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The Collaborative Research Center 658 attaches great importance to providing equal opportunities to its members. We particularly aim at supporting scientists to cope with the double burden of their scientific work and family commitments.


Female scientists

  • Financial support for job training, coaching, or mentoring
  • Financial support for a stand-in for female principal investigators during maternity or parental leave


Scientists with children

  • Financial support for childcare costs during scientific events of the Center, or in other exceptional circumstances such as overtime work
  • Financial support for installation of a home office
  • Installation of family rooms including a workstation, upgrading of already existing family rooms as needed
  • Additional travel allowances for scientists with children to provide for exceptional childcare costs during conferences:
    • travel and accommodation expenses for accompanying children and babysitters
    • additional childcare costs at home due to the absence of one parent during conferences
  • Support of scientists with children by a dedicated assistant
    • extra position for a student assistant (up to 40 hours/month)
    • in case of a reduction of working hours: financial support for an extra position of a scientific assistant


For more information, contact the SFB administration.


Relevant links

Family Support Center of Freie Universität Berlin

Stress seminar for scientists with children offered by the Family Support Center of Freie Universität Berlin

ProFiL (Professionalisierung für Frauen in Forschung & Lehre: Mentoring - Training - Networking); program flyer

Womens' Representative of the Department of Physics of Freie Universität Berlin