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Our group possesses the X- and Q-Band CW ESR capabilities as well as a pulsed Q-Band spectrometer equipped with a SpinJet AWG. In addition, we cooperate with AG Bittl, which gives us direct access to several additional ESR spectrometers (S-, X-, Q- and W-Band) having both dipolar and hyperfine capabilities. Our protein sample preparation laboratories are fully equipped with modern instruments for membrane protein biochemistry and biophysics.

Bruker Elexsys E580 Q-Band Pulsed ESR Spetctrometer with SpinJet AWG (Room 0.4.33)

Bruker Elexsys E580 Q-Band Pulsed ESR Spetctrometer with SpinJet AWG (Room 0.4.33)

Bruker EMXnano - Tabletop CW EPR Spectrometer (Room -1.2.12b)


Spectrometers shared with AG Bittl - please see here

Protein biochemistry laboratories (Rooms -1.2.12a, -1.2.12b, and -1.1.14)

Our group possesses fully equipped biochemistry laboratories for membrane protein expression, purification, and characterization.