Quantum error correction and topological quantum memories
Quantum error correction is concerned with reliable quantum information processing in the presence of local errors. We are concerned with several aspects of quantum error correction and with notions topological quantum memories: The surface code is here seen as the most prominent such topological quantum error correcting codes. We are interested in devising new codes beyond the surface code that may reduce required overleads and finding ways of designing dissipative self-correcting quantum memories.
Selected group publications
- Non-Pauli topological stabilizer codes from twisted quantum doubles
Quantum 5, 398 (2021) - Combining topological hardware and topological software: Color code quantum computing with topological superconductor networks
Physical Review X 7, 031048 (2017) - Holography and criticality in matchgate tensor networks
Science Advances 5, eaaw0092 (2019) - Towards scalable bosonic quantum error correction
Quantum Science and Technology 5, 043001 (2020) - The boundaries and twist defects of the color code and their applications to topological quantum computation
Quantum 2, 101 (2018) - Cellular automaton decoders of topological quantum memories in the fault tolerant setting
New Journal of Physics 19, 063012 (2017) - Code properties from holographic geometries
Physical Review X 7, 021022 (2017) - Poking holes and cutting corners to achieve Clifford gates with the surface code
Physical Review X 7, 021029 (2017) - Enhanced fault-tolerant quantum computing in d-level systems
Physical Review Letters 113, 230501 (2014) - Cellular-automaton decoders for topological quantum memories
Nature PJ Quantum Information 1, 15010 (2015) - Protected gates for topological quantum field theories
Journal of Mathematical Physics 57, 022201 (2016) - Efficient decoders for qudit topological codes
New Journal of Physics 16 063038 (2014)
Group review
- Quantum computing
In: Handbook of Nature-Inspired and Innovative Computing (Springer, 2006) - Holographic tensor network models and quantum error correction: A topical review
Quantum Science and Technology 6 (2021)