Andrea Bossmann

Freie Universität Berlin
Physics Department
AG Erlemann/Science Studies
Main fields of research:
Cultural & Social Studies in STEM
Gender, Queer and Diversity Studies in STEM
Science and Technology Studies (STS)
Higher Education Studies
Since 10/2019: PhD candidate in Gender Studies in STEM, Center for Interdisciplinary Women's and Gender Studies, TU Berlin, advisor: Prof. Dr. Petra Lucht
2017-2019: Certificate program Gender Pro MINT (Gender studies in STEM), TU Berlin
08/2012: Master of Science in Earth and Environmental Sciences, Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
08/2010: Diplom in Physics (German Master of Science equivalent), Univ. Würzburg, Germany (Physics studies at Univ. Würzburg: 10/2004 – 07/2007 and 06/2008 – 08/2010)
08/2007-05/2008: Study abroad, MSc Physics program, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India
Professional Memberships & Service
Since 2021: German Sociological Association, Section Women's and Gender Studies
Since 2017: Delegate of the German Physical Society to the International Conference on Women in Physics (ICWIP) of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP)
Since 2017: German Gender Studies Association (Fachgesellschaft Geschlechterstudien)
Since 2014: Working group on equal opportunities of the German Physical Society (Board member 2015-2019)
Since 2014: Co-organizer of many events and conferences for diversity and women in STEM (e.g., German Conference on Women in Physics 2015, Women's Careers and Networks 2016, I, Scientist 2017, 2018, 2019)
2016 - 2020: Deutscher Ingenieurinnenbund (German female engineers' association)
2014 - 2016: Minerva-FemmeNet, women scientists' network of the Max Planck Society
Since 2012: German Physical Society/Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (DPG)
2010 - 2012: American Geophysical Union
Scholarships and Awards
02/2013 - 04/2013: IMPRS Fellowship of the International Max Planck Research School on Processes in the Solar System and Beyond, Katlenburg-Lindau/Göttingen, Germany
05 - 08/2012: Rackham International Student Fellowship, University of Michigan, USA
08/2007 - 05/2008: Full scholarship of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) to study at IIT Madras, Chennai, India, for 2 semesters
06/2004: Award of the German Physical Society (DPG) for excellent achievements in Physics at highschool
06/2002: Goose High School Honours Certificate in Recognition of Outstanding Academic Excellence, Labrador, Newfoundland, Canada
04/2002: Award of Spoken French of Labrador, Newfoundland, Canada
Research and related work experience
Since 07/2022: Researcher in the working group Erlemann, Department of Physics, FU Berlin, project: Diversity in the physics workplace – A case study at the Freie Universität Berlin
Since 10/2019: PhD candidate, research assistant (2019-2020), associate lecturer (2020) at the chair Gender in STEM and urban and regional Planning/Feminist Studies in Science, Technology und Society, Center for Interdisciplinary Women's and Gender Studies, TU Berlin, advisor: Prof. Dr. P. Lucht
04/2016 – 12/2019: Co-founder and executive board member, Lise-Meitner-Gesellschaft e.V., coordinator I, Scientist conferences 2017, 2018 and 2019 in Berlin
10/2016 – 06/2017: Research assistant, Institute of Applied Physics, Univ. Münster, group of Prof. Dr. Denz
05/2013 – 09/2016: Research assistant in numerical dynamo modeling of magnetic field generation in ice giant planets, Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, Göttingen, group of Prof. Dr. Christensen
09/2010 – 08/2012: Research and teaching assistant in geophysics, Dept. of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Michigan, group of Prof. Dr. van Keken
07/2009 – 08/2010: Diplom project on the behaviour of pyroclast-particles in a conduit, Physical Volcanological Laboratory, Univ. Würzburg, advisors: Prof. Dr. B. Zimanowski, Dr. J. Pflaum
Duchardt, D., A.B. Bossmann and C. Denz (Eds.) (2019): Vielfältige Physik: Wissenschaftlerinnen schreiben über ihre Forschung, Springer Spektrum, Heidelberg, doi: 10.1007/978-3-662-58035-6.
