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Summer term 2016

Summer term 2016:

Lecture: Advanced Statistical Mechanics 2
  • Lecturer: Jens Eisert
  • Date and time: Tuesday 10:00-12:00, Friday 10:00-12:00
  • Room: 1.3.14 Lecture theatre A
  • Tutors: Rodrigo Gallego, Paul Boes, Marek Gluza
  • The exercise sheets and further information on the tutorials and the exam will be made available soon.
  • The script of the lecture is available here in its present form.
  • Exam: The exam will take place on the 19th of July in HS A at 10 am.
  • Re-take Exam: The re-take exam will take place on 23rd of September in T1 at 10 am.

This course provides a thorough introduction to statistical mechanics, with an emphasis on quantum statistical mechanics and selected advanced topics. After a brief tutorial on concepts of thermodynamics and classical statistical mechanics, it will set out to give an overview over topics in quantum statistical mechanics and advanced topics in classical statistical mechanics. Specific advanced topics include open quantum systems, quantum phase transitions, non-equilibrium classical and quantum statistical physics (including notions of Fokker-Planck equations and Onsager relations), and modern developments of quantum thermodynamics.