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Press release: "Wie das Auftauen von Schneebällen"


Publications in peer-reviewed journals:

1.    Interference patterns of two-photon excited fluorescence by spatial beam shaping, R. Gottschalk and A. Lindinger, Optik 316, 172054 (2024).

2.    Polarization enhanced two-photon excited fluorescence contrast by shaped laser pulses using a deformable phase plate, S. S. A. S. Bukhari, A. Halder, and A. Lindinger, Appl. Opt. 62, 8242-47 (2023).

3. Temporally shaped vortex phase laser pulses for two-photon excited fluorescence, R. Gottschalk and A. Lindinger, Appl. Opt. 61, 10207 (2022).
4. Spatial and temporal laser pulse shaping for two color excitation, M. B. Hild, M. Safaeisadegh, and A. Lindinger, Optik 250, 168293 (2022).
5. Spatially and temporally polarization shaped laser pulses for two-photon excited fluorescence, M. B. Hild, R. Gottschalk, K. Heyne, and A. Lindinger, Eur. Phys. J. D 74, 206 (2020).
6. Fluorescence contrast improvement by polarization shaped laser pulses for autofluorescent biomolecules, B. Haas, M. B. Hild, A. Kussicke, A. Kurre, and A. Lindinger, Optik 207, 163777 (2020).
7. Spatial and temporal pulse shaping for lateral and depth resolved two-photon excited fluorescence contrast, A. Kussicke, M. Tegtmeier, F. Büchau, K. Heyne, and A. Lindinger, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 53, 025401 (2020).
8. Contrast improvement of autofluorescent vitamins by using shaped laser pulses after a kagome fiber, S. Weber, J. Otto, and A. Lindinger, Laser Phys. 29, 035301 (2019).
9. Combined temporal and spatial laser pulse shaping for two-photon excited fluorescence contrast improvement, A. Kussicke, M. Tegtmeier, A. Patas, F. Büchau, K. Heyne, and A. Lindinger, Appl. Phys. B 124, 237(2018).
10. Modifications of filament spectra by shaped octave-spanning laser pulses, A. Patas, M. Matthews, S. Hermelin, J. Gateau, J. Kasparian, J. P. Wolf, and A. Lindinger, Phys. Rev. A 98, 033804(2018).
11. Contrast improvement by using tailored laser pulses to circumvent undesired excitations, I. Kumberg, A. Kussicke, A. Patas, and A. Lindinger, Optik 173, 53-59(2018).
12. A stage-scanning two-photon microscope equipped with a temporal and a spatial pulse shaper: Enhance fluorescence signal by phase shaping, F. Büchau, A. Patas, Y. Yang, A. Lindinger, and K. Heyne, Review of Scientific Instruments 89, 123701(2018).
13. Maximizing energy deposition by shaping few-cycle laser pulses, J. Gateau, A. Patas, M. Matthews, S. Hermelin, A. Lindinger, J. Kasparian, and J.-P. Wolf, J. Phys. B 51, 135402(2018).
14. Amplification of intense light fields by nearly free electrons, M. Matthews, F. Morales, A. Patas, A. Lindinger, J. Gateau, N. Berti, S. Hermelin, J. Kasparian, M. Richter, T. Bredtmann, O. Smirnova, J.-P. Wolf, and M. Ivanov, Nature Physics 14, 695-700(2018).


15. Atomically resolved phase transition of fullerene cations solvated in superfluid helium droplets, M. Kuhn, M. Renzler, J. Postler, S. Ralser, S. Spieler, M. Simpson, H. Linnartz, A. Tielens, J. Cami, A. Mauracher, Y. Wang, M. Alcamí, F. Martin, M. Beyer, R. Wester, A. Lindinger, and P. Scheier, Nature Communications 7, 13550 (2016).


16. Anionic hydrogen cluster ions as a new form of condensed hydrogen, M. Renzler, M. Kuhn, A. Mauracher, A. Lindinger, and P. Scheier, Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 273001 (2016), also chosen as PRL Editors´ Suggestion.


17. Communication: Dopant-induced solvation of alkalis in liquid helium nanodroplets, M. Renzler, M. Daxner, L. Kranabetter, A. W. Hauser, W. E. Ernst, A. Lindinger, R. Zillich, P. Scheier, and A. M. Ellis, J. Chem. Phys. 145, 181101 (2016).