Articles (peer-reviewed):
Bossmann, A.B. and A. Sandner (2023): Women in Physics in Germany: Current Developments and Actions Taken Toward Equal Opportunities, American Institute of Physics Proceedings of the 7th IUPAP Intl Conference on Women in Physics, 3040, 050016.
Ağanoğlu, R. and A.B. Bossmann (2019): Areas of Action: Equal opportunities for women in Physics in Germany, American Institute of Physics Proceedings of the 6th IUPAP Intl Conference on Women in Physics, 050017.
Bossmann, A.B. and P.E. van Keken (2013): Dynamics of plumes in a compressible mantle with phase changes: implications for phase boundary topography, Phys. Earth Planet. Int. 224, 21-31, doi: 10.1016/j.pepi.2013.09.002.
Discussion contributions:
Bossmann, A.B., M. Erlemann, C. Reuter, L.-M. Rudek (2023): Intersektionalität am Arbeitsplatz Physik, Geschlechter*Gerecht Blog:
Bossmann, A.B. (2018): Ein Plädoyer für mehr Diversität in der starren Fachkultur der Physik, Physik Journal 17 (6) S. 3.
Engendering equality, Interview mit eLife Sciences vom 12.07.2017,
Interview mit Die ZEIT Chancenbrief vom 12.06.2017 zu Engagement für Chancengleichheit in der Wissenschaft.
Conference presentations (first or presenting author and convener):
V = talk, P = poster, C = convener, W = workshop
Bossmann, A.B. and M. Erlemann (2024): Researching In/Exclusion Processes Within Your Own Department: A Study on Workplace Cultures in a Physics Department in Germany, Inaugural stsing (STS in Germany) conference, TU Dresden, 19.-22.03.2024 (V)
Bossmann, A.B. (2023): What does gender have to do with physics? - Insights from research on science cultures, Grete Hermann Network, Exzellenzcluster ct.qmat – Complexity and Topology in Quantum Matter, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, 31.07.-02.08.2023 (invited, V)
Bossmann, A.B., Erlemann, M. and Sandner, A. (2023): Reasons for the persisting underrepresentation of women in physics: insights from research on disciplinary cultures, 8th International Conference on Women in Physics, India/online, 09.-14.07.2023 (V, P)
Traulsen, I., Ağanoğlu, R., Böhm, U., Sandner, A., Bossmann, A.B., Zacarias, A., Metzelthin, A. (2023): Gender Imbalance in Physics Education and Employment in Germany: Trends and Challenges, 8th International Conference on Women in Physics, India/online, 09.-14.07.2023 (V, P)
Bossmann, A.B. (2023): Was hat Physik mit Gender und Diversität zu tun? Ein kritischer Blick auf die physikalischen Wissenschaften, Kritisches Mathe-Informatik-Naturwissenschaften Einführungslabor der PhLyNTA* Initiative, Freie Universität Berlin, 18.04.2023 (invited, V/W)
Bossmann, A.B. (2022): Gender within the culture of physics, Invited Keynote at the 26. Dt. Physikerinnentagung, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, 24.-27.11.2022 (invited, V)
Bossmann, A.B. (2022): Queer perspectives on the culture of physics, Symposium Research/er/ed: Navigating, disrupting, and exploring liminal spaces between researcher and researched, London School of Economics and Political Science, 03.10.2022 (V)
Bossmann, A.B. and A. Sandner (2021): The status of women in physics in Germany: an analysis of the statistical data and current developments, 25. Dt. Physikerinnentagung, Univ. Duisburg-Essen (online), 08.-10.11.2021 (P)
Diversity in Physics? - Discussion session with a talk by Prof. Dr. Helene Götschel, 84th Annual Meeting of the German Physical Society, Berlin (online), 27.09.-01.10.2021 (C)
Bossmann, A.B. (2021): Was hat Physik mit Geschlecht zu tun? Spannende Erkenntnisse aus der Fachkulturforschung, Ringveranstaltung Gender und Diversity in Sprache, Gesellschaft und Praxis, Univ. Stuttgart (online), 16.07.2021 (invited, V/W)
