetti, Steffen J. Glaser
Learning complexity gradually in quantum machine learning models
Erik Recio-Armengol, Franz J. Schreiber, Jens Eisert, Carlos Bravo-Prieto
Topological stabilizer models on continuous variables
Julio C. Magdalena de la Fuente, Tyler D. Ellison, Meng Cheng, Dominic J. Williamson
Optimal estimates of trace distance between bosonic Gaussian states and applications to learning
Lennart Bittel, Francesco Anna Mele, Antonio Anna Mele, Salvatore Tirone, Ludovico Lami
Dynamical weight reduction of Pauli measurements
Julio C. Magdalena de la Fuente
Fiber Bundle Fault Tolerance of GKP Codes
Ansgar G. Burchards, Steven T. Flammia, Jonathan Conrad
Single-copy stabilizer testing
Marcel Hinsche, Jonas Helsen
A sufficient criterion for divisibility of quantum channels
F. vom Ende
Lattices, gates, and curves: GKP codes as a Rosetta stone
J. Conrad, A. G. Burchards, S. T. Flammia
Single-shot quantum machine learning
E. Recio-Armengol, J. Eisert, J. Jakob Meyer
Online learning of quantum processes
A. Raza, M. C. Caro, J. Eisert, S. Khatri
Learning topological states from randomized measurements using variational tensor network tomography
Y. Teng, R. Samajdar, K. Van Kirk, F. Wilde, S. Sachdev, J. Eisert, R. Sweke, K. Najafi
Principal eigenstate classical shadows
D. Grier, H. Pashayan, L. Schaeffer
Noise-induced shallow circuits and absence of barren plateaus
A. Anna Mele, A. Angrisani, S. Ghosh, S. Khatri, J. Eisert, D. Stilck França, Y. Quek
arXiv:2403.13927 (2024)
Learning quantum states of continuous variable systems
F. Anna Mele, A. Anna Mele, L. Bittel, J. Eisert, V. Giovannetti, L. Lami, L. Leone, S. F. E. Oliviero
arXiv:2405.01431 (2024)
A quantum inspired approach to learning dynamical laws from data - block-sparsity and gauge-mediated weight sharing
J. Fuksa, M. Goette, I. Roth, J. Eisert
Machine Learning: Science and Technology 5, 025064 (2024)
Tensor network analysis of the maple-leaf antiferromagnet spangolite
P. Schmoll, H. O. Jeschke, Y. Iqbal
arXiv:2404.14905 (2024)
Hamiltonian truncation tensor networks for quantum field theories
P. Schmoll, J. Naumann, A. Nietner, J. Eisert, S. Sotiriadis
arXiv:2312.12506 (2023)
Finite temperature tensor network algorithm for frustrated two-dimensional quantum materials
P. Schmoll, C. Balz, B. Lake, J. Eisert, A. Kshetrimayum
Physical Review B 109, 235119 (2024)
Stabilizer entropies are monotones for magic-state resource theory
L. Leone, L. Bittel
arXiv:2404.11652 (2024)
Perturbative gadgets for gate-based quantum computing: Nonrecursive constructions without subspace restrictions
S. Cichy, P. K. Faehrmann, S. Khatri, and J. Eisert
Physical Review A 109, 052624 (2024)
PAC-learning of free-fermionic states is NP-hard
L. Bittel, A. A. Mele, J. Eisert, L. Leone
Low-overhead non-Clifford topological fault-tolerant circuits for all non-chiral Abelian topological phases
A. Bauer
arXiv:2403.12119 (2024)
Efficient distributed inner product estimation via Pauli samplingM. Hinsche, M. Ioannou, S. Jerbi, L. Leone, J. Eisert, J. Carrasco
arXiv:2405.06544 (2024)
Hamiltonian property testing
A. Bluhm, M. C. Caro, A. Oufkir
arXiv:2403.02968 (2024)
Typical thermalization of low-entanglement states
C. Bertoni, C. Wassner, G. Guarnieri, J. Eisert
arXiv:2403.18007 (2024)
Local integrals of motion and the stability of many-body localisation in Wannier-Stark potentials
C. Bertoni, J. Eisert, A. Kshetrimayum, A. Nietner, S. J. Thomson
Physical Review B, 02406 (2024)
Gravitational back-reaction is the holographic dual of magic