18. Fluorescence anisotropy excitation by polarization-shaped laser pulses after transmission through a kagome fiber, J. Otto, A. Patas, J. Althoff, and A. Lindinger, Appl. Phys. B 122, 1-7 (2016).


19. The adsorption of helium atoms on coronene cations, T. Kurzthaler, B. Rasul, M. Kuhn, A. Lindinger, P. Scheier, and A. Ellis, J. Chem. Phys. 145, 064305 (2016).


20. Selection of ionization paths of K2 on superfluid He-droplets by wavepacket interference, M. B. Hild, A. Dufour, G. Achazi, A. Patas, P. Scheier, and A. Lindinger, J. Chem. Phys. 658, 109-113 (2016).


21. Association of amino acids embedded in helium droplets detected by mass spectrometry, M. R. Lalanne, G. Achazi, S. Reichwald, and A. Lindinger, Eur. Phys. J. D 69, 280 (2015).


22. Phase sensitive pulse shaping for molecule selective three-photon excitation, G. Achazi, A. Patas, and A. Lindinger, Eur. Phys. J. D 68, 344 (2014).


23. Influence of nonlinear effects on the three-photon excitation of L-tryptophan in water using phase-shaped pulses, A. Patas, G. Achazi, C. Winta, and A. Lindinger, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 31, 2208-2213 (2014) (also published in the Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics, Vol. 9, Iss. 11, 2014).


24. Photo-oxidation by laser pulse induced desorption of phthalocyanines, M. Holz, J. Wichmann, R. Mitric, L. Wöste, and A. Lindinger, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 365-366, 89-92 (2014) special issue for Prof. Märk.


25. Polarization-shaped laser pulses for improved fluorescence anisotropy contrast, G. Achazi, N. Hermes, A. Patas, D. Tolksdorf, and A. Lindinger, Eur. Phys. J. D 67, 160 (2013)


26. Contrast optimization of two-photon processes after a microstructured hollow-core fiber demonstrated for dye molecules, A. Patas, G. Achazi, N. Hermes, M. Pawłowska, and A. Lindinger, Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics 112, 579-586 (2013)


27. Selective excitation with shaped pulses transported through a fiber using reverse propagation, Monika Pawłowska, Georg Achazi, Nona Rahmat, Alexander Patas, and Albrecht Lindinger, Phys. Rev. A 86, 013834 (2012)


28. Parametrically shaped femtosecond pulses in the nonlinear regime obtained by reverse propagation in an optical fiber, Monika Pawłowska, Alexander Patas, Georg Achazi, and Albrecht Lindinger, Opt. Lett. 37, 2709-2711 (2012)


29. Shaped pulses transported through an optical fiber in the nonlinear regime for selective excitation of two-photon transitions, Monika Pawłowska, Alexander Patas, Georg Achazi, Nona Ramat, Fabian Weise, and Albrecht Lindinger, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 29, 833-840 (2012)


30. Modification of the secondary structure of angiotensin II by substitution of hydrogen with Cs cations: an experimental and theoretical study, J. Wichmann, R. Mitric, C. Weise, M. Holz, and A. Lindinger, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 14, 9301-9305, special issue for Prof. Wöste (2012).


31. Parametrically polarization shaped pulses guided via a hollow core photonic crystal fiber for coherent control, Fabian Weise, Georg Achazi, and Albrecht Lindinger, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 13, 8621-8626 (2011) (selected as cover figure for volume 13, number 19).


32. Full control of polarization and temporal shape of ultrashort laser pulses transmitted through an optical fiber, Fabian Weise, Monika Pawłowska, Georg Achazi, and Albrecht Lindinger, J. Opt. 13, 075301 (2011).


33. Systematic variation of parametrically shaped sub-pulse sequences after transmission through a photonic crystal fiber, Fabian Weise, Georg Achazi, Monika Pawłowska, and Albrecht Lindinger, Special Issue on Optical Pulse Shaping, Arbitrary Waveform Generation, and Pulse Characterization in Opt. Com. 284, 3759-3771 (2011).


34. Reconstruction of polarization shaped laser pulses after a hollow core fiber using back-reflection, Georg Achazi, Alexander Patas, Fabian Weise, Monika Pawłowska, and Albrecht Lindinger, Appl. Opt. 50, 915-923 (2011).


