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Importing people from the people database

How can you extract the staff list from the People database of the physics department and integrate it into CMS?

Inside the "Startseitenordner" of your work group you need to create an iFrame-folder called "mitarbeiter" (provided this is the folder name on the German site) with a title of your choice, e.g. Staff.

In the section Basisdaten iFrame of the folder you will find the input field Frame URL, where you insert the following URL:


The page generated from the People database will be visible as embedded frame (iframe) into the current page.

When you search for your work group in the People database of the physics department, you will see an URL like


which displays the Einr_Kurz={Number} which provides the data of the work group in question and which you will need to include in the URL in the CMS field.

Failing that, you can always request this number from the Keyuser of the department .