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Publications of the Sonderforschungsbereich 658


Projektbereich A: Einzelsysteme
  • L. Gross, K.-H. Rieder, A. Gourdon, Ch. Joachim, and F.Moresco:
    Molecular Aggregation Within Self-Ordered Monolayers,
    ChemPhysChem 8, 245-249 (2007), (_abstract_)
  • T. Böhme, C.D. Simpson, K. Müllen, J.P. Rabe:
    Current-voltage characteristics of a homologous series of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons,
    Chem. Eur. J. 13, 7349 (2007),(_abstract_)
  • V. Simic-Milosevic, M. Mehlhorn, K.-H. Rieder J. Meyer, and K. Morgenstern:
    Electron induced ortho-meta isomerization of single molecules,
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 98 (11), 116102 (2007), (_abstract_), (DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.98.116102)
  • N. Henningsen, K.J. Franke, I.F. Torrente, G. Schulze, B. Priewisch, K. Rück-Braun, J. Dokic, T. Klamroth, P. Saalfrank, and J.I. Pascual:
    Inducing the Rotation of a Single Phenyl Ring with Tunneling Electrons,
    J. Phys. Chem. C, 111(40), 14843 -14848 (2007), (DOI: 10.1021/jp0741861)
  • I. Fernandez-Torrente, S. Monturet, K. J. Franke, J. Fraxedas, N. Lorente, and J. I. Pascual:
    Long-Range Repulsive Interaction between Molecules on a Metal Surface Induced by Charge Transfer,
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 176103 (2007) , (DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.99.176103)
  • L. Grill, M. Alemani, K.-H. Rieder, F. Moresco, G. Rapenne, C. Joachim, M. V. Peters, and S. Hecht:
    Study and Manipulation of Single Functionalized Molecules by Low Temperature STM,
    Scann. Probe. Microsc. 2, No. 1/2 19-23 (2007), (_abstract_), (DOI: 10.1166/jspm.2007.007)
  • L. Grill, K.-H. Rieder, F. Moresco, G. Rapenne, S. Stojkovic, X. Bouju, C. Joachim:
    Rolling a single molecular wheel at the atomic scale,
    Nature Nanotechn. 2, 95-98 (2007)
  • X. Feng, J. Wu, M. Ai, W. Pisula, L. Zhi, J.P. Rabe, K. Müllen:
    Triangle-shaped polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons,
    Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 46 (17), 3033-3036 (2007), (_no.abstract_), (DOI: 10.1002/anie.200605224)
  • C. Ropers, C. C. Neacsu, T. Elsaesser, M. Albrecht, M. B. Raschke, C. Lienau:
    Grating-coupling of surface plasmons onto metallic tips: A nanoconfined light source,
    Nano Lett. 7, 2784 (2007), (_abstract_), (DOI:10.1021/nl071340m)
  • C. Ropers, D. R. Solli, C. P. Schulz, C. Lienau, T. Elsaesser:
    Localized multiphoton emission of femtosecond electron pulses from metal nanotips,
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 043907 (2007) , (_abstract_), (DOI:10.1103/PhysRevLett.98.043907)
  • J. Lagoute, Ch. Nacci, S. Fölsch:
    Doping of monatomic Cu chains with single Co atoms,
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 146804 (2007)
  • L. Grill, M. Dyer, L. Lafferentz, M. Persson, M.V. Peters, S. Hecht:
    Nano-architectures by covalent assembly of molecular building blocks,
    Nature Nanotechn. 2, 687-691 (2007)
  • C. C. Neacsu, J. Dreyer, N. Behr, M. B. Raschke:
    Reply to "Comment on ‘Scanning-probe Raman spectroscopy with single-molecule sensitivity’ ",
    Phys. Rev. B 75, 236402/1-5 (2007)
Projektbereich B: Molekulare Ensembles
  • László Óvári, Martin Wolf, Petra Tegeder:
    Reversible Changes in the Vibrational Structure of tetra-tert-butyl-Azobenzene on a Au(111) Surface Induced by Light and Thermal Activation,
    J. Phys. Chem. C. 111 (42), 15370-15374 (2007) , DOI:10.1021/jp075274o; (_abstract_)
  • L. Grill, M. Dyer, L. Lafferentz, M. Persson, M.V. Peters, S. Hecht:
    Nano-architectures by covalent assembly of molecular building blocks,
    Nature Nanotechn. 2, 687-691 (2007)
  • Sebastian Hagen, Felix Leyßner, Dhananjay Nandi, Martin Wolf, and Petra Tegeder:
    Reversible Switching of tetra-tert-butyl-Azobenzene on a Au(111) Surface Induced by Light and Thermal Activation,
    Chem. Phys. Lett. 444, 85-90 (2007), DOI:10.1016/j.cplett.2007.07.005; (_abstract_)
  • Petra Tegeder, Sebastian Hagen, Felix Leyßner, Maike V. Peters, Stefan Hecht, Tillmann Klamroth, Peter Saalfrank, Martin Wolf: 
    Electronic structure of the molecular switch tetra-tert-butyl-azobenzene adsorbed on Ag(111), 
    Appl. Phys. A 88 (3), 465-472 (2007), DOI: 10.1007/s00339-007-4047-0; (_abstract_)
  • H. Wende, M. Bernien, J. Luo, C. Sorg, N. Ponpandian, J. Kurde, J. Miguel, M. Piantek, X. Xu, Ph. Eckhold, W. Kuch, K. Baberschke, P. M. Panchmatia, B. Sanyal, P. M. Oppeneer and O. Eriksson: 