35. Parametrically phase-, amplitude-, and polarization-shaped femtosecond laser pulses guided via a step-index fiber, Fabian Weise, Monika Pawłowska, Georg Achazi, and Albrecht Lindinger, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 28, 406-415 (2011).


36. Parametrically polarization-shaped pulses using a hollow-core photonic crystal fiber, Fabian Weise, Georg Achazi, and Albrecht Lindinger, Phys. Rev A 82, 053827 (2010).


37. Full parametric pulse shaping in phase, amplitude, and polarization using an effective four array modulator, F. Weise and A. Lindinger, Appl. Phys. B 101, 79-91 (2010).


38. Chirp dependent Matrix-assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization measurements of alkali metal adapted angiotensoine II by using ultrashort laser pulses in the near IR regime, J. Wichmann, F. Schwaneberg, C. Lupulescu, and A. Lindinger, International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 296, 30-35 (2010).


39. Photoassociation and coherent transient dynamics in the interaction of ultracold rubidium atoms with shaped femtosecond pulses - I. Experiment, T. G. Mullins, W. Salzmann, S. Götz, M. Albert, J. Eng, R. Wester, and M. Weidemüller, F. Weise, A. Merli, S. M. Weber, F. Sauer, L. Wöste, and A. Lindinger, Phys. Rev. A 80, 063416 (2009) (also published in the Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science and in the Virtual Journal of Atomic Quantum Fluids, January 2010)


40. Photoassociation and coherent transient dynamics in the interaction of ultracold rubidium atoms with shaped femtosecond pulses. II. Theory, A. Merli, F. Eimer, F. Weise, A. Lindinger, W. Salzmann, T. G. Mullins, R. Wester, M. Weidemüller, R. Ağanoğlu, C. P. Koch, Phys. Rev. A 80, 063417 (2009) (also published in the Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science and in the Virtual Journal of Atomic Quantum Fluids, January 2010)


41. Characteristic oscillations in the coherent transients of ultracold rubidium molecules using red and blue detuned pulses for photoassociation, F. Weise, A. Merli, F. Eimer, S. Birkner, F. Sauer, L. Wöste, A. Lindinger, W. Salzmann, T. G. Mullins, R. Wester, M. Weidemüller, R. Ağanoğlu, and C. P. Koch, J. Phys. B 42, 215307 (2009)


42. Spectrally resolved coherent transient signal for ultracold rubidium molecules, F. Eimer, F. Weise, A. Merli, S. Birkner, F .Sauer, L. Wöste, A. Lindinger, R. Ağanoğlu, C. P. Koch, W. Salzmann, T. Mullins, S. Götz, R. Wester, and M. Weidemüller, Eur. Phys. J. D 54, 711-714 (2009)


43. Full control over the electric field using four liquid crystal arrays, F. Weise and A. Lindinger, Optics Letters 34, 1258-60 (2009) (also published in the Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science, May 2009)


44. Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization of potassium adapted angiotensine II using femtosecond laser pulses, J. Wichmann, C. Lupulescu, L. Wöste, and A. Lindinger, Eur. Phys. J. D 52, 151-154 (2009)


45. Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization by using femtosecond laser pulses in the near-infrared wavelength regime, J. Wichmann, C. Lupulescu, L. Wöste, and A. Lindinger, Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 23, 1105-1108 (2009)


46. Coherent transients in the femtosecond photoassociation of ultracold molecules, W. Salzmann, T. Mullins, J. Eng, M. Albert, R. Wester, M. Weidemüller, A. Merli, S. M. Weber, F. Sauer, M. Plewicki, F. Weise, L. Wöste, and A. Lindinger, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 233003 (2008) (selected for cover figure of Volume 100, Number 23 and for the July 2008 issue of the Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science)


47. Parametric polarization pulse shaping demonstrated for optimal control of NaK, S. M. Weber, M. Plewicki, F. Weise, and A. Lindinger, J. Chem. Phys. 128, 174306 (2008) (also published in the Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science, June 2008)


48. Optimal control of multiphoton ionization of Rb2 molecules in a magneto-optic trap, F. Weise, S. Birkner, A. Merli, S. M. Weber, F. Sauer, L. Wöste, A. Lindinger, W. Salzmann, T. G. Mullins, J. Eng, M. Albert, R. Wester, and M. Weidemüller, Phys. Rev. A 76, 063404 (2007)


