SFB 658 colloquia - summer term 2011
Im Sommersemester 2011 erfolgt zunächst eine
Ort: | Fachbereich Physik, FU-Berlin, Arnimallee 14, 14195 Berlin Hörsaal A - Raum 1.3.14 (Gebäudeplan) |
Zeit: | jeweils Donnerstag 16:15 - 18:20 s.t. | |||
Datum |
Zeit |
Veranstaltung/ Thema |
Vortragender/ Institution |
Fr. 15.04.2011 | Treffen der Teilprojektleiter/ Fokusgruppen | |||
Datum |
Zeit |
Veranstaltung/ Thema |
Vortragender/ Institution |
12.05.2011 | 16:15 - 16:55 | (A1) Competition of magnetic excitations at the nanoscale |
Katharina Franke
FU Berlin, Physik |
16:55 - 17:20 | Kaffeepause | |||
17:20 - 18:20 | From supramolecular self-assembly to two-dimensional polymer |
Sylvain Clair
CNRS-IM2NP, Aix-Marseille Université, France |
Programmänderung ! | ||||
Datum |
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Veranstaltung/ Thema |
Vortragender/ Institution |
26.05.2011 | 16:15 - 16:55 | (C5) Optics and ultrafast relaxation dynamics in graphene |
Ermin Malic
TU Berlin, Physik |
16:55 - 17:20 | Kaffeepause | |||
17:20 - 18:20 | Stochastic Pulse Optimization for Surface-Mounted Chiral Molecular Switches |
Dominik Kröner
Universität Potsdam, Chemie |
Datum |
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Veranstaltung/ Thema |
Vortragender/ Institution |
16.06.2011 | 16:15 - 16:55 | (B8) Introduction to the Chemical Synthesis of Photochromes |
Stefan Hecht
HU Berlin, Chemie |
16:55 - 17:20 | Kaffeepause | |||
17:20 - 18:20 | One, Two, Oligo - Azobenzenes in a Row |
Hermann A. Wegner
University of Basel, Switzerland |
Datum |
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Veranstaltung/ Thema |
Vortragender/ Institution |
07.07.2011 | 16:15 - 16:55 | (B1) Pronounced temperature effect on the photoisomerization efficiency of surface-bound tetra-tert-butyl-azobenzene |
Petra Tegeder
FU Berlin, Physik |
16:55 - 17:20 | Kaffeepause | |||
17:20 - 18:20 | Interfacial Systems Chemistry: Surface-templated assembly of three-dimensional functional networks |
Christof Wöll
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) |
>> vorheriges Kolloquium Winter 2010/2011 |