C.J. Cao, G. Cheng, A. Hamma, L. Leone, W. Munizzi, S. F. E. Oliviero
Noise-induced shallow circuits and absence of barren plateaus
A. A. Mele, A. Angrisani, S. Ghosh, S. Khatri, J. Eisert, D. Stilck França, Y. Quek
Topological dualities via tensor networksC. Wille, J. Eisert, A. Altland
Phys. Rev. Research 6, 013302 (2024)
Information-theoretic generalization bounds for learning from quantum data
M. Caro, T. Gur, C. Rouzé, D. Stilck França, S. Subramanian
Analog information decoding of bosonic quantum LDPC codes
L. Berent, T. Hillmann, J. Eisert, R. Wille, J. Roffe
PRX Quantum, in press (2024)
Unifying (quantum) statistical and parametrized (quantum) algorithms
A. Nietner
Learning quantum states and unitaries of bounded gate complexity
H, Zhao, L. Lewis, I. Kannan, Y. Quek, H.-Y. Huang, M. C. Caro
Dissipation-enabled bosonic Hamiltonian learning via new information-propagation bounds
T. Möbus, A. Bluhm, M. C. Caro, A. H. Werner, C. Rouzé
Finite-dimensional Stinespring curves can approximate any dynamics
F. vom Ende
Open Systems & Information Dynamics 31, 2450004 (2024)
Classical verification of quantum learning
M. C. Caro, M. Hinsche, M. Ioannou, A. Nietner, R. Sweke
Free fermion distributions are hard to learn
A. Nietner
Floquetifying the colour code
A. Townsend-Teague, J. M. de la Fuente, M. Kesselring
Understanding and generalizing unique decompositions of generators of dynamical semigroups
F. vom Ende
Open Systems & Information Dynamics 31, 2450007 (2024)
Potential and limitations of random Fourier features for dequantizing quantum machine learning
R. Sweke, E. Recio, S. Jerbi, E. Gil-Fuster, B. Fuller, J. Eisert, J. J. Meyer
Learning quantum states of continuous variable systems
F. Anna Mele, A. Anna Mele, L. Bittel, J. Eisert, V. Giovannetti, L. Lami, L. Leone, S. F. E. Oliviero
Tensor network analysis of the maple-leaf antiferromagnet spangolite
P. Schmoll, H. O. Jeschke, Y. Iqbal
Stabilizer entropies are monotones for magic-state resource theory
L. Leone, L. Bittel
PAC-learning of free-fermionic states is NP-hard
L. Bittel, A. A. Mele, J. Eisert, L. Leone
Quantum complexity phase transitions in monitored random circuits
R. Suzuki, J. Haferkamp, J. Eisert, P. Faist
Topological dualities via tensor networks
C. Wille, J. Eisert, A. Altland
Physical Review Research 6, 013302 (2024)
On the expressivity of embedding quantum kernels
Elies Gil-Fuster, Jens Eisert, Vedran Dunjko
Machine Learning: Science and Technology, in press (2024)
Topological error correcting processes from fixed-point path integrals
A. Bauer
arXiv:2303.16405- Decoding quantum color codes with MaxSAT
L. Berent, L. Burgholzer, P.-J. H. S. Derks, J. Eisert, R. Wille
Quantum metrology in the finite-sample regime
J. J. Meyer, S. Khatri, D. Stilck França, J. Eisert, P. Faist
arXiv:2307.06370- On the average-case complexity of learning output distributions of quantum circuits
A. Nietner, M. Ioannou, R. Sweke, R. Kueng, J. Eisert, M. Hinsche, J. Haferkamp
arXiv:2305.05765 - Good Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill codes from the NTRU cryptosystem
J. Conrad, J. Eisert, J.-P. Seifert
arXiv:2303.02432 - Lower bounds to variational problems with guarantees
J. Eisert
A perturbative gadget for delaying the onset of barren plateaus in variational quantum algorithms
S. Cichy, P. K. Faehrmann, S. Khatri, J. Eisert
Shallow shadows: Expectation estimation using low-depth random Clifford circuits
C. Bertoni, J. Haferkamp, M. Hinsche, M. Ioannou, J. Eisert, H. Pashayan