49. Interferometric generation of parametrically shaped polarization pulses, S. M. Weber, F. Weise, M. Plewicki, and A. Lindinger, Appl. Opt. 46, 5987-5990 (2007)


50. Multi-objective optimization on alkali dimers, S. M. Weber, F. Sauer, M. Plewicki, A. Merli, L. Wöste, and A. Lindinger, J. Mod. Opt. 54, 2659-2666 (2007)


51. High resolution coherent control measurements on KRb, F. Sauer, A. Merli, L. Wöste, and A. Lindinger, Chem. Phys. 334, 138-143 (2007)


52. Independent control over the amplitude, phase, and polarization of femtosecond pulses, M. Plewicki, S. M. Weber, F. Weise, and A. Lindinger, Appl. Phys. B 86, 259-263 (2007)


53. Isotopomer selective optimization of the 39K85Rb+ and 41K87Rb+ ion yields using optimal control, A. Merli, F. Sauer, L. Wöste, and A. Lindinger, Eur. Phys J. D 42, 217-220 (2007)


54. Application of phase, amplitude, and polarization shaped pulses for optimal control on molecules, F. Weise, S. M. Weber, M. Plewicki, and A. Lindinger, Chem. Phys. 332, 313-317 (2007)


55. Towards biosensing of arterioscrerotic nanoplaque formation using femtosecond spectroscopy, M. Rodriguez, A. Lindinger, N. P. Ernsting, M. Malmsten, and G. Siegel, Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 460, 92-99 (2007)


56. The nucleation of ice in supercooled D2O and H2O, P. Kabath, P. Stöckel, A. Lindinger, and H. Baumgärtel, J. Mol. Liq. 125, 204-211 (2006)


57. Femtosecond dynamics of proteoheparan sulphate (HS-PG) after UV excitation – a readout for arteriosclerotic nanoplaque formation?, M. Rodriguez-Langlodz, A. Lindinger, J. L. Pérez Lustres, S. A. Kovalenko, N. P. Ernsting, L. Wöste, and G. Siegel, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comn. 345, 886-893 (2006)


58. Coherent control with shaped femtosecond laser pulses applied to ultracold molecules, W. Salzmann, U. Poschinger, R. Wester, M. Weidemüller, A. Merli, S. M. Weber, F. Sauer, M. Plewicki, F. Weise, A. Mirabal Esparza, L. Wöste, and A. Lindinger, Phys. Rev. A 73, 023414 (2006) (also published in the Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science, Vol. 5, Issue 3, March 2006)


59. Laser-induced fluorescence spectra of tetracene complexes with Ne, H2O, D2O inside He droplets, A. Lindinger, N. Pörtner, J. P. Toennies, and A. F. Vilesov, Chem. Phys. Lett. 429, 1-7 (2006)


60. Optimal control methods applied on the ionization processes of alkali dimers, A. Lindinger, S. M. Weber, A. Merli, F. Sauer, M. Plewicki, and L. Wöste, J. Photochem. Photobio. A: Chemistry, 180, 256-261 (2006)


61. Optimal control of filamentation in air, R. Ackermann, E. Salmon, N. Lascoux, J. Kasparian, P. Rohwetter, K. Stelmaszczyk, S. Li, A. Lindinger, L. Wöste, P. Béjot, L. Bonacina, J.-P. Wolf, Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 171117 (2006)


62. Phase, amplitude, and polarization shaping with a pulse shaper in a Mach-Zehnder interferometer, M. Plewicki, S. M. Weber, F. Weise, and A. Lindinger, Appl. Opt. 45, 8354-8359 (2006)


63. Isotope selective photoionization of NaK by optimal control: theory and experiment, B. Schäfer-Bung, V. Bonacic-Koutecky, F. Sauer, S. M. Weber, L. Wöste, and A. Lindinger, J. Chem. Phys. 125, 214310 (2006)


64. Revealing spectral field features and mechanistic insights by control pulse cleaning, A. Lindinger, S. M. Weber, C. Lupulescu, F. Vetter, M. Plewicki, A. Merli, L. Wöste, A. Bartelt, and H. Rabitz, Phys. Rev. A 71, 013419-1-7 (2005) (also published in the Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science, February 2005, Volume 4, Issue 2)


65. Learning from the acquired optimized pulse shapes about the isotope selective ionization of potassium dimers, A. Lindinger, C. Lupulescu, F. Vetter, M. Plewicki, S. M. Weber, A. Merli, and L. Wöste, J. Chem. Phys. 122, 024312 (2005) (also published in the Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science, January 2005, Volume 4, Issue 1)


