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Work on quantum error correction in the Physical Review Letters

A domain wall color code for quantum error correction for biased quantum noise.

A domain wall color code for quantum error correction for biased quantum noise.

Quantum computing will scalably work only if appropriate methods of quantum error correction and fault tolerance are being made use of. In new work published in the Physical Review Letters, we introduce the domain wall color code, a new variant of the quantum error-correcting color code that exhibits exceptionally high code-capacity error thresholds for qubits subject to biased noise. In the infinite bias regime, a two-dimensional color code decouples into a series of repetition codes, resulting in an error-correcting threshold of 50%. Interestingly, at finite bias, our color code demonstrates thresholds identical to those of the noise-tailored XZZX surface code for all single-qubit Pauli noise channels. The design principle of the code is that it introduces domain walls which permute the code's excitations upon domain crossing. For practical implementation, we supplement the domain wall code with a scalable restriction decoder based on a matching algorithm. The proposed code is identified as a comparably resource-efficient quantum error-correcting code highly suitable for realistic noise.

News from Sep 22, 2024

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