Open Positions
We are looking for you:
You hold an excellent Master degree in Physics. You are a highly motivated student and curious to carry out high-level experiments. You like to work in a team, but can also work independently. You have a strong interest and background in solid state physics. You have experience in (several of) the following areas: scanning tunnelling microscopy/spectroscopy, ultra-fast optics, surface physics, ultra-high vacuum techniques, low temperature equipment, and programming.
If you are looking for a PostDoc position:
If you are interested in applying for fellowships (for example, Alexander von Humboldt, DAAD) to work with us, please, contact us, and we can discuss the project.
Your are a Master of Bachelor student looking for a thesis project in our group:
Master and bachelor students are always welcome in our group. If you are interested, please contact us and we will suggest you a research project.