66. Optimized isotope selective ionization of 23Na39K and 23Na41K by applying evolution strategies, F. Vetter, M. Plewicki, A. Lindinger, A. Merli, S. M. Weber, and L. Wöste, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 7, 1151-1156 (2005)


67. Application of parametric time and frequency domain shaping on small alkali clusters, S. M. Weber, A. Lindinger, F. Vetter, M. Plewicki, A. Merli, and L. Wöste, Eur. Phys. J. D, 33, 39-42 (2005)


68. Optimal control of isotope selective fragmentation, A. Lindinger, A. Merli, M. Plewicki, F. Vetter, S. M. Weber, and L Wöste, Chem. Phys. Lett. 413, 315-320 (2005)


69. Optimal control of multiphoton dissociation and ionization processes in small NamKn clusters, A. Bartelt, A. Lindinger, S. Vajda, C. Lupulescu, and L. Wöste, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 6, 1679-1686 (2004)


70. Spectral modification of supercontinuum light by means of fs-light pulses optimized in closed learning loops, A. Lindinger, M. Plewicki, S.M. Weber, C. Lupulescu, and L. Wöste, Optica Applicata Vol. XXXIV, 341-347 (2004)


71. The effects of isotope substitution and nuclear spin modifications on the spectra of complexes of tetracene complexes with hydrogen molecules in ultracold 0.37 K He droplets, A. Lindinger, J. P. Toennies, and A. F. Vilesov, J. Chem. Phys. 121, 12282-12292 (2004)


72. Isotope selective ionization by optimal control using shaped femtosecond laser pulses, A. Lindinger, C. Lupulescu, M. Plewicki, F. Vetter, S. M. Weber, A. Merli, and L. Wöste, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 033001 (2004)


73. Time resolved explosion dynamics of H2O droplets induced by femtosecond laser pulses, A. Lindinger, J. Hagen, L. D. Socaciu, T. M. Bernhardt, L. Wöste, D. Duft, and T. Leisner, Appl. Opt. 43, 5263-5269 (2004)


74. Optimal control of ionization processes in NaK: Comparison between theory and experiment, B. Schäfer-Bung, R. Mitric, V. Bonacic-Koutecky, A. Bartelt, C. Lupulescu, A. Lindinger, S. Vajda, S. M. Weber, and L. Wöste, J. Phys. Chem. A 108, 4175-4179 (2004)


75. Temporal and spectral optimization course analysis of coherent control experiments, S. M. Weber, A. Lindinger, M. Plewicki, C. Lupulescu, F. Vetter, L. Wöste, Chem Phys. 306, 287-293 (2004)


76. Femtosecond investigations on the ultrafast photo-dissociation dynamics of CpMn(CO)3 and its fragment ions, C. Lupulescu, Š. Vajda, A. Lindinger, A. Merli, and L. Wöste, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 6, 3420-3425 (2004)


77. Selective ionization via different electronic pathways by optimal control demonstrated for 23Na39K/23Na41K, A. Lindinger, F. Vetter, C. Lupulescu, M. Plewicki, S. M. Weber, A. Merli, and L. Wöste, Chem. Phys. Lett. 397, 123-127 (2004)


78. Contrôle cohérent de la dynamique de fragmentation d'agrégats alcalins, A. Lindinger, C. Lupulescu, J. Le Roux, A. Bartelt, Š. Vajda, and L. Wöste, J. de Phys. IV France 119, 57-71 (2004)


79. Photoelectron imaging of He droplets, D. S. Peterka, A. Lindinger, L. Poisson, M. Ahmed, and D. M. Neumark, Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 043401 (2003)


80. Femtosecond pump-probe experiments on non-stoichiometric sodium-fluoride clusters I. First direct observation of periodical structural changes in Na2F, C. Lupulescu, Š. Vajda, A.   Lindinger, A. Merli, and L. Wöste, Eur. Phys. J. D 24, 173-176 (2003)


81. Coherent control of alkali cluster fragmentation dynamics, A. Lindinger, C. Lupulescu, A. Bartelt, Š. Vajda, and L. Wöste, Spectrochimica Acta Part B 58, 1109-24 (2003)


