Information to Advanced Atomic and Molecular Physics
Online-Lecture: Advanced Atomic and Molecular Physics SoSe 2021
If you want to participate, you need to register for the course in the Campus Managements System (CMS) of the Freie Universität Berlin. If you cannot register in the CMS, send me an email ( with an explanation, why you want to participate.
I will send a password to all participants (via email) to enable access to teaching material. It is not allowed to share the teaching material with other persons.
The lectures and supporting material will be uploaded at least three days before the lecture date. You can listen to the lecture at your own pace and are encouraged to read books to deepen your understanding.
Videos, teaching material, exercises, and information how to join the tutorials and lecture discussions are available HERE, but password protected.
If you want to prepare yourself for the lecture, you should be familiar with the Introduction to Atomic and Molecular physics I and part II. Moreover, we will partly follow the following book content.