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Positions in quantum error correction

A domain wall color code that is particularly well suited for biased noise.

A domain wall color code that is particularly well suited for biased noise.

We offer a full postdoctoral position and a PhD position on the theory of quantum error correction. We have a strong team in this field of research. Possible topics are 

  • the exploration of new quantum codes such as qLDPC codes,
  • the development of new instances of efficient decoders, and
  • notions at the interface of quantum error correction and quantum many-body physics.

That said, the setting will allow for substantial academic freedom, so that other topics can also be addressed.

It is connected to a newly established ERC Advanced Grant, and has numerous contact points to projects in the prestigious German quantum hardware programme. The postdoctoral position is on the E13 pay scale, designed for postdoctoral researchers, and all previous work experience including that towards the PhD can be respected when determining the salary scale. The PhD position is on the E13 3/4 pay scale. All job related questions and inquiries should be sent to both jense@physik.fu-berlin.de and applicationsqmio@gmail.com