Physical Review Letters, in press (2024)- Scalably learning quantum many-body Hamiltonians from dynamical data
F. Wilde, A. Kshetrimayum, I. Roth, D. Hangleiter, R. Sweke, J. Eisert
Bulk-to-boundary anyon fusion from microscopic models
J. C. Magdalena de la Fuente, J. Eisert, A. Bauer
A route towards engineering many-body localization in real materials
A. Nietner, A. Kshetrimayum, J. Eisert, B. Lake
arXiv:2207.10696- Guaranteed blind deconvolution and demixing via hierarchically sparse reconstruction
A. Flinth, I. Roth, B. Groß, J. Eisert, G. Wunder
Learnability of the output distributions of local quantum circuits
M. Hinsche, M. Ioannou, A. Nietner, J. Haferkamp, Y. Quek, D. Hangleiter, J.-P. Seifert, J. Eisert, R. Sweke
arXiv:2110.05517- Precise Hamiltonian identification of a superconducting quantum processor
D. Hangleiter, I. Roth, J. Eisert, P. Roushan
Topical white paper: A case for quantum memories in space
M. Gündoğan, T. Jennewein, F. K. Asadi, E. Da Ros, E. Sağlamyürek, D. Oblak, T. Vogl, D. Rieländer, J. Sidhu, S. Grandi, L. Mazzarella, J. Wallnöfer, P. Ledingham, L. LeBlanc, M. Mazzera, M. Mohageg, J. Wolters, A. Ling, M. Atatüre, H. de Riedmatten, D. Oi, C. Simon, M. Krutzik
Towards overcoming the entanglement barrier when simulating long-time evolution
C. Krumnow, J. Eisert, Ö. Legeza
arXiv:1904.11999- Hierarchical sparse recovery from hierarchically structured measurements
B. Groß, A. Flinth, I. Roth, J. Eisert, G. Wunder
arXiv:2005.10379 - Non-equilibrium steady state of the Lieb-Liniger model: Multiple-integral representation of the time evolved many-body wave-function
S. Sotiriadis
arXiv:2010.03553 - Hierarchical compressed sensing
J. Eisert, A. Flinth, B. Groß, I. Roth, G. Wunder
arXiv:2104.02721 - Minimizing couplings in renormalization by preserving short-range mutual information
C. Bertoni, J. M. Renes
arXiv:2107.00990 - Periodically refreshed quantum thermal machines
A. Purkayasatha, G. Guarnieri, S. Campbell, J. Prior, J. Goold
arXiv:2202.05264 - Pinwheel valence-bond-crystal ground state of the spin-12 Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the shuriken lattice
N. Astrakhantsev, F. Ferrari, N. Niggemann, T. Müller, A. Chauhan, A. Kshetrimayum, P. Ghosh, N. Regnault, R. Thomale, J. Reuther, T. Neupert, Y. Iqbal
arXiv:2110.08198 - Compressive gate set tomography
R. Brieger, I. Roth, M. Kliesch
arXiv:2112.05176 - Anonymous conference key agreement in linear quantum networks
J. de Jong, F. Hahn, J. Eisert, N. Walk, A. Pappa
arXiv:2205.09169 - Avoiding barren plateaus via transferability of smooth solutions in Hamiltonian variational ansatz
A. A. Mele, G. Bigan Mbeng, G. E. Santoro, M. Collura, P. Torta
arXiv:2206.01982 - Multivariate trace estimation in constant quantum depth
Y. Quek, M. M. Wilde, E. Kaur
arXiv:2206.15405 - Block sparsity and gauge mediated weight sharing for learning dynamical laws from data
M. Götte, J. Fuksa, I. Roth, J. Eisert
arXiv:2208.01591 - Probing coherent quantum thermodynamics using a trapped ion
O. Onishchenko, G. Guarnieri, P. Rosillo-Rodes, D. Pijn, J. Hilder, U. G. Poschinger, M. Perarnau-Llobet, J. Eisert, F. Schmidt-Kaler
arXiv:2207.14325 - Time-energy uncertainty relation for noisy quantum metrology
P. Faist, M. P. Woods, V. V. Albert, J. M. Renes, J. Eisert, J. Preskill
arXiv:2207.13707 - A route towards engineering many-body localization in real materials
A. Nietner, A. Kshetrimayum, J. Eisert, B. Lake
arXiv:2207.10696 - Equivalence in delegated quantum computing
F. Wiesner, J. Eisert, A. Pappa
arXiv:2206.07469 - The thermodynamic uncertainty theorem
