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AG Example

Area of research

Prof. Dr. xyz, Phone 5xxxx

who is this?

who is this?

Arnimallee 14
Room a.b.c
D-14195 Berlin-Dahlem
Frau xxxxx, Raum a.b.c
(++49|0) 30-838-5xxxx

Research Topics

 Here a brief description of the research topics should be included.



This is an example page for a workgroup home page using the FU Content Managment System (CMS2). Multiple layouts of the same feature are meant to illustrate the differences and should - of course - be avoided on a real website.


  1. The home page for a group should always be a Startseitenordner, because it has more configuration options than a Standardordner (see "Feldgruppen" under folder properties). Important are the following settings in the Configuration Properties.
  2. A picture at the top (584x102 pixels) can optionally be integrated into each "Startseitenordner".
  3. For the English representation a second identical path under physik/en/einrichtungen/ag/ag-xxxx has to be created and maintained by the editor. Please make sure that the English language version is in this path! Please note that the names of all folders and files in all language versions need to be identical. If the folder or file  in the German path is called "forschung", then the name in the English path has to be called "forschung" as well, not "research". However, the title of files and folders can be translated and need not be the same. It has become common practice to maintain the German names for all language versions. Many groups want to maintain an exclusively English-language version. Of course this is possible, but there should be at least one German page with a summary of research interests. An example of how this can be done you will see here. A box  is shown on the right page side with links to the English pages (an English menu on a German page is no longer possible).
  4. Creating such a box with links is not difficult:
    1. Underneath the "Startseitenordner" you need to create a folder based on the template "Ordner für Inhaltselemente". Usually, this is called "box". See example (1).
    2. In this folder you create a text-element based on the template "Text-Box". And in this document in the input fields called "Links zum Thema" you need to include the links to your folders in the English path. See example(2).
    3. In order to make this box visible on your website you need to adjust the configuration settings of the "Startseitenordner".  Under the menu item "Erscheinungsbild / Boxen der rechten Spalte" you need to add the link to your textbox on the website. See illustration 3 and illustration 4.
  5. Pages with restricted access are possible. Such pages are either
    1. only internally visible (IP-based)
    2. only  accessible for authorized users with password (password protection for certain folders and paths).
    The set-up of such pages can only be done by CMS administrators. Please inform the keyuser of the department or contact the CMS Team.
  6. Once your website is ready to go online, please inform the keyuser of the department and provide the following information:
  • name of the working group
  • taitle of the field of research

For CMS-specific questions about the operation of the system, please contact the CMS keyuser or write an email to cms@cedis.fu-berlin.de.

The CeDiS website also has valuable documentation (only available in German).

For all questions about the physics department web site, you can write an email to webteam@physik.fu-berlin.de.