82. One parameter fs-pulse form control on NaK and Na2K, A. Bartelt, A. Lindinger, C. Lupulescu, Š. Vajda, and L. Wöste, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 5, 3610-15 (2003)


83. Optimal control on multi-photon dynamics of small alkali aggregates, A. Lindinger, A. Bartelt, C. Lupulescu, Š. Vajda, and L. Wöste, SPIE 5258, 25-39 (2003)


84. Frequency dependent optimization of the ionization process in NaK by means of fs-light pulses, C. Lupulescu, A. Lindinger, M. Plewicki, A. Merli, S. M. Weber, and L. Wöste, Chem. Phys. 296, 63-69 (2003)


85. The phonon wings in the (S1  S0) spectra of tetracene, pentacene, porphin and phthalocyanine in liquid helium droplets, M. Hartmann, A. Lindinger, J. P. Toennies, and A. F. Vilesov, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 4, 4839-4844 (2002)


86. Splitting of the zero phonon lines of indole, 3-methyl indole, tryptamine and N-acetyl tryptophan amide in helium droplets, A. Lindinger, E. Lugovoj, J. P. Toennies, and A. F. Vilesov, Z. Phys. Chem. 215, 401-408 (2001)


87. Hole-burning studies of the splitting in the ground and excited vibronic states of tetracene in helium droplets, M. Hartmann, A. Lindinger, J. P. Toennies, and A. F. Vilesov, J. Phys Chem A 105, 6369-6377 (2001)


88. Pump-probe study of the reconstruction of helium surrounding a tetracene molecule inside a helium droplet, A. Lindinger, J. P. Toennies, and A. F. Vilesov, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 3, 2581 (2001)


89. Spectroscopy of molecules in helium droplets, S. Grebenev, M. Hartmann, A. Lindinger, N. Pörtner, B. Sartakov, J. P. Toennies and A. F. Vilesov, Physica B 280, 65-72 (2000)


90. High resolution vibronic spectra of the amino acids tryptophan and tyrosine in 0.38 K cold helium droplets, A. Lindinger, J. P. Toennies, and A. F. Vilesov, J. Chem. Phys. 110, 1429 (1999)


91. The chemi-ionization of He*(21,3S) + Ar, Kr, Xe for collision energies from 0.003 to 6 eV, R. Feltgen, H. Ferkel, R. K. B. Helbing, A. Lindinger, D. Pikorz, and H. Vehmeyer, J. Chem. Phys. 111, 7298 (1999)


92. Laser induced fluorescence spectroscopy of van der Waals complexes of tetracene-ArN (N  5) and pentacene-Ar within ultracold liquid He droplets, M. Hartmann, A. Lindinger, J. P. Toennies, and A. F. Vilesov, Chem. Phys. 239, 139 (1998)


93. Adiabatic population transfer by acoustooptically modulated laser beams, A. Lindinger, M. Verbeek, and H.-G. Rubahn, Z. Phys. D 39, 93 (1997)


94. Evanescent wave fluorescence spectra of Na atoms, V. G. Bordo, C. Henkel, A. Lindinger, and H.-G. Rubahn, Opt. Com. 137, 249 (1997)




Other contributions:

95. Amplification of intense light fields by ‘bound states of free electrons, Mary Matthews, Timm Bredtmann, Alexander Patas, Albrecht Lindinger, Julien Gateau, Sylvain Hermelin, Jerome Kasparian, Maria Richter, Olga Smirnova, Felipe Morales, Jean-Pierre Wolf, and Misha Ivanov, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum ElectronicsConference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC), München, Germany (2017)


96. Wie das Auftauen von Schneebällen im Winter, press release of the FU Berlin, Presse- und Informationsstelle der Freien Universität Berlin, Nr. 013/2017 vom 19.01.2017


97. Selective multiphoton excitation of molecules in solution and on helium droplets by shaped laser pulses, A. Lindinger, Conference Series XXth Symposium on Atomic, Cluster and Surface Physics 2016 (SASP 2016), organized by J. Stohner and C. Yeretzian, Conference series, Innsbruck university press, p. 105, Davos, Switzerland (2016)

98. Selective multiphoton excitation by parametrically shaped laser pulses, A. Lindinger, Nonlinear Optics and applications IX, eds. M. Bertolotti, J. W. Haus, and A. M. Zheltikov, Proc. of SPIE, vol. 9503, no. 0K, Prague, Czech Republic (2015)