    Substrate-induced magnetic ordering and switching of iron porphyrin molecules, 
    nature materials, 6 (6), 10. June 2007, (_abstract_)
  • N. Henningsen, K.J. Franke, I.F. Torrente, G. Schulze, B. Priewisch, K. Rück-Braun, J. Dokic, T. Klamroth, P. Saalfrank, and J.I. Pascual:
    Inducing the Rotation of a Single Phenyl Ring with Tunneling Electrons,
    J. Phys. Chem. C, 111(40), 14843 -14848 (2007), (DOI: 10.1021/jp0741861)
  • M. Karcher, C. Rüdt, C. Elsäßer und P. Fumagalli:
    Switching of non-functionalized spiropyran thin films on single crystalline MgO(100),
    J. Appl. Phys. 102, 084904 (2007), (DOI: 10.1063/1.2799090)
  • L. Grill, M. Alemani, K.-H. Rieder, F. Moresco, G. Rapenne, C. Joachim, M.V. Peters, S. Hecht:
    Study and manipulation of single functionalized molecules by low temperature STM,
    J. Scann. Probe Microsc. 2, 19-23 (2007)
  • L. Grill, M. Dyer, L. Lafferentz, M. Persson, M. V. Peters, S. Hecht:
    Nano-architectures by covalent assembly of molecular building blocks,
    Nature Nanotechn. 2, 687-691 (2007)
  • L. Grill, M. Alemani, K.-H. Rieder, F. Moresco, G. Rapenne, C. Joachim, M. V. Peters, S. Hecht:
    Study and manipulation of single functionalized molecules by low temperature STM,
    J. Scann. Probe Microsc. 2, 19 (2007)
  • J. Stähler, M. Meyer, X.Y. Zhu, U. Bovensiepen, M. Wolf:
    Dynamics of electron transfer at polar molecule-metal interfaces: The role of thermally activated tunneling,
    New J. Phys. 9, 394 (2007)
  • M. Kutschera, M. Weinelt, M. Rohlfing, and Th. Fauster:
    Image-potential-induced surface state at Si(100),
    Appl. Phys. A 88, 519 (2007)
  • B. Heinz, S. Malkmus, S. Laimgruber, S. Dietrich, C. Schulz, K. Rück-Braun, M. Braun, W. Zinth, P. Gilch:
    Comparing a Photoinduced Pericyclic Ring Opening and Closure: Differences in the Excited State Pathways,
    J. Am. Chem. Soc. 129, 8577 (2007), DOI: 10.1021/ja071396i
  • S. Xu, Y. Luo, R. Haag:
    pH-Responsive Dendritic Core-Shell Nanocarriers for Polar Dyes Based on Poly(ethylene imine),
    Macromol. Bioscience 7, 968-974 (2007)
  • M. Wyszogrodzka, M. Weinhart, R. Haag:
    Protein resistant properties of bifunctional glycerol dendrons,
    Poly. Mat. Sci. Eng. 48, 760-761 (2007)
Projektbereich C: Theorie
  • E. Räsänen, A. Castro, J. Werschnik, A. Rubio, E.K.U. Gross:
    Optimal Control of Quantum Rings by Terahertz Laser Pulses,  
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 157404 (2007), (_abstract_)
  • S. Sharma, J. K. Dewhurst, C. Ambrosch-Draxl, S. Kurth, N. Helbig, S. Pittalis, S. Shallcross, L. Nordström, E.K.U. Gross:
    First-Principles Approach to Noncollinear Magnetism: Towards Spin Dynamics,
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 157404 (2007), (_abstract_)
  • G. Stefanucci:  
    Bound states in ab initio approaches to quantum transport: A time-dependent formulation,  
    Phys. Rev. B 75, 195115 (2007), (_abstract_)
  • G. Stefanucci, S. Kurth, A. Rubio, E. K. U. Gross:  
    A time-dependent approach to electron pumping in open quantum systems,  
    arXiv:cond-mat/0701279, (_abstract_)
  • F. Elste and C. Timm:
    Cotunneling and non-equilibrium magnetization in magnetic molecular monolayers,
    Phys. Rev. B 75, 195341 (2007), DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.75.195341
  • J. Koch, E. Sela, Y. Oreg, F. von Oppen:
    Nonequilibrium charge-Kondo transport through negative-U molecules,
    Phys. Rev. B 75, 195402 (2007),  DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.75.195402
  • Qing-Miao Hu, Karsten Reuter, and Matthias Scheffler:
    Towards an Exact Treatment of Exchange and Correlation in Materials: Application to the ‘‘CO Adsorption Puzzle’’ and Other Systems,
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 98 (17), 176103 (2007) (_abstract_)
  • N. Henningsen, K.J. Franke, I.F. Torrente, G. Schulze, B. Priewisch, K. Rück-Braun, J. Dokic, T. Klamroth, P. Saalfrank, and J.I. Pascual:
    Inducing the Rotation of a Single Phenyl Ring with Tunneling Electrons,
    J. Phys. Chem. C, 111(40), 14843 -14848 (2007), (DOI: 10.1021/jp0741861)
  • P. Tegeder, S. Hagen, F. Leyssner, M.V. Peters, S. Hecht, T. Klamroth, P. Saalfrank, M. Wolf:
    Electronic structure of the molecular switch tetra-tert-butyl-azobenzene adsorbed on Ag(111),
    Appl. Phys. A 88, 465 (2007)
  • G. K. Paramonov, I. Andrianov, P. Saalfrank:
    Breaking relaxing bonds at a H:Si(100)-(2×1) surface with infrared laser pulses,
    J. Phys. Chem. C 111, 5432 (2007)