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New international network on quantum thermodynamics

A new exciting research network on quantum thermodynamics funded by the German Research Foundation as a Research Unit has just been installed (see the press release of the DFG). The new research field of quantum thermodynamics is enjoying significant interest recently. At the same time, demonstrations of genuine thermal machines are lacking. This research network sets out to realize such machines and demonstrate their quantum features.

Partners of this German-Austrian-Israeli network are

  • Jens Eisert (FU Berlin), spokesperson,
  • Joachim Ankerhold (Ulm),
  • Gershon Kurizki (Weizmann),
  • Fred Jendrzejewski (Heidelberg),
  • Eric Lutz (Erlangen),
  • Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler (Mainz)
  • Joerg Schmiedmayer (Vienna)
  • Kilian Singer (Kassel)
  • Joerg Wrachtrup (Stuttgart).

More information will follow soon.

News from Jul 04, 2018

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