99. Two-photon excitation by polarization shaped laser pulses for improved anisotropy contrast, A. Lindinger, Conference Series XIXth Symposium on Atomic, Cluster and Surface Physics 2014 (SASP 2014), organized by D. Stock, R. Wester and P. Scheier, Conference series, Innsbruck university press, p. 101, Obergurgl, Austria (2014)


100. Optimal control by using parametrically polarization shaped laser pulses, A. Lindinger, Conference Series XVIIIth Symposium on Atomic, Cluster and Surface Physics 2012 (SASP 2012), M. Lewerenz, O. Dutuit, R. Marquardt, Conference series, Innsbruck university press, Alpe d’Huez, France (2012)


101. Transporting shaped pulses through an optical fiber in the nonlinear regime for selective excitation of two-photon transitions, M. Pawłowska, A. Patas, G. Achazi, N. Rahmat, and A. Lindinger, CLEO/Europe and EQEC 2011 Conference Digest, OSA Technical digest (CD) (Optical Society of America), paper CF_P4 (2011)


102. Simultaneous phase, amplitude, and polarization control of femtosecond laser pulses, A. Lindinger, S. M. Weber, M. Plewicki and F. Weise, AIP Conference Proceedings 1504, 1275-78 (2012), for ICCMSE 2009, Symposium 22, Rhodos, Greece


103. Phase, amplitude, and polarization shaping by interferometric pulse generation, A. Lindinger, S. M. Weber, F. Weise, and M. Plewicki, Atomic Cluster Collisions, Structure and Dynamics from the Nuclear to the Biological Scale, J.-P. Connerade and A. Solov’yov (eds.), Imperial College Press, London, p283-293 (2008)


104. Ultrakurze Laserpulse schweißen ultrakalte Atome zusammen, press release of the FU Berlin, Presse- und Informationsstelle der Freien Universität Berlin, Nr. 161/2008 vom 03.06.2008


105. TW lasers in air: ultra-high powers and optimal control strategies – art. No. 67332, K, L. Bonacina, P. Bejot, J. Extermann, M. Moret, R. Ackermann, N. Lascoux, E. Salmon, J. Kasparian, R. Salame, P. Rohwetter, K. Stelmaszczyk, S. Li, A. Lindinger, L. Wöste, S. Champeaux, L. Berge, C. Guet, N. Blanchot, O. Bonville, A. Boscheron, P. Canal, M. Castaldi, O. Hartmann, C. Lepage, L. Marmande, E. Mazataud, G. Mennerat, L. Patissou, D. Raffestin, and J.-P. Wolf, International Conference on Lasers, Applications, and Technologies 2007 – Environmental monitoring and ecological applications; Optical sensors in biological, chemical, and engeneering technologies; and femtosecond laser pulse filamenation, Book Series: Proceedings of the Society of photo-optical instrumentation engineers (SPIE), volume 6733, page K7332-K7332 (2007)


106. Analysis and control of small isolated molecular systems, A. Lindinger, V. Bonacic-Koutecky, R. Mitric, D. Tannor, C. P. Koch, V. Engel, T. M. Bernhardt, J. Jortner, A. Mirabal, and L. Wöste, Analysis and control of small ultrafast photoinduced reactions, O. Kühn, L. Wöste (eds.), Springer Series in Chemical Physics, Vol. 87, Springer, Heidelberg, p25-156 (2007)


107. Controlling the dynamical pathways in the ionization processes of NaK dimers, A. Lindinger, S. M. Weber, A. Merli, F. Sauer, M. Plewicki, and L. Wöste, Proceeding of the 7th Int. Conf. on Femtochemistry, Washington, USA, 17-22 July; Femtochemistry VII: Fundamental Ultrafast Processes in Chemistry, Physics, and Biology; Eds: A. W. Castleman, W. L. Jr. Kimble; Elsevier: Amsterdam, p479-489 (2006), ISBN-10 0444528210


108. Coherent control of isotope selective ionization and fragmentation of potassium, F. Sauer, A. Merli, M. Plewicki, S. M. Weber, L. Wöste, and A. Lindinger, Proceeding of the 7th Int. Conf. on Femtochemistry, Washington, USA, 17-22 July, Femtochemistry VII: Fundamental Ultrafast Processes in Chemistry, Physics, and Biology; Eds: A. W. Castleman, M. L. Jr. Kimble; Elsevier: Amsterdam, p490-494 (2006), ISBN-10 0444528210


