Our team wins QHack 2021
The team "Notorious FUB", a team composed of the PhD students of our group Peter-Jan Derks, Paul K. Faehrmann, Elies Gil-Fuster, Thomas S. Hubregtsen, Johannes Jakob Meyer, and the friend of the family David Wierichs have won the prestigious QHack 2021—the quantum machine learning hackathon.
Participants from more than 85 countries tested their skills against one another to claim the top spots on the leaderboard on a topic of near-term quantum computing. At stake was more than bragging rights: top teams could unlock a share of $100k in credits for quantum computing platforms, early access to unreleased services, and internships at a world-famous scientific lab.
A press release can be found here.
Congratulations to this amazing achievement!
News from May 01, 2021