K. J. Ray, A. B. Boyd, G. Guarnieri, J. P. Crutchfield
arXiv:2210.00914 - Sample-optimal classical shadows for pure states
Grier, Pashayan, Schaeffer
arXiv:2211.11810 - Finite temperature tensor network algorithm for frustrated two-dimensional quantum materials
S. Schmoll, C. Balz, B. Lake, J. Eisert, A. Kshetrimayum
Physical Review B, in press (2024)
Disentangling modular Walker-Wang models via fermionic invertible boundaries
A. Bauer
arXiv:2208.03397- Tensor types and their use in physics
A. Bauer, A. Nietner
arXiv:2208.01135 - Learning quantum processes and Hamiltonians via the Pauli transfer matrix
M. Caro
arXiv:2212.04471 - Multivariate trace estimation in constant quantum depth
Y. Quek, M. M. Wilde, E. Kaur
arXiv:2206.15405 - Learning quantum processes without input control
M. Fanizza, Y. Quek, M. Rosati
arXiv:2211.05005 - Tensor network assisted variational quantum algorithm
J. Huang, W. He, Y. Zhang, Y. Wu, B. Wu, X. Yuan
arXiv:2212.10421 - From Kraus operators to the Stinespring form of quantum maps: An alternative construction for infinite dimensions
F. vom Ende
arXiv:2301.05488 - Error-corrected quantum repeaters with GKP qudits
F. Schmidt, D. Miller, P. van Loock
The foliage partition: An easy-to-compute LC-invariant for graph states
A. Burchardt, F. Hahn
An introduction to infinite projected entangled-pair state methods for variational ground state simulations using automatic differentiation
Jan Naumann, Erik Lennart Weerda, Matteo Rizzi, Jens Eisert, Philipp Schmoll
SciPost Phys. Lect. Notes 86 (2024)
Fast and reliable entanglement distribution with quantum repeaters: principles for improving protocols using reinforcement learning
S. Haldar, P. J. Barge, S. Khatri, H. Lee
Physical Review Applied 21, 024041 (2024)- Generalised linear response theory for the full quantum work statistics
G. Guarnieri, J. Eisert, H. J. D. Miller
Distribution and volume based scoring for isolation forests
H. Dhouib, A. Wilms, P. Boes
arXiv:2309.11450- Using deep learning to construct stochastic local search SAT solvers with performance bounds
M. Kramer, P. Boes
Advantage of multi-partite entanglement for quantum cryptography over long and short ranged networks
J. Memmen, J. Eisert, N. Walk
Hamiltonian truncation tensor networks for quantum field theories
P. Schmoll. J. Naumann, A. Nietner, J. Eisert, S. Sotiriadis
Introduction to Haar measure tools in quantum information: A beginner's tutorial
A. Mele
From the Choi Formalism in Infinite Dimensions to Unique Decompositions of Generators of Completely Positive Dynamical Semigroups
Frederik vom Ende
Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Related Topics (2024)
The thermomajorization polytope and its degeneracies
F. vom Ende, E. Malvetti
Entropy 26, 2 (2024)
On the locality of qubit encodings of local fermionic modes
T. Guaita
Noise-mitigated randomized measurements and self-calibrating shadow estimation
E. Onorati, J. Kitzinger, J. Helsen, M. Ioannou, A. H. Werner, I. Roth, J. Eisert
Efficient learning of quantum states prepared with few fermionic non-Gaussian gates
A. A. Mele, Y. Herasymenko
Almost All Quantum Channels Are Diagonalizable
Frederik vom Ende
Open Systems & Information Dynamics 31:3 (2024), 2450012
Robustly learning the Hamiltonian dynamics of a superconducting quantum processor
D. Hangleiter, I. Roth, J. Fuksa, J. Eisert, P. Roushan
Doped stabilizer states in many-body physics and where to find them
A. Gu, S. F. E. Oliviero, L. Leone
Magic-induced computational separation in entanglement theory
A. Gu, S. F.E. Oliviero, L. Leone
