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A new major research network in Berlin on near-term quantum computing

Einstein Research Unit on near-quantum devices and computing

Einstein Research Unit on near-quantum devices and computing

We have set up a new major research network on near-term quantum devices and quantum computing within the Berlin University Alliance of Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin und Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin.

The premise of this network is particularly fun and exciting since people working on quantum information theory are coming together with experts in combinatorical optimization, other readings of applied mathematics, with machine learning, high energy physics and quantum chemistry, as well as with experimentalists in quantum optics. So ideas of quantum software meet those of quantum hardware implementation.

It is the first project within the Berlin Excellence Initiative of the Berlin University Alliance. We sincerely hope it will be good for the research field and for the Berlin academic landscape.

A press release can be found here.

News from May 06, 2021

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