Activities of the Strategic Partnership 'Diversity in the Cultures of Physics'
The planned interventions will enable the network to establish collaborations in and beyond physics, including scholars from gender studies. Our work programme covers three main lines of action:
- Regarding the improvement of diversity and equality in physics, outreach events which address especially young women can be an important instrument. All the different partner universities of ‘“Diversity in the Cultures of Physics” organize outreach events and have gained special expertise in this field. One aim of the Strategic Partnership is the exchange and collection of this international expertise.
Therefore the partners will mutually visit their outreach-events in order to discuss and share their experiences especially referring to the aspect of diversity. Based on this process the Strategic Partnership will publish a flyer, in which the best ways to conceptualize outreach events will be analyzed so that they contribute to more diversity in physics.
- Design, organization and evaluation of a European summer school series for aspiring PhD students, which are held each year in tandem with changing partners. Key actors are the working groups in the physics departments of the participating universities together with regional research institutes, science policy and gender equality institutions. Essential to the summer school series is experiential reflection within the participating student peer group and the interdisciplinary collaboration of teachers. We work on establishing a sustainable network through the ensuing mentoring and monitoring contacts.
- Besides the curriculum development, a collection of lesson plans for “Gender Knowledge in Physics” are an important transferable outcome of the project. The first edition can be found here.
2019 a portrait of the project "Diversity in the Cultures of Physics" and the yearly summer school was published in "Physik Journal": M. Erlemann, E. Scheich, L. Schiestl (2019): Vielfalt für die Physik. In: Physik Journal Nr. 3: 48-51. Members of Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft have open access to it.
The creation of these resources has been (partially) funded by the ERASMUS+ grant program of the European Union under grant no. 2016-1-DE01-KA203-002918.
Neither the European Commission nor the project's national funding agency DAAD are responsible for the content or liable for any losses or damage resulting of the use of these resources.