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Women for Quantum - Manifesto of Values

We are happy to see the manifesto of values by the Women for Quantum published on arXiv. It will hopefully serve as basis and starting point for how research is done in quantum physics, in particular in a more inclusive and more diverse professional environment.

Jul 17, 2024 | AG Koch

Carl-Ramsauer-Preis 2023

Congratulations to Sabrina Patsch, who is one of the winners of this year's Carl Ramsauer Prize 2023. 

Nov 09, 2023 | AG Koch

Nachweis von Quanteneffekten beim Zusammenstoß von Wasserstoffmolekülen

Studie von Quantenphysikerin Prof. Dr. Christiane Koch von der Freien Universität Berlin in „Science“ erschienen

Apr 17, 2023 | AG Koch

Was forschst du da? Frau­en in der Wis­sen­schaft

24 Wis­sen­schaft­le­rin­nen stel­len sich vor

Jan 12, 2023 | AG Koch

New Scientific Finding: Light Can Be Used to Control Molecular Handedness

Researchers at Freie Universität Berlin took part in a new study on chiral molecules recently published in "Science Advances"

Dec 13, 2022 | AG Koch

New publication

The article "Rydberg Atom-Enabled Spectroscopy of Polar Molecules via Förster Resonance Energy Transfer" is published by the Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 

Nov 14, 2022 | AG Koch

Runner up prize for Sabrina Patsch

Sabrina Patsch won second prize in the QUANTUM SHORTS 2021/2022 competition with her short story "Quantum et Circenses".

May 17, 2022 | AG Koch

New Chair of the Quantum Optics Division

Prof. Dr. Christiane Koch is Chair of the Quantum Optics Division of the German Physical Society from 2022 to 2024

Mar 18, 2022 | AG Koch

New publication in Physical Review Letters

The article "Resource-Efficient Dissipative Entanglement of Two Trapped-Ion Qubits" is published by PRL with Karl Horn and Christiane Koch as co-authors and in collaboration with the ion trapping group at NIST Boulder.

Mar 18, 2022 | AG Koch

Paper has been published

The article "Fano interference in quantum resonances from angle-resolved elastic scattering" has been published by Nature Communications.

Dec 13, 2021 | AG Koch

Deutsche Science Slam Meisterschaft 2021

Sabrina Patsch ist Vizemeisterin der Deutschen Science Slam Meisterschaft 2021. Herzlichen Glückwunsch!

Nov 30, 2021 | AG Koch

Fundamental bounds on qubit reset

New article "Fundamental bounds on qubit reset" has been published by Physical Review Research.

Feb 08, 2021 | AG Koch

New paper published by nature chemistry

Determining the nature of quantum resonances by probing elastic and reactive scattering in cold collisions

Dec 08, 2020 | AG Koch

Optimally controlled quantum discrimination and estimation

New publication in Phys. Rev. Research is out. We show how to improve and stabilize distinguishability between two qubit states using optimal control.

Sep 11, 2020 | AG Koch

Online Vortrag FU-SommerUni

Der online Vortrag "Informationsparadoxon der schwarzen Löcher" im Rahmen der Sommeruni der FU Berlin von Daniel Reich ist jetzt verfügbar,

Jul 30, 2020 | AG Koch

New publication out! "Fast Navigation in a Large Hilbert Space Using Quantum Optimal Control"

The article "Fast Navigation in a Large Hilbert Space Using Quantum Optimal Control" in collobaration with experimentalists from Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, Collège de France has been published by Physical Review X. We use optimal control to experimentally prepare states in Rydberg atoms for which no intuitive preparation method is known.

Jun 18, 2020 | AG Koch

Quantum Dynamics and Control Berlin is in Twitter now!


May 26, 2020 | AG Koch

Article "Simulation of open-quantum-system dynamics using the quantum Zeno effect"

The article "Simulation of open-quantum-system dynamics using the quantum Zeno effect" has been published online today, 06 May 2020, in the 1 May 2020 issue of Physical Review Research (Vol. 2, No. 2)

May 07, 2020 | AG Koch

Waffen für Superhelden

Second prize in the Q-Science Slam 2020 went to Sabrina Patsch, a doctoral student at Freie Universität Berlin.

Mar 31, 2020 | AG Koch

New article is published by nature communications

Phase protection of Fano-Feshbach resonances is published by nature communications, see this link .

Feb 24, 2020 | AG Koch