Our laboratories were planned and equipped with the idea to cover a wide range of different problems.
Our group has access to two triple-stage Raman spectrometers with tunable lasersystems and the corresponding CCD detectors. Furthermore, two atomic force microscopes (AFM) for high-resolution topological measurements are available. These two AFM systems can also be used for tip-enhanced Raman scattering to aquire Raman spectra of structures of a few nanometers in size.
Optical absorption, photoluminescence and excitation spectroscopy (PLE) can be measured with the NanoLog spectrometer. The NanoLog is a classic PLE device in which a spectrometer selects the excitation wavelength and a second the detection wavelenghts. The excitation wavelengths can be tuned from the UV to the visible and detection is possible from the infrared to the visible. Such a device is excellent for characterizing materials or investigate how optical properties of nanosystems change upon changing environmental parameters or by attaching functionalization molecules.
Our group participates in the computer cluster of theoretical physics department. With ab-initio program packages (Siesta, Abinit) the physical properties of nano-systems or their growth can be simulated wihtin the framework of density functional theory. We also use your own routines for empirical calculations (tight-binding approximation) and commercial software such as Mathematica for the simulation of Raman spectra.