109. Molekültrennung mit geformten Laserpulsen, A. Lindinger, C. Lupulescu, and L. Wöste, TSBmedicinews, Newsletter des Zentrums für Medizintechnik Berlin 01/2005, Ausgabe 21.02.2005


110. Learning about clusters by teaching lasers to control them, A. Lindinger, A. Bartelt, C. Lupulescu, M. Plewicki, and L. Wöste, in "Latest Advances in Atomic Cluster Collisions: Fission, Fusion, Electron, Ion and Photon Impact" (edited by J.-P. Connerade and A.V. Solov'yov), Imperial College Press, London, p. 279-290 (2004) ISBN 1-86094-495-7


111. Molekültrennung mit geformten Laserpulsen, Press release of the FU Berlin, Presse- und Informationsstelle der Freien Universität Berlin, PDW 27/2004


112. Spectral modification of white light by means of fs-light pulses optimized in closed learning loops, A. Lindinger, M. Plewicki, S.M. Weber, C. Lupulescu, and L. Wöste, Analele Universitatii de Vest din Timisoara, Vol XLIV, Seria Stiinte Fisice, p. 1-6 (2003)


113. Free phase optimization of CpMn(CO)2+ as a fragment of CpMn(CO)3 by means of shaped   femtosecond pulses, C. Lupulescu, A. Lindinger, A. Merli, M. Plewicki, and L. Wöste, Proceeding of the 6th Int. Conf. on Femtochemistry, p123-126, Paris, France, 6-10 July, ed. M. Martin and J. T. Hynes (2003)


114. Closed loop optimization of the ionization process in NaK. Learning from the optimal pulse shape, A. Lindinger, C. Lupulescu, M. Plewicki, S.M. Weber, A. Merli, F. Vetter, and L. Wöste, Proceeding of the 6th Int. Conf. on Femtochemistry, p111-122, Paris, France, 6-10 July, ed. M. Martin and J. T. Hynes (2004)


115. Control of photoinduced processes by optimally shaped laser pulses in MnCp(CO)3: Recovering the information content coded in the optimal pulse form, S. Vajda, C. Lupulescu, A. Lindinger, A. Merli, and L. Wöste, Ultrafast Phenomena XIII, Editors: R.J.D. Miller, M.M. Murnane, N.F. Scherer, and A.M. Weiner, Springer, Chemical Physics Series 71, ISBN 3-540-00089-5, p. 79 (2003)




Patent declarations:


116. Laserpulsformungsverfahren, A. Lindinger, K. Heyne, Patent application at the German Patent- und Markenamt, DE 50 2013 016 195.1 and EP 2 805 150 B1 (2012), patent holder: A. Lindinger, granted


117. Verfahren zur Mehrphotonenanregung nach einem optischen Übertragungssystem, A. Lindinger, G. Achazi, M. Pawłowska und A. Patas, Patent at the German Patent- und Markenamt, DE 10 2011 121559 (2011), patent holder: A. Lindinger, granted


118. Method and system for generating laser pulses, A. Lindinger, F. Weise, and G. Achazi, International PCT patent application, PCT/EP2011/058326 (2011), patent holder: A. Lindinger, granted


119. Method and system for generating laser pulses, A. Lindinger, F. Weise, and G. Achazi, Patent declaration at the US Patent office, US 8,223,810 (2010), patent holder: A. Lindinger, granted


120. Vorrichtung und Verfahren zur Herstellung und Detektion in Amplitude, Phase und Polarisation geformter Laserpulse, A. Lindinger, M. Plewicki, S. M. Weber und F. Weise, Patent application at the German Patent- und Markenamt, DE 10 2006 029 035 A1 (2006), patent holder: A. Lindinger, granted


121. Procedure and device for separating molecules of different excitation spectra, A. Lindinger, C. Lupulescu und L. Wöste, Patent declaration at the US Patent office (2004), US 7,276,103, patent holder: A. Lindinger, granted


122. Vorrichtung und Verfahren zur Trennung von Molekülen mit unterschiedlichen Anregungsspektren, A. Lindinger, C. Lupulescu und L. Wöste, Patent application at the German Patent- und Markenamt, DE 103 36 057 A1 (2003), patent holder: A. Lindinger, granted