- Noise-mitigated randomized measurements and self-calibrating shadow estimation
E. Onorati, J. Kitzinger, J. Helsen, M. Ioannou, A. H. Werner, I. Roth, and J. Eisert
Localized statistics decoding: A parallel decoding algorithm for quantum low-density parity-check codes
T. Hillmann, L. Berent, A. O. Quintavalle, J. Eisert, R. Wille, J. Roffe
Complexity-constrained quantum thermodynamics
A. Munson, N. B. Teja Kothakonda, J. Haferkamp, N. Yunger Halpern, J. Eisert, P. Faist
Complexity of geometrically local stoquastic Hamiltonians
A. Raza, J. Eisert, A. B. Grilo
Tomography of parametrized quantum states
F. J. Schreiber, J. Eisert, J. J. Meyer
The XYZ ruby code: Making a case for a three-colored graphical calculus for quantum error correction in spacetime
J. C. Magdalena de la Fuente, J. Old, A. Townsend-Teague, M. Rispler, J. Eisert, M. Müller
Designing fault-tolerant circuits using detector error models
P.-J. H.S. Derks, A. Townsend-Teague, A. G. Burchards, J. Eisert
Experimentally probing Landauer's principle in the quantum many-body regime
S. Aimet, M. Tajik, G. Tournaire, P. Schüttelkopf, J. Sabino, S. Sotiriadis, G. Guarnieri, J. Schmiedmayer, J. Eisert
Bathing in a sea of candidate quantum spin liquids: From the gapless ruby to the gapped maple-leaf lattice
P. Schmoll, J. Naumann, J. Eisert, Y. Iqbal
Unitary averaging with fault and loss tolerance
R. J. Marshman, D. Singh, T. C. Ralph, A. P. Lund
- Classical verification of quantum learning
M. C. Caro, M. Hinsche, M. Ioannou, A. Nietner, R. Sweke,
ITCS 2024 287, 24 (2024)
Perfect wave transfer in continuous quantum systems
P. Moosavi, M. Christandl, G. Michele Graf, S. Sotiriadis
Artificially intelligent Maxwell's demon for optimal control of open quantum systems
P. A. Erdman, R. Czupryniak, B. Bhandari, A. N. Jordan, F. Noé, J. Eisert, G. Guarnieri
Benchmarking bosonic and fermionic dynamics
J. Wilkens, M. Ioannou, E. Derbyshire, J. Eisert, D. Hangleiter, I. Roth, J. Haferkamp
Full classification of Pauli Lie algebras
G. Aguilar, S. Cichy, J. Eisert, L. Bittel
Random ensembles of symplectic and unitary states are indistinguishable
M. West, A. Anna Mele, M. Larocca, M. Cerezo
Stability of emergent time periodicity in a few-body interacting system
S. Campbell, J. Eisert, G. Guarnieri
Experimentally probing Landauer's principle in the quantum many-body regime
S. Aimet, M. Tajik, G. Tournaire, P. Schüttelkopf, J. Sabino, S. Sotiriadis, G. Guarnieri, J. Schmiedmayer, J. Eisert
Optimal trace-distance bounds for free-fermionic states: Testing and improved tomography
L. Bittel, A. Anna Mele, J. Eisert, L. Leone
Stabilizer entropies are monotones for magic-state resource
L. Leone, L. Bittel
Physical Review A 110, L040403 (2024)
Extendibility of fermionic states and rigorous ground state approximations of interacting fermionic systems
C. Krumnow, Z. Zimborás, J. Eisert
Simulating quantum chaos without chaos
A. Gu, Y. Quek, S. Yelin, J. Eisert, L. Leone
Interactive proofs for verifying (quantum) learning and testing
M. C. Caro, J. Eisert, M. Hinsche, M. Ioannou, A. Nietner, R. Sweke
More global randomness from less random local gates
R. Suzuki, H. Katsura, Y. Mitsuhashi, T. Soejima, J. Eisert, N. Yoshioka
Chasing shadows with Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill codes
J. Conrad, J. Eisert, S. T. Flammia
Learning complexity gradually in quantum machine learning models
E. Recio-Armengol, F. J. Schreiber, J. Eisert, C. Bravo-Prieto
Testing classical properties from quantum data
M. C. Caro, P. Naik, J. Slote