Bossmann, A.B. and A. Sandner (2021): Women in physics in Germany: current developments and actions taken towards equal opportunities, IUPAP International Conf. on Women in Physics, Melbourne, Australia (online), 11.-16.07.2021 (V, P)
Bossmann, A.B. and F. Kaiser (2019): Intersections of gender, ethnicity, and sexual identity within the culture of physics in Germany, 23. Dt. Physikerinnentagung, Berlin, 14.-17.11.2019 (V/W)
Ağanoğlu, R. and A.B. Bossmann (2017): Equal opportunities in physics in Germany, 21. Dt. Physikerinnentagung, Ilmenau, 28.09.-01.10.2017 (P)
Bossmann, A.B., A. Gerbes, D. Gkogkou, J. Liu, K. Lovrek, S. Amairi Pyka, R. Tabbash and A. Valenzuela (2017): Effectively addressing gender equality in natural sciences and mathematics: I, Scientist - The conference on gender, career paths and networking, 21. Dt. Physikerinnentagung, Ilmenau, 28.09.-01.10.2017 (P)
Ağanoğlu, R. and A.B. Bossmann (2017): Areas of Action: Equal opportunities for women in physics in Germany, IUPAP International Conference on Women in Physics, Birmingham, UK, 16.-20.07.2017 (V, P)
Bossmann, A.B. (2017): Speech at the GENERA Gender in Physics Day, Dt. Elektronen-Synchrotron, Hamburg, 12.01.2017 (invited, V)
Bossmann, A.B., K. Reininger, F. Flegel, U. Böhm, M.O. Lenz, J. Fabian, L. Schiestl and M. Oßwald (2016): New ways to improve gender equality in the natural sciences & mathematics, 20. Dt. Physikerinnentagung, Hamburg, 03.-06.11.2016 (P)
Bossmann, A.B., J. Wicht, T. Gastine and U.R. Christensen (2015): Dynamo models for magnetic field generation in Uranus and Neptune, Stellar and Planetary Dynamos Conference, Göttingen, 26.-29.05.2015 (P)
Bossmann, A.B., J. Wicht, T. Gastine and U.R. Christensen (2015): Dynamo models for magnetic field generation in ice giant planets, 5th DFG-SPP 1488: Planetary Magnetism conference, Nördlingen, 10.-13.03.2015 (P)
Bossmann, A.B., J. Wicht, T. Gastine and U.R. Christensen (2014): Magnetic field morphology of the ice giants linked to their internal structure, HP4: Joint conf. on High Pressure, Planetary and Plasma Physics, Rostock, 24.-26.09.2014 (P)
Bossmann, A.B., J. Wicht, T. Gastine and U.R. Christensen (2013): The exceptional magnetic fields of Uranus and Neptune: Possible generation mechanisms, 17. Dt. Physikerinnentagung, Heidelberg, 31.10.-03.11.2013 (P)
Bossmann, A.B., J. Wicht, T. Gastine and U.R. Christensen (2013): Numerical dynamo models for magnetic field generation in the ice giants, International Symposium on Geophysical and Astrophysical Dynamos, Centro Stefano Franscini of ETH Zürich, Ascona, Schweiz, 07.-12.07.2013 (P)
Bossmann, A.B. and P.E. van Keken (2012): Earth mantle plumes and phase transitions, 16. Dt. Physikerinnentagung, Freiburg, 25.-28.10.2012 (P)
Bossmann, A.B. and P.E. van Keken (2012): Dynamics of plumes in a compressible mantle with phase changes, Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics (CIG) conference on Mantle Convection and Lithospheric Dynamics, UC Davis, CA, USA, 29.07.-02.08.2012 (P)
Bossmann, A.B. and P.E. van Keken (2012): Dynamics of plumes in a compressible mantle with phase changes, Michigan Geophysical Union symposium, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA, 13.04.2012 (P)
Bossmann, A.B., P.E. van Keken, J.E. Ritsema and S.D.B. Goes (2011): Dynamics of plumes in a compressible mantle: consequences for their seismic visibility, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, 5.-9.12.2011 (P)
Bossmann, A.B. and P.E. van Keken (2011): Numerical Models of Mantle Plumes, Michigan Geophysical Union symposium, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA, 24.03.2011 (P)